Index of Emigrant Ships Arrivals 1870-1894

Trond Austheim's register of arrivals 1870-1894

Arrivals 1870-1894 - as reported in Norwegian newspapers:

This database contains information about transatlantic ships arriving in American ports. This includes Canadian, North American and South American ports. There are also some arrivals to other parts of the world noted. These are noted because we have reason to believe that they were carrying Norwegian emigrants to those places. The index is created from reports printed in Norwegian newspapers, based on telegrams sent from the company to the agencies in Norway. This is not a complete index of arrivals, but of all arrivals reported in the Norwegian newspapers. The register does not contain information of all ports of call, often just the last port before starting the journey across the Ocean. The ships usually used one day to sail from Liverpool to Queenstown or Belfast.

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