2009 - Børge Solem

This article contains information and bill of fare for White Star Line passengers traveling second class about 1905. There are second class plans for the steamships Celtic, Cedric, Baltic Teutonic, Majestic and Oceanic.

Celtic (2), White Star Line steamship
Picture of the S/S Celtic (2), from an old photo card
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Celtic (2), White Star Line steamship - second class cabin plan
Celtic (2), second class plan of the upper deck with the smoking
room, bar and library, promenade deck and saloon deck with the second saloon and berth rooms.
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— Berths can be secured in advance of day of sailing, and will be reserved on receipt of deposit of $10.00 a berth. Berth for the return voyage, also can be secured if application is made in time. In order to obtain a choice of berths, returning, passengers should apply for their West-bound accommodations at the same time they secure the East-bound.


— When applying for berths, either by mail or wire, please be careful to specify whether accommodation is wanted for lady or gentleman, at what rate, the number, sex, and age of children, last birthday.


— Passengers to or from points in Great Britain or Ireland, have to pay their own board and transfer expenses at Queenstown, Liverpool and other points, except that passengers booked through to or from London, and their baggage to the amount of 120 lbs. receive free transportation between the Steamer and Railway Station of the London & North Western (adjoining the Liverpool Landing Stage,) Midland or Great Western Railways, but passengers from London to avail of this free transfer must travel by the latest train to make connection with the Steamer at the embarkation hour fixed for Second Saloon passengers. No allowance for board.


— Each adult is allowed 20 cubic feet of baggage—not merchandise or furniture—free, about equal to two ordinary sized trunks. All in excess of this is liable to a charge of 25c. per cubic foot. Packages required on the voyage should not exceed 14 inches in height, 2 feet in width and 3 feet in length. All large pieces should go in the hold. Tags furnished on application. Passengers intending to land at Queenstown, should have their baggage labeled accordingly, otherwise it will be landed at Liverpool. Household Furniture, Sewing Machines, &c., are not classed as baggage, but will be charged for at the current rates. Baggage must be claimed on pier before embarking, otherwise a it may remain there at passenger's risk.

Baltic (2), White Star Line steamship second class plan
Baltic (2), second class plan, showing the dining saloon and berthing on the upper deck.
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— It is desirable that these should be placed in charge of the Purser for deposit in his safe. As no charge is made for carriage, the Company can accept no responsibility for loss or damage, however arising, but passengers can protect themselves by insurance. ADDITIONAL PASSAGE MONEY OR FREIGHT, when paid on board. should be receipted for on the Company's form. BICYCLES must be crated and will be carried at owner's risk—$2.50 is charged for transportation. DECK CHAIRS can be hired at a charge of $1.00 - 12 hours notice should be given. DOGS cannot be taken into Great Britain without a landing permit from the Board of Agriculture, London. Particulars on application. —$4.00 will be charged for each Cage of Birds


— Steamers sail from Piers 48 and 49, North River, toot of West 11th Street, New York City. LANDING.—Second Class passengers are landed in New York at the White Star Line Pier with the First Class passengers


— Second Class Passengers joining the White Star Mail Steamers at Queenstown and paying less than $5o should be there on the Wednesday night or not later than 8 o'clock on the Thursday morning. Those paying $50 or over may embark with First Class Passengers, and must be at Queenstown not later than 10.15 o'clock on the Thursday morning. Second Class Passengers joining the Steamers of the Friday service from Liverpool at Queenstown and paying less than $5o must be there the night before sailing or not later than 7 o'clock on the Saturday morning. Those paying $50 or over may embark with First Class Passengers, and must be at Queenstown not later than 8 o'clock on the Saturday morning.

Cedric, White Star Line steamship
Cedric, White Star Line steamship
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Cedric, White Star Line steamship - second class cabin plan
Cedric, second class plan of the upper deck with the smoking room, bar and library,
upper deck and saloon deck with the second class saloon and berth rooms.
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  Breakfast, 8 a. m. Dinner, 12-30 p. m. Tea, 5-30 p. m.
Sunday Quaker Oats and Milk, Boiled Hominy, Fresh Fish, Broiled Ham, Fried Eggs, Broiled Sausage, Fried Potatoes, Corn Bread, Graham and Vienna Rolls, Toast, Marmalade and Jam, Water Cress, Tea and Coffee. Celery, Chicken Broth, Fresh Fish, Anchovy Sauce, Roast Beef, Yorkshire Pudding, Roast Duck, Apple Sauce, Curried Mutton and Rice, Green Corn, Boiled Potatoes, Plum Pudding, Brandy Sauce, Short Cake, Ice Cream, Cheese, Fruit, Nuts, Coffee. Veal Chops, Minced Chicken, Twice Laid, Mashed Potatoes, Cold Ham, Roast Mutton, Pickles, Salad, Jam and Marmalade, Toast, Rock Cake, Tea and Coffee, Fresh Fruit, Compote of Apricots.
Monday Porridge and Milk, Boiled Hominy, Smoked Herring, Broiled Beef Steak, Fried Tripe and Onions, Irish Stew, Muffins, Graham and Vienna Rolls, Toast, Jam, Marmalade, Mustard and Cress, Tea and Coffee. Kidney Soup, Ling Fish and Egg Sauce, Beef Steak and Kidney Pie, Veal Cutlets, Tomato Sausage, Roast Mutton and Onion Sauce, Puree Carrots and Turnips, Boiled Potatoes, Rice Pudding, Marmalade Tartlets, Ice Cream, Cheese, Fruit, Nuts assorted, Coffee Fresh Fish, Stewed Kidneys, Broiled Sausage, Mashed Potatoes, Cold Roast Beef, Corned Ox Tongue, Pickles, Salad, Marmalade and Jam, Eccles Cake, Prunes and Rice, Toast, Tea, Coffee.
Tuesday Quaker Oats and Milk, Fresh Fish, Liver and Bacon, Mutton Chops, Fried Potatoes, Corn Bread, Graham and Vienna Rolls, Toast, Marmalade and Jam, Water Cress, Tea and Coffee. Radishes, Pea Soup, Fresh Fish, Parsley Sauce, Ox Tail Jardiniere, Roast Pork and Apple Sauce, Boiled Fowl, Bacon and Cream Sauce, Vegetables, Boiled Potatoes, Roll Jam Pudding, Cheese Cakes, Ice Cream, Cheese, Fruit, Nuts, Coffee, Kippered Herring, Broiled Beef Steak, Croquettes of Chicken, Boiled Eggs, Fried, Potatoes, Cold Brawn Ham, Pickles, Salad, Jam, Marmalade, Marmalade Tartlets, Toast, Tea and Coffee, Fresh Fruit, Compote of Apples.
Wednesday Porridge and Milk, Boiled Hominy, Finnan Haddock, Beef Steak and Onions, Broiled Sausage, Mashed Potatoes, Irish Stew, Rice Cakes, Graham and Vienna Rolls, Toast, Jam and Marmalade, Water Cress, Tea and Coffee. Consomme Printaniere, Fresh Fish and Egg Sauce, Beef Steak and Kidney Pudding, Roast Mutton and Baked Potatoes, Pigs' Cheek and Spinach, Vegetables, Boiled Potatoes, Sago Pudding, Chester Cakes, Ice Cream, Cheese, Fruit, Nuts, Coffee, Smoked Herrings, Veal Chops, Tomato Sauce Stewed Kidneys, Mashed Potatoes, Scrambled Eggs on Toast, Cold Roast Beef, Corned Tongue, Pickles, Salad Jam and Marmalade, Toast, Stewed Apricots and Rice, Short Bread, Tea and Coffee.
Thursday Quaker Oats and Milk, Boiled Hominy, Fresh Fish, Broiled Jam, Fried Eggs, Stewed Kidneys, Mashed Potatoes, Soda Scones, Graham and Vienna Rolls, Toast, Marmalade and Jam, Mustard and Cress, Tea and Coffee. Radishes, Sheep's Head Broth, Fresh Fish, Anchovy Sauce, Mutton and Potatoe Pie, Corned Beef and Vegetables, Roast Chicken Bread Sauce, Vegetables, Boiled Potatoes, Plum Pudding, Brandy Sauce, Apple Tart, Ice Cream, Cheese, Fruit, Nuts, Coffee. Cod Fish Steaks, Calves' Liver and Bacon, Ragout of Mutton, Minced Collops, Puree of Potatoes, Cold Ham, Roast Beef, Pickles, Salad, Jelly, Tartlets, Jam and Marmalade, Toast, Tea and Coffee, Compote of Peaches
Friday Porridge and Milk, Boiled Hominy, Fresh Fish, Boiled Eggs, Broiled Beef Steak, Fried Tripe and Onions, Fried Potatoes, Corn Bread, Graham and Vienna Rolls, Toast, Marmalade and Jam, Water Cress, Tea and Coffee. Pea Soup, Fresh Fish, Egg Sauce, Curried Chicken and Rice, Roast Beef, Baked Potatoes, Roast Duck, Apple Sauce, Macaroni au Gratin, Vegetables, Boiled Potatoes, College Pudding, Stewed Prunes and Rice, Ice Cream, Cheese, Fruit, Nuts, Coffee. Grilled Bloaters, Grilled Beef Steak, Rissoles of Veal, Fried Potatoes, Cold Roast Mutton, Corned Ox Tongue, Salmon, Pickles, Salad, Prunes and Rice, Toast, Jam and Marmalade, Rock Cakes, Tea and Coffee, Compote of Apples.
Saturday Quaker Oats and Milk, Boiled Hominy, Kippered Herrings, Mutton Chops, Calves' Liver and Bacon, Dry Hash, Muffins, Graham and Vienna Rolls, Toast, Marmalade and Jam, Mustard and Cress, Tea, Coffee. Puree of Tomato, Fresh Fish, Parsley Sauce, Fricassee of Chicken, Roast Veal, Lemon Sauce, Boiled Mutton and Vegetables, Caper Sauce, Vegetables, Boiled Potatoes, Tapioca Pudding, Queen's Cakes, lee Cream, Cheese, Fruit, Nuts, Coffee. Fresh Fish, Haricot Mutton, Stewed Trips and Onions, Mashed Potatoes, Cold Brawn, Roast Beef, Pickles, Toast, Sandwich Pastry, Jam, Marmalade, Tea, Coffee, Prunes and Rice.

SUPPER at 9 P. M.—Bread, Biscuits, Zwiebacks, Cheese. Tea and Coffee, as ordered.
NOTICE — The Bill of Fare may be slightly altered should circumstances require it,

Teutonic, White Star Line steamship second class plan
Teutonic, second class plan, showing the saloon deck with berthing accommodation,
upper deck with the dining saloon and the library and smoke room on the promenade deck.
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Oceanic (2), second class plan, White Star Line steamship
Oceanic (2), second class plan
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Majestic (1), White Star Line steamship - second class cabin plan
Majestic (1), second class plan showing the promenade deck with smoke room and library,
upper deck and main deck, saloon deck with dining saloon.
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