Year | Departure | Arrival | Remarks |
1881 | | Aug. 10, launched |
1881 | | Nov. 16: departed Liverpool for New York via Queenstown on her maiden voyage  |
1881 | | Nov. 17: passed Roches Point at 6 pm on way from Liverpool to New York (Capt. Parsell) |
1881 | | Nov. 23: after days in bad weather a life boat and the after turtle-back were carried away. The sailors John Roberts and Nicholas Panetti were washed over board and drowned |
1881 | Liverpool | Nov. 23 | New York | Dec. 02 | Arrived at 08:00 morning - S/S Coptic first journey |
1881 | | Dec. 7: departed New York for Liverpool |
1881 | | Dec. 22: arrived Liverpool from New York |
1881 | | Dec. 29: departed Liverpool for New York, did not call at Queenstown |
1882 | | Jan. 17: departed New York for Liverpool |
1882 | | Chartered to the Occidental & Oriental S.S. Co.  |
1882 | | June 8: arrived San Francisco from Hong Kong with 900 Chinese passengers - she was flying the yellow flag |
1882 | | June 17: departed San Francisco for Japan and China |
1882 | | July 8: arrived San Francisco from Yokohama and Hong Kong via Honolulu |
1882 | | Aug. 28: arrived San Francisco from Hong Kong and Yokohama after encountering two typhoons on the voyage |
1882 | | Sept. 10: departed San Francisco for Yokohama and Hong Kong |
1882 | | Oct. 11: departed San Francisco for China with about 1000 Chinese returned laborers |
1883 | | Jan 3: departed Shanghai |
1883 | | Jan 28: arrived San Francisco |
1884 | | Chartered for 5 years by Messrs Shaw Savill and Co. for their Liverpool - New Zealand service |
1884 | | May 13: arrived Port Chalmers  |
1884 | | May 25: Departed Plymouth for Melbourne via Thenerife the Cape and Hobart with Sir Henry B. Loch, the new Governor of Victoria and family on board |
1884 | | July 8: arrived Hobart with 1,881 passengers in 1st class 55 in 2nd. class and 119 in 3rd class |
1884 | | July 10: departed Hobart for Port Chalmers (Capt. W. H. Kidley) |
1884 | | Aug. 8: departed Lyttelton, New Zealand for London |
1884 | | Sept. 4: at Rio de Janeiro on voyage from New Zealnd to England |
1884 | | Sept. 26: arrived London with a shipment of 21,000 froren mutton from New Zealand |
1884 | | Oct. 8: departed London for Plymouth |
1884 | | Oct. 11: departed Plymouth Sound for New Zealand via Hobart |
1884 | | Nov. 3: arrived Cape Town, took on board the mail for Tasmania and coaled before deprating on Nov. 5 |
1884 | | Nov. 25: departed Hobart for Port Chalmers (Capt. W. H. Kidley) |
1884 | | Dec. 11: departed Naipier |
1884 | | Dec. 20: departed Welington with 23,000 carcases of frozen mutton |
1885 | | Jan. 15: departed Rio de Janeiro |
1885 | | Feb. 7: arrived Plymouth from New Zealand |
1885 | | Feb. 26: departed London for Plymouth. At London she had five gun ports cut in her on each side which were closed temporary by iron plates screwed on over the ports. |
1885 | | Feb. 28: departed Plymouth for New Zealand |
1885 | | March 21: departed Cape Town for Hobart |
1885 | | April 11: departed Hobart for Auckland |
1885 | | April 17: arrived at Auckland - was chartered and fitted up as a cruiser by the Admiralty to be stationed at Auckland as a colonial cruiser |
1885 | | May 5: departed Wellington under sealed orders |
1885 | | Oct. 8: departed the Royal Albert Docks (London) at 12 55 p.m. for Gravesend |
1885 | | Oct. 9: departed Gravesend for Plymouth |
1885 | | Oct. 10: departed Plymouth for Auckland via Tenerife and Cape Town |
1885 | | Oct. 15: arrived Tenerife and departed agian the next day after bunkering coal |
1885 | | Oct. 19: at Cape Verde |
1885 | | Nov. 2: arrived Cape Town with a broken propeller and had to be docked for repairs |
1885 | | Nov. 6: departed Cape Town for Auckland via Hobart |
1885 | | Nov. 25: arrived Hobart from Cape Town (Capt. W. H. Kidley) |
1885 | | Nov. 26: departed Hobart for New Zealand |
1885 | | Dec. 22: departed Lyttelton with 22,000 carcases of frozen mutton for England |
1886 | | Jan. 16: departed Rio de Janeiro for England |
1886 | | Feb. 7: arrived London with cargoof frozen mutton in good condition |
1886 | | Feb. 25: departed the Royal Albert Docks (London) for Plymouth via Gravesend |
1886 | | Feb. 27: departed Plymouth for New Zealand via other ports (Capt. W. H Kidley) |
1886 | | Mar. 3: called at Tenerife |
1886 | | Mar. 7: at Cape Verde |
1886 | | Mar. 22: called at Cape Town |
1886 | | Mar. 22: departed Cape Town for Hobart |
1886 | | Capt. W.H. Kidley, 1st officer C.H. Kempson, 2nd off. W.H. Patterson, 3rd off. D. Kerr, 4th off. H.E. Valentine, 1st engineer A. Morrison ; 2nd eng. T. Wright, 3rd eng. C.M. Thom, 4th eng. J. Carruthers, 5th eng. J. Berry, 6th eng. A. R. Deans |
1886 | | boiler maker C. Murphy, electrician F.G. Guild, 1st refrigerator eng. F. W. Peascod, 2nd refrigerator eng. H.B. Fabiand, purser W.J. Rae, surgeon Dr. Humphery, chief steward Mr. Frost. |
1886 | | Apr. 11: arrived Hobart from the Cape |
1886 | | Apr. 12: departed Hobart for New Zealand ports (Capt. W. H. Kidley) |
1886 | | May 25: departed Rio de Janeiro for London |
1886 | | June 17: arrived Plymouth |
1886 | | July 15: departed London for Plymouth |
1886 | | July 17: departed Plymouth for New Zealand via the Cape and Hobart |
1886 | | July 22: called at Tenerife |
1886 | | Aug. 8: departed Cape Town |
1886 | | Aug. 28: arrived Hobart and departed for New Zealand (Capt. W. H. Kidley) |
1886 | | Capt. Kidley, 1st officer, Robt. E. Bence, 2nd off. W.H. Patterson, 3rd off. D. Kerr, 4th off. H.E. Valentine, 1st engineer A. Morrison, 2nd eng. Thomas Wright, 3rd eng. C.W. Thom, 4th eng. J. Carruthers, 5th eng J. Berry, 6th eng. A.R. Deans,  |
1886 | | boilermaker C. Murphy, electrician S.G. Guild, 1st refrigerator eng. J.W. Peascod, 2nd refr. eng. G. McLellan, purser, W.J. Rae, surgeon F.W. Humpherey, chief steward, T.B. Frost. |
1886 | | Sept. 21: departed Lyttelton with 19,000 carcases of frozen meat for England |
1886 | | Oct. 14: departed Rio de Janeiro for Plymouth |
1886 | | Nov. 4: arrived Plymouth withe the cargo of frozen mutton in good condition |
1886 | | Dec. 2: departed London and Gravesend for New Zealand via Plymouth, Tenerife, Cape Town and Hobart  |
1886 | | Dec. 4: departed Plymouth for new Zealand via Hobart with about 200 passengers |
1886 | | Dec. 9: called at Tenerife |
1886 | | Dec. 27: called at Cape Town |
1887 | | Jan. 16: arrived Hobart, Tasmania  |
1887 | | Sept. 8: departed Royal Alabert Docks, London for Plymouth via Gravesend |
1887 | | Sept. 10: departed Plymouth for New Zealand via Teneriffe, Cape Town and Hobart (Capt. Bence) |
1887 | | Sept. 15: called at Teneriffe |
1887 | | Oct. 1: called at Cape Town |
1887 | | Oct. 20: arrived Hobart (Capt. Robert E. Bence) |
1887 | | Capt. Robert E. Bence, formerly chief officer, and previously commander of the S/S Baltic. Capt. Kidley was transfered to the S/S Ionic. Kempson was back as chief officer from having been chief officer of the S/S Arabic |
1887 | | 2nd. off. J.H. Frodsham, 3rd off D. Kerr, 4th off. H.E. Valentine, 1st eng. A. Morrison, 2nd. eng. J.W. Peascod, 3rd eng. G. McLellan, 4th eng. J. Berry, 5th. eng. E. Lloyd, boilermaker C. Murphy, electiician S.G. Guild, |
1887 | | 1st refrigerating eng. C.M Thow, 2nd do. G. Colquhoun, purser W.J. Rae, surgeon, Dr. S.J. Palmer, chief steward Mr. Frost |
1888 | | June 14: departed Royal Alabert Docks, London for Plymouth via Gravesend (Capt. Burton) |
1888 | | June 16: departed Plymouth with with 27 saloon, 42 2nd cabin, and 105 steerage passengers |
1888 | | June 21: called at Teneriffe |
1888 | | July 7: arrived Cape Town ad departed the next day |
1888 | | July 27: arrived Hobart from London via Plymouth, Teneriffe, and Cape Town (Capt. G. Burton) |
1888 | | Commander G. Burton, R.N.R., 1st officer C.H. Kempson, R.N.R.; 2nd off. Hy. D. Jay, 3rd off. J.L. Taylor, 4th off. John Thornton, 1st engineer A. Morrison, 2nd eng. J W, Peascod, 3rd eng. G. McLellan, 4th eng. G. McMahon, 5th eng. E. Lloyd,  |
1888 | | boilermaker C. Murphy, electrician S G. Guild, 1st refrigerator eng. C.M. Thom, 2nd do. H. Scouller, purser W.J. Rae, surgeon Dr. F. W. Humphery, chief steward Mr. Frost |
1888 | | Nov. 1: departed Royal Albert Dock for Plymouth (Capt. Burton) |
1888 | | Nov. 3: departed Plymouth for New Zealand via Tenerife, Cape Town, and Hobart with with 51 saloon, 62 second saloon, and 177 steerage passengers (Capt. Burton) |
1888 | | Nov. 8: arrived Tenerife, departed the next day after coaling |
1888 | | Nov. 25: called at Cape Town |
1888 | | Dec. 14: arrived Hobart, departed the next day for New Zealand after coaling about 250 tons of coal |
1889 | | Mar. 21: departed Royal Albert Docks, London for Plymouth (Capt. Burton) |
1889 | | Mar. 23: departed Plymouth for New Zealand via Tenerife, Cape Town and Hobart |
1889 | | Mar. 28: called at Tenerife |
1889 | | Apr. 14: called at Cape Town |
1889 | | May 2: arrived Hobart from Cape Town |
1889 | | 1st officer Kempson had been transferred to the S/S Celtic replaced by Unsworth formerly of the S/S Celtic. Dr. McOsear had replaced Dr. Humphrey as surgeon, and Hayes had replaced Thornton as 4th officer |
1889 | | July 11: departed the Royal Albet Docs, London for Plymouth (Capt. Burton) |
1889 | | July 13: departed Plymouth for New Zealand vi Tenerife, Cape Town and Hobart with 179 passengers (Capt. Burton) |
1889 | | July 18: called at Tenerife |
1889 | | Aug. 4 called at Cape Town |
1889 | | Aug. 23: arrived Hobart |
1889 | | Aug. 24: departed Hobart for New Zealand |
1889 | | Dec. 12: departed the Royal Albert Docs for Plymouth, Capt. Burton had been replaced by Capt. Edward J. Smith late of the Celtic (later Capt. of the Titanic), Alex. Cameron (off the Celtic) had succeeded W.J. Rae as purser, |
1889 | | Dr. J.L.W. Bitching replaced Dr. McOscar as surgeon, H.St.G. Lindsay 1st off., and A.E. Acheson 2nd off., both from the Celtic, 3rd off. Clark and 4th off. Burbridge transferred from the S/S Ionic |
1889 | | Dec. 14. departed Plymouth for New Zealand via Tenerife, Cape Town and Hobart |
1889 | | Dec. 19. called at Tenerife |
1890 | | Jan 26: arrived Hobart from the Cape and departeed for New Zealnd after landing passengers and cargo |
1890 | | Apr. 17: departed London for Plymouth (Capt. Kempson) |
1890 | | Apr. 19: departed Plymouth for New Zealand via Tenerife, Cape Town and Hobart (Capt. Kempson) |
1890 | | Apr. 24: arrived at the Bay of Santa Cruz, Tenerife, departed the next day after taking on about 650 tons of coal |
1890 | | May 12: called at Cape Town |
1890 | | May 31: arrived Hobart and departed the next day after taking on coal and passengers  |
1894 | | Fitted with triple-expansion engines by Harland & Wolff |
1895 | | Chartered to the Occidental & Oriental S.S. Co. for their San Francisco - China - Japan service  |
1895 | | Jan. Departed Belfast after rebuilding for Hong Kong |
1895 | | March 20. departed Hong Kong for San Francisco, Capt. Lindsay |
1895 | | Apr. 12: arrived San Francisco from Hong Kong via Yokohama - Quarantined for 14 days due to 2 cases of smallpox |
1895 | | Apr. 23: departed San Francisco for Yokohama and Hong Kong via Honolulu (Capt. Lindsay) |
1895 | | May 10: arrived Yokohama |
1895 | | May 19: arrived Hong Kong |
1895 | | June 23: arrived San Francisco 26 days from Hong Kong, 17 days from Yokohama via Honolulu 6 days (Capt. Linsday) |
1895 | | July 3: departed San Francisco for Yokohama and Hong Kong via Honolulu (Capt. Lindsay) |
1895 | | July 10: departed Honolulu for Yokohama  |
1895 | | July 30: arrived Hong Kong |
1895 | | Aug. 15: departed Cobe for San Francisco |
1895 | | Aug. 18: departed Yokohama for San Francisco |
1895 | | Aug. 31: arrived San Francisco 23 days from Hong Kong and 13 days from Yokohama (Capt. Lindsey) |
1895 | | Sept. 12: departed San Francisco for Yokohama and Hong Kong via Honolulu (Capt. Lindsay) |
1895 | | Sept. 30: arrived Yokohama from Honolulu  |
1895 | | Oct. 7: arrived Hong Kong from Yokohama  |
1895 | | Oct. 16: departed Hong Kong  |
1895 | | Oct. 29: departed Yokohama for San Francisco via Honolulu |
1895 | | Nov. 12: arrived San Francisco 27 days from Hong Kong, 17 days from Yokohama via Honolulu 6 days 5 hrs 34 min (Capt. Linsday) |
1895 | | Nov. 21: departed San Francisco for Yokohama and Hong Kong via Honolulu (Capt. Lindsay) |
1895 | | Dec. 5: departed Yokohama |
1895 | | Dec. 18: arrived Hong Kong  |
1896 | | Jan. 21: arrived San Francisco from Hong Kong and Yokohama via Honolulu (Capt. Linsday) |
1896 | | Jan. 28: departed San Francisco for Hong Kong and Yokohama via Honolulu (Capt. Sealby) |
1896 | | Feb. 3: arrived Honolulu from San Francisco (Capt Sealby) |
1896 | | Feb. 4: departed Honolulu for Yokohama and Hong Kong |
1896 | | Mar. 27: arrived San Francisco from Hong Kong and Yokohama  |
1896 | | Apr. 8: departed San Francisco for Hong Kong and Yokohama (Capt. Sealby) |
1896 | | Apr. 22: arrived Yokohama  |
1896 | | June 8: arrived Honolulu  |
1896 | | June 9: departed Honolulu for San Francisco |
1896 | | June 16: arrived San Francisco from Hong Kong and Yokohama after being quarantined 8 days at Nagasaki |
1896 | | June 20: departed San Francisco for Hong Kong and Yokohama via Honolulu (Capt. Sealby) |
1896 | | June 26: arrived Honolulu |
1896 | | June 27: departed Honolulu for Japan and China |
1896 | | Aug 13: arrived San Francisco from Hong Kong via Yokohama (Capt. Sealby) |
1896 | | Aug 26: departed San Francisco for Hong Kong and Yokohama (Capt. Sealby) |
1896 | | Sept. 1: arrived Honolulu from San Francisco (Capt. Sealby) |
1896 | | Sept. 2: departed Honolulu for Yokohama and Hong Kong |
1896 | | Sept. 30: departed Hong Kong, called at Amoy Oct. 2, Nagasaki Oct. 5, Kobe Oct. 7 and Yokohama Oct. 10 ( Capt Sealby) |
1896 | | Oct. 19: arrived Honolulu from Yokohama (Capt Sealby) |
1896 | | Oct. 25: arrived San Francisco from Honolulu (Capt. Sealby) |
1896 | | Nov. 3: departed San Francisco for Hong Kong and Yokohama (Capt. Sealby) |
1896 | | Dec. 31: arrived Honolulu from Yokohama (Capt. Sealby) |
1897 | | Jan. 1: departed Honolulu for San Francisco (Capt. Sealby) |
1897 | | Jan. 7 Arrived in San Francisco |
1897 | | Jan. 16: departed San Francisco for Hong Kong and Yokohama via Honolulu (Capt. Sealby) |
1897 | | Jan. 25: arrived Honolulu dfrom San Francisco, departed the next day for Yokohama (Capt. Sealby) |
1897 | | Apr. 7: departed San Francisco for Hong Kong and Yokohama (Capt. Sealby) |
1897 | | May 11: departed Hong Kong for Shanghai (Capt. Sealby) |
1897 | | May 14: arrived Shanghai, departed the next day for Nagasaki (Capt. Sealby) |
1897 | | May 16: arrived Nagasaki, departed the next day for Kobe (Capt. Sealby) |
1897 | | May 18: arrived Kobe, departed the next day for Yokohama (Capt. Sealby) |
1897 | | May 20: arrived Yokohama , departed 2 days later for Honolulu (Capt. Sealby) |
1897 | | May 31: arrived Hunolulu from Yokohama (Capt. Sealby) |
1897 | | June 17: departed San Francisco for Hong Kong and Yokohama (Capt. Sealby) |
1898 | | Jan. 18: departed Honolulu for San Francisco (Capt. Sealby) |
1898 | | Jan. 24: arrived San Francisco from Hong Kong and Yokohama via Honolulu (Capt. Sealby) |
1898 | | Feb. 8: departed San Francisco for Hong Kong and Yokohama (Capt. Sealby) |
1898 | | Feb. 24: arrived Yokohama with her forward whaleback totally wrecked and considerable other damages after being caught in a typhoon in mid-ocean a few days after departing San Francisco (Capt. Sealby). Temporarely repaired at Yokohama |
1898 | | After inspection in dock at Hong Kong it was discovered that extensive repairs was necessary. Several decks of the vessel had to be removed and rebuilt, the repairs was estimated to take more then 2 months at the cost of $120,000 |
1898 | | May 29: departed Hong Kong for Yokohama |
1898 | | June 8: departed Yokohama for Honolulu |
1898 | | June 18: departed Honolulu for San Francisco |
1898 | | June 24: arrived San Francisco (Capt. Sealby) |
1906 | | Sold to Pacific Mail |
1925 | | Scrapped at Osaka |
The information listed above is not the complete record of the ship. The information was collected from a multitude of sources, and new information will be added as it emerges |