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S/S Grampian, Allan Line Main Page >>

BurdenBuiltShipowner or operator Dimensions
10,187 gross 1907 at Glasgow by Alexander Stephen & Sons Allan Line, Liverpool, England 485.7ft x 60.2ft 
 1907 July 25, launchedAtlantic Journey ID 400
 1907 Dec. 7, maiden voyage Glasgow - BostonAtlantic Journey ID 405
 1908 Glasgow - Boston. Glasgow - Quebec - MontrealAtlantic Journey ID 406
 1909 Glasgow - Boston. Glasgow - Quebec - MontrealAtlantic Journey ID 407
 1910 Glasgow - Quebec - Montreal. Liverpool - St.John.Atlantic Journey ID 408
 1910 New tonnage: 10,947 grossAtlantic Journey ID 401
 1911 Glasgow - Quebec - Montreal. Liverpool - St.JohnAtlantic Journey ID 409
 1912 Chartered by Canadian Pacific LineAtlantic Journey ID 402
 1912 Glasgow - Quebec - Montreal. Liverpool - St.JohnAtlantic Journey ID 410
 1913 Glasgow - Quebec - MontrealAtlantic Journey ID 411
 1914 Glasgow - Quebec - Montreal. Glasgow - Halifax - Boston. Chartered to Canadian Pacific LineAtlantic Journey ID 412
 1915 Liverpool - Quebec - MontrealAtlantic Journey ID 413
 1916 Liverpool - Quebec - MontrealAtlantic Journey ID 414
 1917 Taken over by Canadian Pacific LineAtlantic Journey ID 415
 1921 Gutted by fire at Antwerp during refit, abandoned to underwritersAtlantic Journey ID 403
 1925 ScrappedAtlantic Journey ID 404
The information listed above is not the complete record of the ship. The information was collected from a multitude of sources, and new information will be added as it emerges
The Allan Line steamship Grampian at Glasgow
The Allan Line steamship Grampian at Prince's Dock, Glasgow
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Picture of the S/S Grampian
Old postcard showing the S/S Grampian in Allan Line colors
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The 2nd-class Music Saloon

The 1st-class Music Saloon
The following is from a booklet issued by the Allan Line:

Grampian and Hesperian Built by Messrs. Alex. Stephen & Sons, Linthouse, these steamers have established a reputation for steadiness and fast passages, the Grampian holding the record for the Montreal-Glasgow route. Five of their eight decks are devoted to passenger accommodation. Located on the promenade deck forward is the Lounge and Music Room, adjoining the saloon companionway are rooms ensuite, with bath, while aft on this deck is the First-Class Smoking Room. Forward, on the bridge deck is the main Dining Saloon, large square windows on three sides, insuring an abundance of light and perfect ventilation. The staterooms on this deck are unusually spacious. They are fitted with two berths, full length sofa berth, and wardrobes. Aft on this deck is the Second-Class Entrance Hall, Smoking and Music Rooms and sheltered promenade for second cabin passengers. On the shelter deck amidship is the Second-Class Dining Saloon, extending the full width of the steamer and with seating accommodations for two hundred passengers, also staterooms for first and second-class passengers. An idea of the style of decoration and superior equipment can best be obtained from the accompanying illustration.


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