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S/S Hekla (1), Thingvalla Line Main Page >>

BurdenBuiltShipowner or operator Dimensions
2,788 gross 1881 at Malmø, Sweden by Kockums Mekaniska Värkstads Thingvalla Line 313ft x 39.2ft 
 Year Departure ArrivalRemarks
 1882  Christiania - New York   
 1882  Mar. 25, left Copenhagen on her maiden voyage to Christiania (Oslo), Christiansand and New YorkAtlantic Journey ID 5121
 1882  Christiania  Mar. 26  New York  Apr. 12 Capt. Molsen from Copenhagen with some 500 passengers and goods. In Christiania another 211 embarkedTransatlantc ID
 1882  May 15, returned to Kristiansand with damaged engine, went to Copenhagen for repairs, departed for New York on May 23Atlantic Journey ID 5123
 1882  Christiania  May 12  New York  June 06 Delayed in Helsingør for one day due to storm. In Christiania some 221 emigrants embarked. Experienced a mechanical failure while leaving Christiansand and returned to Copenhagen for repairs. Left Copenhagen May 23 direct to New YorkTransatlantc ID
 1882  Christiania  July 11  New York  July 25 Capt. Molzen from Christiania with180 emigrants, loaded cargo of wood pulp and medicine fish oil. Also reported to arrive New York 1882-07-24Transatlantc ID
 1882  Christiania  Aug. 24  New York  Sept. 06 Transatlantc ID
 1882  Christiania  Oct. 19  New York  Nov. 04 147 Norwegian passengersTransatlantc ID
 1882  Christiania  Dec. 14  New York  Dec. 29 Capt. Molsen from Christiania to America with passengers. Cargo loaded: herring, anchovies, fish oil, horseshoes and steel.Transatlantc ID
 1883  Jan. 20, 2 sailors washed overboard in a gale on way New York - Copenhagen, the ship sailed alternate route through the channel to avoid the bad weather Atlantic Journey ID 5122
 1883  Christiania  Feb. 14    Feb. 15 Stranded off Sandefjord, NorwayTransatlantc ID
 1883  Christiania - Christiansand - New York   
The information listed above is not the complete record of the ship. The information was collected from a multitude of sources, and new information will be added as it emerges

The Hekla (1) was named after the well known mount Hekla at Island. The mountain has had an active volcano for centuries. She had a straight stem, one funnel, three masts, iron construction. There was a single screw and she had a service speed of 11 knots. She had passenger accommodation for 12 first class- 16 second class and 600 third class (steerage) passengers. On Feb 13, 1883, she departed Copenhagen for New York. She called at Christiania on the 14th. This was to be the seventh and last time she sailed for Christiansand and New York. On the 15th she stranded at Sydostgrunnen off Sandefjord in Vestfold. After being afloat for about 2 days she sank on the 17th, much of her cargo, all passengers and crew were rescued.

Hekla (1), Thingvalla Line steamship
Thingvalla Line steamship departing with emigrants from Larsens Plads, Copenhagen 1882. It is most likely the Hekla (1).


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