Additional details: Steel construction,
twin screws, had 2 steel decks and steel shelter deck, 3rd deck in No. 1,2 & 5 holds, 8 cemented
bulkheads. Poop
Deck 70 feet long, and Bridge Deck 201 feet long. Forecastle was 108 feet long. She was fitted
with wireless and electric light. There was cellular double bottom aft
119 ft. long, under engine & boilers 152 ft. long, forward 189
ft. long, 1,165 tons. Forward Peak Tank 149 tons, Aft Peak Tank 150 tons, flat keel.
Her tonnage was 10,669 tons gross, 8,654 under deck and 6,496 net.
Propulsion: quadruple expansion engine with 8 cylinders of 26, 37 1/2, 53 &
75 inches diameter each pair; stroke 51 inches; operating at 220 p.s.i.; 1,469 nominal
horsepower; 8 single ended boilers, 32 corrugated furnaces; grate surface 590 sq. feet.;
heating surface 23,000 sq. feet.; forced draught. The engine was built by the same company as the hull. There was accommodation for 100 first class passengers, 250 second class passengers and 850 third class passengers. Launched on 23rd November 1912, she sailed from Christiania (Oslo) on her
maiden voyage to Christiansand, Stavanger, Bergen and New York on 4th June
1913 master was Captain S. C. Hiortdahl (appointed to the ship in 1913). She remained on this service until 15th July 1917 when she was wrecked near Cape Race with no loss of life.
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