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NDL company emblem
Company emblem
S/S Hudson
The S/S Hudson
S/S Trave
S/S Trave
S/S Barbarossa
Barbarossa class
S/S Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse
S/S Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse
Rhine class
Rhine class
General class
General class
Köln class
Köln class
Kaiserin Maria Theresia
Kaiserin Maria Theresia
Kronprinz Wilhelm
Kronprinz Wilhelm
Kaiser Wilhelm II (2)
Kaiser Wilhelm II (2)
Steerage passenger on a NDL steamship
Steerage passengers
By 1879 the North German Lloyd was establishing a network of passenger agent around Europe. The first general agent in Norway was O. Svenson in Kristiania. From 1879 he was authorized to convey passenger by the Norddeutcher Lloyd's steamships via Fredrikshavn and Bremen to New York or Baltimore, and on to the final destinations in America. When going via Fredrikshavn in Denmark, the emigrants would go by a DFDS ship from Kristiania, and continue from Fredrikshavn by train to Hamburg or Bremen. However, there were also regular routes from all mayor Norwegian ports to Hamburg by steamship. In 1880 the authorization was extended to cover conveyance of emigrants by Norddeutcher Lloyd's steamships via Fredrikshavn or Hamburg and Bremen to New York or Baltimore, and via Hull or London to Southampton from there to New York. There was also plans to introduce a direct service from Kristiania to New York, and authorization was given for that route on July 28th, 1880 but was withdrawn soon after on August 15th.

1880 newspaper announcement: NDL announcement 1880
"The North German Lloyd's Royal Mail Steamers depart from Bremen to New York and Baltimore twice a week, taking passengers from Christiania weekly until the middle of March, when the regular twice a week service from Christiania starts. Departure from Christiania Saturday 13th this month via Hamburg and Bremen and Friday 19th this month via Hull and Southampton. The North German Lloyd steamers do not have Irish passengers on board. O. Svenson, General agent for the North German Lloyd, Christiania."

The price given for a voyage from Christiania to Chicago in 1880 was 35 Dollars
The Norddeutscher Lloyd was founded in 1857. In the company emblem, an anchor and the Bremen key is crossing each other, surrounded by a wreath of oak leaves. The company was often called the "Bremen Line". During the first year of its operations a line to England was started with three small steamers, the "Adler", "Möwe" and "Falke", and four large screw steamers were ordered in England and Scotland for the New York service.

On June 19, 1858, at 6 o'clock in the afternoon; the "Bremen" left the wharf at Bremerhaven on her maiden voyage to New York, carrying 100 tons of freight, 1 cabin and 93- steerage passengers. This was the first transatlantic sailing of a Norddeutscher Lloyd steamer. She arrived in New York on July 4, at 7 o'clock in the morning.

During the same year three more transatlantic steamers, the "Hudson", the "Weser", and the "New York", were added to the service and with those four steamers a regular fortnightly service to New York was commenced. In the year 1859 the completion of the Geeste railway between Bremen and Bremerhaven allowed all passengers to be carried from Bremen direct to the steamship. In the following year a substantial success was achieved. The postal authorities, in England and the United States entrusted the Company with the carriage of their mails, thus placing the new line on an equal footing with the older English lines, the Cunard and Inman.

Notwithstanding various difficulties of a technical character and in spite of the American civil war, business continued to advance. A new steamer, the "America", started on her maiden trip to New York on May 23, 1863. With a speed of 13 knots an hour on a daily coal-consumption of 45 tons, she was one of the fastest steamers of her day. Though built by Caird & Co., Greenock her cast steel propeller shaft was the product of Krupp in Essen.

On the termination of the American Civil War in 1865, there naturally followed a large increase in the trade with the United States and in the emigration to that country. The great increase in the traffic was made evident by the fact that the fortnightly sailing could no longer meet the demand. In 1866, 2 new steamers, the "Deutschland" and "Union" were added to the fleet. In 1867 the weekly service between Bremen and New York with eight big steamers was inaugurated. 65 round trips to New York in the previous year having yielded receipts amounting to about 2½ million Thalers. Again the carriage of the mails was entrusted to the Lloyd by the Postmaster General of the United States. These very favorable results suggested to the management the idea of adding new lines. In the spring of 1866 the line to Baltimore was established. Certain very favorable working arrangements between the Lloyd and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company facilitated matters. The new line was opened with the steamer "Baltimore" on March 1, 1868. By 1874 the North German Lloyd ships averaged 11 days and 13 hours on the transatlantic crossing.

The Franco-Prussian war caused a temporary check in the Company's development. But as early as the autumn of 1870 the traffic was resumed in its full extent. In the following year a new line to the West Indies was started, hut it did not fulfill expectations, and its continued operation seemed unpromising. On January 18, 1872, the Company's new dry-dock in Bremerhaven was opened. In 1875 a new line to South America was established, and three years later it became necessary to divide this line into two distinct services, one to Brazil and the other to the River Plate.

Norddeutscher Lloyd - advertising card
Norddeutscher Lloyd - advertising card - "Norddeutscher Lloyd - Bremen nach New York, Baltimore, New Orleans & La Plata Staaten". The ship on the picture looks like a Werra class steamer. (Support Norway Heritage: Purchase a copy)

Prior to 1878 the normal average speed of a steamer was about 12 knots, while 20 years before that a speed of 8 knots was regarded as a great achievement. In 1878 however, a speed as high as 16 knots was attained by the steamer "Arizona" of the Guion Line. This great advance was fully appreciated by the directors of the Norddeutscher Lloyd in Bremen. Their aim during the years following was to establish a regular express service between Bremen and New York. The first express steamer was the "Elbe", which was placed in service in 1881. The first captain of a Lloyd express steamer was Herr Chr. Leist, who made five trips in the "Elbe" during the year 1881. The "Elbe", was quickly followed by the "Werra" and the "Fulda", so that in 1883, by including in this service the fastest of the older steamers, the Lloyd was enabled to inaugurate a regular weekly express service between Bremerhaven and New York, whereby the length of the passage was reduced to between 8 and 9 days. In the year 1881 the Company's steamers had traveled a distance equal to 23 times the circumference of the earth.

During this new period of its growth and prosperity the Company celebrated its 25th anniversary on February 20, 1882. At the time it owned 29 transatlantic steamers, 7 steamers for European traffic, 14 river steamers, and 48 lighters; altogether 97 vessels representing a total of 104,500 registered tons. The Lloyd was thus the fourth largest steamship company in the world, being surpassed only by the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company, and by the two French lines, the Compagnie Generale Transatlantique and the Messageries Maritimes.

The appreciation of the Lloyd's Express steamers by the German and the American postal authorities justified the building of more of the same class. Accordingly, in 1883, two new steamers, the "Eider" and the "Ems", with a speed of 17 knots, were added to the North American fleet. These were followed two years later by the sister ships "Aller", "Trave" and "Saale" of 18 knots and between 1887 and 1890 four additional express mail steamers were completed, the "Lahn", "Kaiser Wilhelm II" (later "Hohenzollern"), "Spree" and "Havel".

The transatlantic passage by Norddeutscher Lloyd steamers, Bremen - Southampton - New York, as described 1888-89

The Lloyd did not, however, stop here, but caused to be built a new type of steamer in order to meet the demands of the immensely increasing traffic. The steamers of the "Dresden" and "Gera" class represented a new type, a combination of freight and passenger steamer, having capacity for a large amount of cargo as well as accommodation for a considerable number of cabin and steerage passengers. Many of the steamers could also be adapted to act as military transports.

In the year 1885 the contract with the Imperial German Government for the establishment and maintenance of mail steamship lines to Eastern Asia and to Australia was signed. The new Imperial mail lines demanded by the contract with the Imperial Government were as follows : A main line to China with branch lines to Japan and Korea, a main line to the Australian Continent with branch lines to the Samoa and Tonga Islands, and a branch line from Trieste via Brindisi to Alexandria. The Vulcan Shipbuilding & Engineering Company of Stettin received orders for the three sister ships "Preussen", "Sachsen" and "Bayern", of 3600 tons and a speed of 14 knots, also for the steamers intended for the branch lines, of about half the size of the others, the "Stettin", "Lubeck" and "Danzig", of about 1500 tons and a speed of 12½ knots. Besides, several of the Norddeutscher Lloyd's mail steamers were reconstructed so as to adapt them for the new lines, particular care being taken to render these steamers suitable for service in the tropics. Preparations were completed so expeditiously that the line to Eastern Asia was inaugurated with the steamer "Oder" as early as June 30, 1886. The new Imperial mail line to Australia was opened on July 14, 1886, with the steamer "Salier".

In the spring of 1891 an ocean-mail service was established on board the Express steamers of the Norddeutscher Lloyd and the Hamburg America Line, for expediting the distribution of the mails carried between Bremerhaven and Hamburg respectively, and New York. This important step was due to the efforts of Postmaster General Stephan, and the American postal authorities readily accepted the proposal. Previously the mail matter was not sorted until after arrival in New York, Bremen or Hamburg; but under the new arrangement this was performed during the passage by postal officials in a sorting room fitted on board the steamers, so that on arrival the mails could be immediately forwarded to their destination. The rooms fitted up on board the mail steamers were about 15 square meters in size and adjoining them were spacious rooms used for storing the big sealed mail sacks. The first ocean mail from Bremen was forwarded on March 24, 1891, in the "Havel". The number of mail sacks containing letters and printed matter increased from year to year.

In 1891 the Lloyd started a new steamship line, Genoa Gibraltar-New York. The steamers "Werra" and "Fulda" were withdrawn from the Bremen-New York service, and placed in the new service. Later the Mediterranean branch line was discontinued and the mails landed and embarked at Naples. The monthly Samoa was replaced by an eight-weekly service between Singapore and New Guinea via Batavia. For this service a new style of steamers with increased freight capacity, and passenger accommodation specially designed and appointed for service in the tropics were introduced. These vessels were called "Prince" class, and were fitted with twin-screws, a system which had been first applied to the fast cruisers and dispatch boats of the Imperial Navy. The extraordinarily favorable results achieved with the twin screws did not escape the attention of the merchant service. The frequently occurring cases of broken propeller shafts suggested that the twin screw system would insure greater safety as well as comfort in the transatlantic steamers. And accordingly both the German and the English steamship companies commenced to fit their new steamers with twin-screws.

In 1896 an entirely new type of vessel was created, the "Barbarossa" class. In the construction of these vessels the aim was to provide for an unusually large quantity of freight, as well as for a large number of passengers in the three classes, while keeping the cabin accommodation entirely separate from the freight space. In the annual report for the year 1893, the Committee intimated that the Company contemplated the adoption of the twin-screw system for the Express steamers, but that further experience was necessary. Considerable progress having meanwhile been made in the art of shipbuilding, the Committee two years later placed an order with the Vulcan Co. of Stettin for a twin-screw express mail steamer. This was the four stacker "Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse", which in spite of her greater displacement and with only 28,000 horse power far surpassed the "Campania" and "Lucania" in speed. On May 4, 1897, the "Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse" was launched, in the presence of the Emperor, many members of the Reichstag, and other officials and some 30,000 citizens. On September 26 of the same year the steamer made her first appearance in New York. She was greeted by a great crowd at the dock in Hoboken, and in a single day was visited by 40,000 people.

To meet the special requirements of the freight and steerage passenger traffic on the New York line the NDL acquired two types of steamers known as the Rhine class and the General class. To the Rhine class belonged the steamers "Neckar", "Rhein" and "Main", completed between 1899 and 1900. The General class comprised the steamships "Zieten", "Seydlitz", "Gneisenau", "Roon" and "Scharnhorst", completed between 1902 and 1904.

The awning deck steamers of the Köln class which were built for the Baltimore and Galveston lines, represented an entirely different type. They were built with a very limited cabin accommodation, but had ample space for the conveyance of a large number of steerage passengers, and for the transport of large quantities of grain and cotton. The steamers of the Köln class were the "Köln", "Frankfurt", "Hannover", "Cassel", "Breslau", "Chemnitz" and "Brandenburg". The Köln class steamers were all completed between 1899 and 1901.

A new and valuable addition to the express fleet was the steamer "Kaiserin Maria Theresia", built by the Vulcan Co., at Stettin and placed in service in 1900. This graceful vessel, 546 feet long and 52 feet wide, with her three big funnels, has in the short time she has been running between Bremen and New York, become a favorite with the traveling public. In January, 1901, she made her first appearance at Genoa, to join the express service between Italy and New York.

In the autumn of 1901 a new leviathan express steamer the "Kronprinz Wilhelm" was placed in service. She belonged to the same type as the "Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse". Shortly after the Kaiser Wilhelm II (2) was launched. The "Kaiser Wilhelm II" represented a great advance over all former steamers. The displacement of the vessel when fully loaded was about 26,000 tons. The tonnage was approximately 20,000 gross registered tons. As regards dimensions the vessel surpassed all the fast steamers then built Including the "Kaiser Wilhelm ll.", Germany by then had the four fastest merchant steamers of the world, namely the "Kaiser Wilhelm II.", "Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse" and "Kronprinz Wilhelm" of the Norddeutscher Lloyd, and the "Deutschland", belonging to the Hamburg-America line. All built by the Vulcan Company at Stettin.
Steerage passengers
Steerage passengers on the Kaiser Wilhelm II in 1906
steerage passengers
Steerage passenger on a NDL ship in 1913

In 1904 a new service from Marseilles to Naples and Alexandria started and in 1909 a joint summer service between Bremen and Hamburg to Quebec and Montreal was instituted with the Hamburg America Line, Red Star Line and Holland America Line. Bremen - Galveston ships commenced calls at Philadelphia in March, 1910 and a new service started in 1913 to Boston and New Orleans.

At the outbreak of WWI, many North German Lloyd ships took refuge in US ports, and these were seized by American authorities in 1917. After the Armistice, the company lost every worthwhile ocean going steamer as war reparations, and in 1920 chartered ships from the US Shipping Board to resume services. They gradually rebuilt their fleet and in 1925 took over the Hamburg-Bremen Africa Line, the Dampschiff Reederei Horn and the Roland Line. In 1928 Quebec and Montreal services were resumed. During World War II, North German Lloyd again lost almost their entire fleet and again restarted with chartered ships. In 1970 the company amalgamated with Hamburg America Line to become HAPAG-Lloyd.

Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen, English Edition, ca. 1907
North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, 1960
Verdens Gang 1880-03-11

Fleet list:
 TypeName of ship  SortYear Built   SortConstruction Shipyard   SortTonnage (burthen)   Sort
  S/SAller1886 Fairfield Shipbuilding & Eng. Co. Ltd. 4,966 gross 
  S/SAmerica1862 Caird & Co. 2,752 gross 
  S/SBaltimore1868 Caird & Co. 2,321 gross 
  S/SBarbarossa1896 Blohm & Voss 10,769 gross 
  S/SBayern1887 AG Vulcan 5,034 gross 
  S/SBerlin1867 Caird & Co. 2,333 gross 
  S/SBerlin (2)1908 AG Weser 17,324 gross 
  S/SBerlin (3)1925 Bremer Vulcan 15,286 gross 
  S/SBonn1895 Germania Werft 3,969 gross 
  S/SBorkum1896 J. L. Thompson & Sons 5,350 gross 
  S/SBrandenburg1901 Bremer Vulcan 7,532 gross 
  S/SBraunschweig1873 Robert Steele & Co. 3,079 gross 
  S/SBremen (1)1858 Caird & Co. 2,674 gross 
  S/SBremen (2)1896 F. Schichau 10,525 gross 
  S/SBremen (3)1900 AG Vulcan 10,881 gross 
  S/SBremen (4)1928 AG Weser 51,656 gross 
  S/SBreslau1901 Bremer Vulcan 7,524 gross 
  S/SBülow1906 J. C. Tecklenborg 9,028 gross 
  S/SCassel1901 J. C. Tecklenborg 7,543 gross 
  S/SChemnitz1901 J. C. Tecklenborg 7,542 gross 
  S/SCoblenz1897 Blohm & Voss 3,169 gross 
  S/SColumbus (1)1913 F. Schichau 34,354 gross 
  S/SColumbus (2)1922 F. Schichau 32,354 gross 
  S/SCrefeld1895 AG Vulcan 3,829 gross 
  S/SCrefeld (2)1921 Flensburger Schiffbau 9,573 gross 
  S/SDarmstadt1890 Fairfield Shipbuilding & Eng. Co. Ltd. 5,012 gross 
  S/SDerfflinger1907 F. Schichau 9,060 gross 
  S/SDeutschland1866 Caird & Co. 2,800 gross 
  S/SDonau1868 Caird & Co. 2,896 gross 
  S/SDresden1888 Fairfield Shipbuilding & Eng. Co. Ltd. 4,527 gross 
  S/SDresden (2)1914 Bremer Vulcan 14,588 gross 
  S/SEider1883 John Elder & Co. 4,722 gross 
  S/SElbe1881 John Elder & Co. 4,510 gross 
  S/SElisabeth Rickmers1896 Wigham, Richardson & Co. 5,211 gross 
  S/SEllen Rickmers1896 J. L. Thompson & Sons 5,350 gross 
  S/SEms1884 John Elder & Co. 4,730 gross 
  S/SEuropa (1)1928 Blohm & Voss 49,746 gross 
  S/SFeldmarschall Moltke1873 Caird & Co. 3,060 gross 
  S/SFrankfurt1869 Caird & Co. 2,582 gross 
  S/SFrankfurt (2)1899 J. C. Tecklenborg 7,431 gross 
  S/SFriedrich der Grosse1896 AG Vulcan 10,531 gross 
  S/SFulda1882 John Elder & Co. 4,816 gross 
  S/SGeneral von Steuben1922 Vulcan Werke 14,690 gross 
  S/SGeneral Werder1874 Caird & Co. 3,020 gross 
  S/SGeorge Washington1908 AG Vulcan 25,570 gross 
  S/SGera1890 Fairfield Shipbuilding & Eng. Co. Ltd. 5,005 gross 
  S/SGneisenau1903 AG Vulcan 8,081 gross 
  S/SGoeben1906 AG Weser 8,800 gross 
  S/SGraf Bismarck1870 Caird & Co. 2,406 gross 
  S/SGrosser Kurfürst1899 F. Schichau 13,182 gross 
  S/SGulf of Mexico1883 Raylton Dixon & Co. 3,172 gross 
  S/SH. H. Meier1891 Armstrong, Mitchell & Co. 5,140 gross 
  S/SHabsburg1875 Earle‘s Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. 3,094 gross 
  S/SHalle1895 Germania Werft 3,960 gross 
  S/SHannover (1)1869 Caird & Co. 2,571 gross 
  S/SHannover (2)1899 Wigham, Richardson & Co. 7,305 gross 
  S/SHansa (1)1861 Caird & Co. 2,992 gross 
  S/SHavel1890 AG Vulcan 6,875 gross 
  S/SHelgoland1896 J. L. Thompson & Sons 4,888 gross 
  S/SHermann1865 Caird & Co. 2,873 gross 
  S/SHohenstaufen1873 Earle‘s Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. 3,098 gross 
  S/SHohenzollern (1)1873 Earle‘s Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. 3,092 gross 
  S/SHohenzollern (2)1889 AG Vulcan 4,773 gross 
  S/SHudson1858 Palmer‘s Shipbuilding & Iron Co. Ltd. 2,266 gross 
  S/SKaiser Friedrich1897 F. Schichau 12,480 gross 
  S/SKaiser Wilhelm der Grosse1897 AG Vulcan 14,349 gross 
  S/SKaiser Wilhelm II1889 AG Vulcan 4,773 gross 
  S/SKaiser Wilhelm II (2)1902 AG Vulcan 19,362 gross 
  S/SKaiserin Maria Theresia1890 AG Vulcan 7,840 gross 
  S/SKarlsruhe1889 Fairfield Shipbuilding & Eng. Co. Ltd. 5,057 gross 
  S/SKarlsruhe (2)1900 AG Vulcan 10,881 gross 
  S/SKleist1906 F. Schichau 8,950 gross 
  S/SKonig Albert1899 AG Vulcan 10,643 gross 
  S/SKonig Wilhelm I1870 Caird & Co. 2,550 gross 
  S/SKonigin Louise1896 AG Vulcan 10,566 gross 
  S/SKronprinz Friedrich Wilhelm1870 Caird & Co. 2,387 gross 
  S/SKronprinz Wilhelm1901 AG Vulcan 14,908 gross 
  S/SKronprinzessin Cecilie1906 AG Vulcan 19,400 gross 
  S/SKöln (1)1870 Caird & Co. 2,555 gross 
  S/SKöln (2)1899 J. C. Tecklenborg 7,409 gross 
  S/SKöln (3)1921 Bremer Vulcan 9,265 gross 
  S/SLahn1887 Fairfield Shipbuilding & Eng. Co. Ltd. 5,099 gross 
  S/SLaughton1882 Raylton Dixon & Co. 2,436 gross 
  S/SLeipzig1869 Caird & Co. 2,388 gross 
  S/SLutzow1907 AG Weser 8,818 gross 
  S/SMadrid1922 Vulcan Werke 8,753 gross 
  S/SMain (1)1868 Caird & Co. 3,087 gross 
  S/SMain (2)1900 Blohm & Voss 10,200 gross 
  S/SMainz1897 J. C. Tecklenborg 3,204 gross 
  S/SMinister Roon1873 Caird & Co.   
  S/SMosel1872 Caird & Co. 3,125 gross 
  S/SMunchen1889 Fairfield Shipbuilding & Eng. Co. Ltd. 4,536 gross 
  S/SMunchen (3)1922 Vulcan Werke 13,325 gross 
  S/SNeckar (1)1873 Caird & Co. 3,120 gross 
  S/SNeckar (2)1900 J. C. Tecklenborg 9,835 gross 
  S/SNemesis1857 Tod & McGregor 2,717 gross 
  S/SNew York1858 Caird & Co. 2,674 gross 
  S/SNurnberg1873 Robert Steele & Co. 3,068 gross 
  S/SOder1873 Caird & Co. 3,265 gross 
  S/SOhio1868 Caird & Co. 2,398 gross 
  S/SOldenburg1890 Fairfield Shipbuilding & Eng. Co. Ltd. 5,006 gross 
  S/SPreussen1886 AG Vulcan 5,300 gross 
  S/SPrincess Alice1900 AG Vulcan 10,911 gross 
  S/SPrinz Eitel Fredrich1907 AG Vulcan 8,797 gross 
  S/SPrinz Friedrich Wilhelm1907 J. C. Tecklenborg 17,082 gross 
  S/SPrinzess Irene1900 AG Vulcan 10,881 gross 
  S/SPrinzregent Luitpold1894 F. Schichau 6,288 gross 
  S/SRhein (1)1868 Caird & Co. 2,901 gross 
  S/SRhein (2)1899 Blohm & Voss 10,058 gross 
  S/SRoland1893 Armstrong, Mitchell & Co. 3,603 gross 
  S/SRoon1902 J. C. Tecklenborg 8,022 gross 
  S/SSachsen1887 AG Vulcan   
  S/SSalier1874 Earle‘s Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. 3,083 gross 
  S/SScharnhorst1904 J. C. Tecklenborg 8,131 gross 
  S/SSeydlitz1902 F. Schichau 7,942 gross 
  S/SSierra Cordoba (1)1913 AG Vulcan 8,226 gross 
  S/SSierra Cordoba (2)1923 Bremer Vulcan 11,469 gross 
  S/SSierra Nevada (1)1912 AG Vulcan 8,235 gross 
  S/SSierra Nevada (2)1922 Vulcan Werke 8,753 gross 
  S/SSierra Nevada (3)1921 AG Vulcan 13,502 gross 
  S/SSierra Ventana1923 Bremer Vulcan 11,452 gross 
  S/SSpree1890 AG Vulcan 6,963 gross 
  S/SStrassburg1872 Caird & Co. 3,025 gross 
  S/SStuttgart (1)1889 Fairfield Shipbuilding & Eng. Co. Ltd. 5,048 gross 
  S/SStuttgart (2)1923 Vulcan Werke 13,367 gross 
  S/SSaale1886 Fairfield Shipbuilding & Eng. Co. Ltd. 4,967 gross 
  S/STrave1886 Fairfield Shipbuilding & Eng. Co. Ltd. 4,969 gross 
  S/STrier (1)1898 G. Seebeck 3,168 gross 
  S/STrier (2)1923 AG Weser 9,415 gross 
  S/SUnion1866 Caird & Co. 2,800 gross 
  S/SWeimar1891 Fairfield Shipbuilding & Eng. Co. Ltd. 4,996 gross 
  S/SWerra1882 John Elder & Co. 4,817 gross 
  S/SWeser (1)1858 Palmer‘s Shipbuilding & Iron Co. Ltd. 2,266 gross 
  S/SWeser (2)1867 Caird & Co. 2,870 gross 
  S/SWillehad1894 Blohm & Voss 4,761 gross 
  S/SWittekind1894 Blohm & Voss 4,755 gross 
  S/SWürzburg1900 Bremer Vulcan 4,985 gross 
  S/SYorck1906 F. Schichau 8,901 gross 
  S/SZieten1902 F. Schichau 8,066 gross 
  S/SAachen1895 AG Vulcan 3,833 gross 

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Some companies may have had additional ships in their fleets to those mentioned above. They might not have been included if the ships were not engaged in the conveyance of emigrants. Some ships mentioned in the fleet lists may have been chartered from other companies, see the ship's description and history for more details.

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