Type | Ship  | Departure  | Details | Arrival  | ID |
Brig | Axel & Valborg, Capt. Blom | Skien May 26 | | Havre June 13 | 180 | Schooner | Ellida, Capt. Werge | Porsgrunn | | Havre May 12 | 523 | Brig | Hercules, Capt. Overvien | Drammen May 5 | | New York July 6 | 807 | Brig | Haabet, Capt. Torjusen | Stavanger May 11 | | New York July 19 | 874 | Bark | Johanna, Capt. Mensing | Drammen May 22 | | New York July 22 | 943 | Bark | Juno, Capt. Bendixen | Bergen May 11 | | New York July 14 | 955 | Schooner | Lucie Marie, Capt. Pram | Bergen May 8 | | New York July 15 | 1182 | Brig | Mercurius, Capt. Geelmyden | Bergen July 1 | | New York Sep. 7 | 1220 | Bark | Salvator, Capt. Gasmann | Porsgrunn May 13 | | New York July 13 | 1638 | Brig | Thora, Capt. Johnsen | Skien Apr. 24 | | Havre | 1918 | Brig | Venskabet, Capt. Blom | Skien - Langesund June 5 | | Havre | 2005 | Brig | Washington, Capt. Smith | Langesund May 2 | | New York July 5 | 2056 | Bark | Winterflid, Capt. Elligers | Skien - Porsgrunn May 19 | | New York July 27 | 2040 | Bark | Æolus, Capt. Thorbjørnsen | Skien - Havre June 5 | | New York Aug. 28 | 9 |
| Additional journeys or not confirmed journeys: Type | Ship | Departure | Details | Arrival | ID |
Ship | Argo, Capt. Anthony | Havre June 23 | | New York July 26 | 2197 | Sail | Familien, Capt. Pedersen | Porsgrunn | | Havre June 12 | 580 | Brig | Kong Carl Johan, Capt. Tombs | Gothenburg | | New York Oct. 8 | 2203 | Sail | Lorena, Capt. Urquhart | Havre | | New York July 17 | 2198 | Bark | Tecumseh, Capt. Ripley | Havre | | New York Aug. 8 | 2201 | Ship | Tuskina, Capt. Johnson | Havre | | New York Aug. 14 | 2199 | Sail | Unchas, Capt. Latham | Havre | | New York July 19 | 2200 |
 Newspaper notice from "Morgenbladet" 1843 |
Skien July 6th. The two brigs Axel & Valborg and Venskabet have just returned from Havre de Grace, to where they conveyed 329 emigrants, of which 309 proceeded on the ship Argo on Midsummer Day from Havre to New York. The cost of passage on the Argo was 50 Fr., which was 10 Fr. more than what they had expected. On the same ship there were also 80 emigrants from Switzerland. All the Norwegian emigrants were healthy and by good courage at departure. The brig Venskabet is returning 26 emigrants which did not have the sufficient means to proceed to America. Let that be a warning for others not to start on such a long voyage without taking notice of what kind of means is needed. Passengers who departed from here with Capt. Pedersen [* This could be the Nora or the Familien] and Capt. Johnsen [Thora] was able to get places on ordinary merchant ships at the cost of 47 Fr. each. Ship Æolus, Capt. Thorbjørnesn of Kragerø, enrolled 130 of its own passengers to proceed with the ship from Havre to New York. The other 35 passengers were transferred to another ship to proceed to New York at the cost of 47 Fr.. |