Type | Ship  | Departure  | Details | Arrival  | ID |
Brig | Axel & Valborg, Capt. Blom | Skien June 10 | | Havre July 3 | 182 | Schooner | Carl Edvard, Capt. Reimert | Christiansand Aug. 22 | | Havre Aug. 28 | 317 | Ship | Commerce, Capt. Larsen | Kragerø May 25 | | Havre June 3 | 391 | Schooner | Den Flyvende Fisk, Capt. Simonsen | Christiansand Aug. 29 | | Havre Sep. 8 | 419 | Ship | Fortuna, Capt. Neumann | Drammen | | Havre May 28 | 619 | Brig | Fury, Capt. Pedersen | Porsgrunn May 11 | | Havre May 28 | 656 | Schooner | Grethe Louise, Capt. Pedersen | Grimstad Sep. 17 | | Havre Sep. 28 | 697 | Bark | Industrie, Capt. Adzlew | Porsgrunn Apr. 15 | | New York July 2 | 890 | Bark | Juno, Capt. Bendixen | Bergen Apr. 24 | | New York June 18 | 957 | Bark | Kong Sverre, Capt. Fischer | Bergen May 6 | | New York June 29 | 1102 | Brig | Norden, Capt. Rolfsen | Stavanger May 10 | | New York July 15 | 1307 | Ship | Olaf Kyrre, Capt. Krogh | Bergen May 7 | | New York June 22 | 1434 | Brig | Tricolor, Capt. Friis | Christiania May 12 | | New York July 25 | 1943 | Brig | Washington, Capt. Cock | Porsgrunn May 23 | | New York Aug. 11 | 2058 |
| Additional journeys or not confirmed journeys: Type | Ship | Departure | Details | Arrival | ID |
Sail | Agder, Capt. Bie | Stockholm | | New York Sep. 28 | 2224 | Sail | Ancona | Havre | | New Orleans Nov. 3 | 2217 | Sail | Bowditch, Capt. Pike | Havre | | New York Aug. 8 | 2219 | Sail | Columbo, Capt. Jacob | Havre | | New York Aug. 29 | 2218 | Sail | Elizabeth Bruce, Capt. Day | Havre | | New York Aug. 11 | 2220 | Brig | Genio, Capt. Ragul?? | Hamburg | | New York Sept. 16 | 2223 | Ship | John Holland, Capt. Henderson | Havre July 13 | | New York Aug. 28 | 2225 | Sail | St. Patrick | Liverpool | | New York Sep. 5 | 2222 | Sail | Sultan, Capt. Boni?? | Havre | | New York Aug. 14 | 2221 |
The "John Holland" took the 104 passengers arriving to Havre on the "Axel & Valborg" and some other Norwegians. It also carried 43 Swedes from Melhung in Dalarna, they were referred to as "Readers". Each adult passenger had to pay 45 Fr. for the passage on the John Holland from Havre to New York. The cost for children under the age of 10 was 40 Fr. and for those under the age of 2 it was 25 Fr. It was reported that all of the "Axel & Valborg" passengers were healthy and well when they left Havre. |