Passenger lists 1825 - 1873, Norwegian emigrant search

Passenger lists 1825 - 1873, Norwegian emigrant search

There are 71548 passengers from 458 journeys in this database. The database primarily covers the New York passenger lists from 1828 to 1850 and Canadian lists from 1865 to 1875. In some instances, information about Norwegian emigrants has also been supplemented with data from other sources, such as newspaper announcements, voyage accounts, or miscellaneous records. Additionally, entries from the Norwegian Police Emigration Records are included. For further details, please refer to the accompanying article.

Search for emigrants:

Regrettably the search functionallity is currently unavailable due to technical difficulties. We are actively exploring options to upgrade the technology needed to restore the full functionality and access to the database. Fundraising and sponsorships are crucial to securing the resources required to upgrade and expand the site. Without such support, the future of this invaluable historical resource remains uncertain. To learn more please visit: Call for support or
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In the meantime, you can still search for emigrants by manually browsing the passenger lists ship by ship .

Or by browsing indexes of ships year by year to see what lists are in the database. Select a year from the drop down menu below to see the index. Passenger lists are indicated with an icon:

The icon is linked to the list, so by clicking it you will go to the transcribed list.

Ship index by year 1825 - 1875: 

You may also ask for help in the Norway Heritage forum

To learn about Norwegian naming traditions read the article:
"Those Norwegian names, tips for the online researcher"

In some cases it is necessary to use the Norwegian characters æ ø and å. If you do not have a Norwegian keyboard or Norwegian keyboard settings, it is still possible to type those letters. To type:

æ - press Alt while typing 0230
ø - press Alt while typing 0248
å - press Alt while typing 0229
On some computers you will have to press the keypad numbers on the right side, not the numbers on the top of the keyboard. You can also "copy and paste" the characters.

NOTE: This database is not complete. There are many years from which no lists exists (read more about this in the article "Hunting Passenger Lists"). There are also many lists not transcribed yet.

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