It is very much advised that people post links by using the icon looking like this: in the "Format" line.
Then enter a descriptive text and next the actual link. This will avoid the looooong links which some times make the forum body to expand wider then the screen. I recommend that everyone who feels unsure on how to use the link function use the Testing Forum to get familiar with it.
When posting links it is not advised to use the "Quick Reply", as the links insertion function is not active with "Quick Reply"
I was wondering what was making those looong links happen. I use the function MOST of the time and will now do it all of the time.
I just click on the paper clip, type in the description and then use Control V to paste in the URL. When you preview the topic it still shows the complete address but it will show up correctly on the actual posting. I use a PC so I don't know how it works with a Mac.