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 Lunde/Morken Family from Sogn, Norway
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Betty Jean Ellingson
Junior member

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Posted - 20/04/2008 :  00:52:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am looking for the 1865 census for Kari Bottolsdatter Lunde who was born in Sogn, Norway.on March 18, 1856. I cannot find it under the Lunde name or on the other surname which could be Morken. We have her emigrating in 1872 but I can't find her on a passenger list, either. I would appreciate any help with these genealogy questions.

Betty Jean Ellingson

Edited by - Betty Jean Ellingson on 20/04/2008 01:11:15

Norway Heritage Veteran

6495 Posts

Posted - 20/04/2008 :  23:08:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Is that all you know about Kari and how certain is the date she was born?

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Betty Jean Ellingson
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Posted - 21/04/2008 :  00:26:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for your reply. I was in error with the date. After making a couple of phone calls I am pretty sure of the date of Kari Torstensdatter Morken 's birth as March 21, 1859 in Hafslo Indre Sogn og Fjordane, Hafslo Parish. Thanks so much for any help you can give me. I am looking for possibly the 1865 census and an 1872 passenger list. Any help is appreciated. ( I think the Lunde name is her mother)

Betty Jean Ellingson
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Norway Heritage Veteran

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Posted - 21/04/2008 :  01:34:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
There is no "Kari Bottolsdatter Lunde" in that area of Sogn og Fjordane in 1865.

But in your second posting you drop the Bottolsdatter Lunde and instead call her "Kari Torstensdatter Morken"... ??? How so much change without explanation?

Perhaps you seek the family living on Sønnesund* in Hafslo in 1865 --
Sønnesund, Hafslo 1865
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Betty Jean Ellingson
Junior member

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Posted - 21/04/2008 :  01:43:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi - Thanks so much for the 1865 census information....looks like you found Kari!! I don't know if you noticed my last sentence in the previous e-mail....I guess her mother was a Lunde and her name was Kari (as it is on this census) and that was the confusion.

I was wondering if you could find her on a passenger list around 1872?? That is the date I was given.

Thanks and sorry for the confusion on the name.

Betty Jean Ellingson
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Norway Heritage Veteran

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Posted - 21/04/2008 :  02:44:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yes, I noticed your later attribution of the "Lunde" name (farm name?) possibly to her mother instead.
The nearest logical port of departure would have been Bergen in Hordaland. There are very few records of departures from that port before 1874 so don't count on actually finding a record of her leaving if your date of 1872 is at all accurate. Of course, at the approximate age of 13 it would seem more likely that she travelled with other older members of the family.
You might concentrate instead on finding a record of arrival in America.
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Norway Heritage Veteran

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Posted - 21/04/2008 :  03:10:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Kari (b. 1859) is still in Hafslo for her confirmation in that Lutheran church, 28 June 1874.

The year for her emigration from Norway that you were given is actually very wrong.

She left from the port of Bergen on or about 16 June 1881 -
Record 9434

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Betty Jean Ellingson
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Posted - 21/04/2008 :  06:30:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Wow!! I am overwhelmed and very thankful for all of the information you have provided me today. I just have one more question re: the passenger list....some of them have destinations on them but I don't see that on this one. I have information in front of me that says that she went to Goodhue County, Minnesota after coming to America. She eventually homesteaded in North Dakota so I wonder about her connection to Goodhue County.

Again, sincere thanks....!

Betty Jean Ellingson
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Betty Jean Ellingson
Junior member

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Posted - 21/04/2008 :  06:44:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just one more question- I have information here that says that Kari's brother, Thrond Morken, came to America in 1877. Is there a possibility you could check on that passenger list for me?? It may help me to see who he came with to America.

Thanks again...

Betty Jean Ellingson
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Norway Heritage Veteran

3351 Posts

Posted - 21/04/2008 :  10:34:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Betty Jean Ellingson

... I just have one more question re: the passenger list....some of them have destinations on them but I don't see that on this one. I have information in front of me that says that she went to Goodhue County, Minnesota after coming to America. She eventually homesteaded in North Dakota so I wonder about her connection to Goodhue County.

The emigration register for Kari that you see online is exactly the same as the one I see. No information is listed about her destination.

To search for her brother or other relatives:
The emigration register for Bergen 1874-1930 is available at the Digitalarkivet website. I recommend that you try searching that database for 1. Birth place starts with "Haf"; 2. Given name starts with "T"; 3. Father's name starts with "T". That should narrow down the possible entries to a number where you could find him easily.

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Betty Jean Ellingson
Junior member

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Posted - 21/04/2008 :  15:12:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Hopkins- I appreciate the link and the details on how to find Trond!

Just wondering if you could give me the link for the Confirmation information you gave me earlier on Kari.


Betty Jean Ellingson
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Lester Hanson
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Posted - 21/04/2008 :  15:23:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here are a few birth records for the Torstein Trondsen family tree.

Torsten Throndsen baptism record: 2nd page last entry, 26 July 1820:
His father’s name is Thrond Morken, and I need help reading his Mothers name: Brithe (no last name given)
Kari Bottolfsdtr birth record: 23 Oct 1827 #89
Kari’s parents, Bottolf Thurmandsen Lundo Hermandsen Lunde and Brithe ErichdsdatterErichdatter. My spelling could be off. "Thanks for the correcions Einar."

Thrond Torsteinsen birth record: #58 8 July 1852:

Kari Thorsteinsdtr birth record: 21 May 1859 #33

Britha Thorsteinsdtr birth record, 4 June 1852 #57

Bertha Torsteinsdtr birth record, 14 Feb 1857 #17

Anna Torsteinsdtr birth record, 3 April 1864 #26


PS Marriage record for Torstein and Kari: 12 Feb 1852
Torstein's father: Thrond has a last name that starts with A???.
Help Please!!

Edited by - Lester Hanson on 21/04/2008 18:28:34
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Betty Jean Ellingson
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Posted - 21/04/2008 :  16:11:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks so much, Les!! Yesterday I had very little information on my Great-Grandma Kari and now I have her dad's baptism record, her mom's birth record, and the names and birth records of she and all of her siblings, the 1865 census and her passenger list! This is very overwhelming and wonderful. Thanks to all of you!!

Betty Jean Ellingson
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Norway Heritage Veteran

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Posted - 21/04/2008 :  17:48:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The baptism of Torsten was on July 30, he was born July 26. The mothers name is only the given name Brithe. What could be seen as a last name is "Widner" = witnesses.
Kari Bottolfdatters parents were Bottolf Hermundsen Lunde and Brithe Erichdatter.


Edited by - eibache on 21/04/2008 17:49:17
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Lester Hanson
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Posted - 21/04/2008 :  18:48:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here are a couple more documents for your records. These are for Thorsten"s wife Kari.

1865 telling with Kari Bottolfsdtr Mother: Brita Eriksd, she is a widow, with a daughter Brita Bottolfsd.

Britha Bottolfsd birth record, born 23 Feb 1839; #23

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Lester Hanson
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Posted - 21/04/2008 :  21:04:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Do you know if Karies brother Trond settled in North Dakota, and then moved to Minnesota? The US Census for 1900, 1910, and 1920 have a person that almost matches the birthdate. He has a wife Bertha, and she had 8 children, with 6 living in the 1900 census.

This Trond has two immigrtion dates, of 1874 and 1877.

Using the year 1874 for emigrating from Bergen, go to: #1130 for Thrond Mørken.

If you have access to there is a "Bentz Family Tree" looking for your Torsten relatives. If you Google the name Bentz, there are a lot of hits.

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