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 Disappeared - Severin Bunaes Buness Bunes 1889
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Norway Heritage Veteran

7844 Posts

Posted - 04/11/2020 :  04:51:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Regina Irene m 1 Nels J Strendin (sometimes Strandin). Here is his obit page 18 col 7 (the link goes to the front page):

Their marriage is found in MOMS:

In other records Regina's name is recorded as Kemp.

Their son, Nels E Strandem is called Nils Einar Strendin in his father's probate record and he later went by Einar N Strendin.

Einar served in WWII in the famous 164th Infantry a North Dakota National Guard unit.

Edited by - jkmarler on 04/11/2020 16:07:17
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Norway Heritage Veteran

7844 Posts

Posted - 04/11/2020 :  15:46:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
So the new information about the parentage of Severin Buness with new names to search, etc. has not really lead to a solution on Severin. A search for all kinds of spellings of both Buness and Ackley in the North Dakota public death index produced no discernible result. Also a try for Severin as Ackley in newspaper holdings also didn't produce.

There were three men Severin Buness, Melvin Buness and W.J. Holcombe who were named as the plaintiffs in three suits for damages against the railroad when the three were left in an unheated car on 15 March 1920. There was no word on the adjudication on Severin in a later article about the trials, but Melvin got $300 of the $2000 he asked. W.J. Holcombe's suit was dismissed. Holcombe was also from Van Hook. The trial took place in 1921 in court in Minot, N.D. Not sure what records might be left concerning Severin's suit but might be of interest.
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Posted - 04/11/2020 :  16:19:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Any records for the (ca.) 1928 wedding of Agathe/Agnes to Axel Edmund Nelson? Would be interesting to see if she was described as divorced or a widow.
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Norway Heritage Veteran

7844 Posts

Posted - 04/11/2020 :  17:41:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Think they moved to Saskatchewan. There is a searchable database of Sask. vital records but the marriage portion is not yet available:

Still not available today 23 Dec 2024.

Edited by - jkmarler on 23/12/2024 16:28:59
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Medium member

169 Posts

Posted - 08/11/2020 :  20:49:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
These names make it confusing to follow the records, leading to why this has been a mystery for so long. I appreciate the help.


Tell us about Clara....

So far as I can see, there is only reference to Clara and that is the 1905 census.

In MOMS between 1 Jan 1900 and 31 Jan 1910 there are 42 marriages in which the female party is named Clara. Of the 42, there is no mate named Olaf, Oluf, or Olof. During that same time in Todd county, there is no party named Klara getting married.

Of course, they could have nipped off to some other county to be married but Clara's other biographical information seems to match Sigrid's. So it seems more likely that Sigri = Sadie= Clara.
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Norway Heritage Veteran

4961 Posts

Posted - 10/11/2020 :  22:50:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The original 1905 Minnesota record does not read Clara but Siggri.

Edited by - jwiborg on 10/11/2020 22:50:56
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Norway Heritage Veteran

7844 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2020 :  00:04:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Good play! Always look at the original to see if you agree with the transcriptionist! Except this image is from 1895 census.... Here is the 1905 and Sigri is called Clara and the family lives next to Goodman Thompson:

Edited by - jkmarler on 11/11/2020 06:01:58
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Norway Heritage Veteran

7844 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2020 :  05:38:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Severin is counted in the 1905 census.

Edited by - jkmarler on 11/11/2020 06:02:24
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Norway Heritage Veteran

7844 Posts

Posted - 23/12/2024 :  13:52:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Severin's mother still living in 1906 but sick:

Still living in 1908:

Still living on March 10 1910 but going away for an operation:

Her obituary published 17 March 1910 column 4 under head "East Gordon" reports her death in Minneapolis:

Severin (not named) but listed as the oldest son is reportedly employed near Grand Forks detailed in his mother's obit. He is known to have been in Grand Forks for his marriage to Agnes in 1912 (He also has two maternal uncles living in Grand Forks and in the area around Grand Forks.):

Edited by - jkmarler on 04/02/2025 12:13:00
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Norway Heritage Veteran

7844 Posts

Posted - 23/12/2024 :  15:52:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Did Severin change his name and (slightly alter) birth date?

Here is a long shot possible, from WWII draft card for a Severin Bert Johnson born 22 Nov 1889 in Todd County, Minnesota:

And he died in 1970 in California. Strangely there seem to be no census records from before 1930....

"California, Death Index, 1940-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : 26 November 2014), Severin B Johnson, 20 Apr 1970; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento.

Severin Johnson
Census Year: 1940
Gender: Male
Age: 50
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Wife: Lenabelle Johnson
Son: Warren Johnson
Son: Robert Johnson
Residence: Compton Judicial Township, Los Angeles, California, United States
Birthplace: Minnesota
Birth Year: 1890
Household Members: Name Age
Lenabelle Johnson 32
Warren Johnson 16
Robert Johnson 8

Source Citation
"United States Census, 1940," database with images, GenealogyBank (, Severin Johnson, Compton Judicial Township, Los Angeles, California, United States. (Original index: United States Census, 1940, FamilySearch, 2014)

Severin B Johnson married Lenabelle Brock in California in 1925. On the record his parents are named as "Bert Johnson" and Sigrid Thompson. Sigrid Thompson name matches pretty closely the names Severin Buness' mother used... And he is listed as "divorced" and with a birthplace of Osakis, Minnesota.

"California, County Marriages, 1849-1957," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 9 March 2021), Severin B Johnson and Lenabelle Brock, 18 Feb 1925; citing Orange, California, United States, county courthouses, California; FHL microfilm 2,051,005.

Parents marriage from MOMS:

Here is Severin and family in 1950 census:
"United States, Census, 1950", , FamilySearch ( : Wed Mar 20 11:08:29 UTC 2024), Entry for Gesephi Johnson and Lenabelle Johnson, 4 April 1950.

The son Robert's marriage:
"California, County Marriages, 1849-1957", , FamilySearch ( : Sat Mar 09 04:53:11 UTC 2024), Entry for Robert Eugene Johnson and Paloma Jean Darrow, 16 February 1951.

Edited by - jkmarler on 23/12/2024 17:11:16
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Norway Heritage Veteran

7844 Posts

Posted - 24/12/2024 :  03:09:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The only newspaper reference for a Severin Johnson in Todd county is this in 1898 about winning a raffle for a bicycle, in the "Gordon" column:

Gudmund Thompson legal notice regarding proving his will, heirs are mentioned:

Edited by - jkmarler on 24/12/2024 06:43:46
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Norway Heritage Veteran

7844 Posts

Posted - 24/12/2024 :  16:12:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The other son Warren's marriage record in which he names his father as Severin B Johnson born in Minot N.D. !:
"California, County Marriages, 1849-1957", , FamilySearch ( : Wed Jul 10 00:44:47 UTC 2024), Entry for Warren Jay Johnson and Severin B Johnson, 17 Jan 1948.

Warren died in 1977:
"California, Death Index, 1940-1997," , FamilySearch ( : 26 November 2014), Warren J Johnson, 22 Jul 1977; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento.

Warren J Johnson was also a witness at Robert Eugene Johnson's, the brother's, marriage.

Warren J may or may not have been Severin's son. This birth certificate names another man as father for a Warren Jay Randall born on the same date same place as Warren Jay Johnson:
"California, County Birth and Death Records, 1800-1994", , FamilySearch ( : Sun Mar 10 04:19:36 UTC 2024), Entry for Warren Jay Randall and Irving Randall, 7 December 1923.

Warren Jay Johnson b 7 Dec 1923 in WWII draft cards:
"California, World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1940-1947", , FamilySearch ( : Mon Jul 22 22:00:58 UTC 2024), Entry for Warren Jay Johnson and Lenabelle Johnson, 30 Jun 1942.

Edited by - jkmarler on 27/12/2024 08:13:46
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