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BurdenBuiltShipowner or operator Dimensions
304½ kl 1847 at Medford, Mass., U.S.A P. M. Petersen, Porsgrunn, Norway 136,7ft x 29,1ft x 20,4ft 
 1857 Nov. 7 St.Ybes from Gibraltar, Capt IversenAtlantic Journey ID 8042
 1858 Captain P. M. Petersen  from Bergen to Quebec   
 1858 June 26 Quebec for Hull, Capt. PetersenAtlantic Journey ID 8043
 1858 July 27 off Dover; from Quebec to HullAtlantic Journey ID 8044
 1858 Aug. 4 Grimsby/Hull from QuebecAtlantic Journey ID 8045
 1858 Aug 29 Grimsby for PorsgrunnAtlantic Journey ID 8046
 1859 Captain P. M. Petersen  from Porsgrunn Apr. 23 to Quebec May 27  Passenger list: Passenger list 
 1860 Captain H. Iversen  from Porsgrunn Apr. 20 to Quebec June 4  Passenger list: Passenger list 
 1860 June 28 Quebec for GrimsbyAtlantic Journey ID 8047
 1860 July 25 off Deal; fra QuebecAtlantic Journey ID 8048
 1860 July 27 Gravesend/London from QuebecAtlantic Journey ID 8049
 1860 Oct. 25 off Aldbro; from Sandarne (Sweden) to LondonAtlantic Journey ID 8050
 1861 Captain H. Iversen  from Porsgrunn to Quebec June 8   
 1861 May 1 off Ryde (Wight) reported from Porsgrunn to Quebec, all wellAtlantic Journey ID 8051
 1861 Aug. 14 off Dungeness (Kent, England) for Dundee (Scotland)Atlantic Journey ID 8052
 1861 Aug. 18 Dundee from QuebecAtlantic Journey ID 8053
 1861 Sept. 10 leaving Dundee for PorsgrundAtlantic Journey ID 8054
 1862 Captain H. Iversen  from Porsgrunn Apr. 16 to Quebec June 20  Passenger list: Passenger list 
 1862 July 16 Quebec for PenarthAtlantic Journey ID 8055
 1862 Sept. 3 the Bristol-ChannelAtlantic Journey ID 8056
 1862 Sept. 4 Newport (Wales)Atlantic Journey ID 8057
 1862 Sept. 27 leaving Newport for Sundsvall (Sweden)Atlantic Journey ID 8058
 1862 Oct. 19 off Øresund; from Newport to Sundsvall in ballast Atlantic Journey ID 8059
 1863 July 3 Quebec from NorwayAtlantic Journey ID 8060
 1863 Sept. 14 leaving Quebec for LondonAtlantic Journey ID 8061
 1863 Nov. 4 Gravesend/London from QuebecAtlantic Journey ID 8062
 1864 Feb. 18 off Weight; from Norway to FalmouthAtlantic Journey ID 8063
 1864 Feb. 22 Truro from PorsgrundAtlantic Journey ID 8064
 1864 May 14 Quebec from FalmouthAtlantic Journey ID 8065
 1864 June 3 leaving Quebec for TruroAtlantic Journey ID 8066
 1864 June 27 Truro Point from QuebecAtlantic Journey ID 8067
 1864 July 11 leaving Truro Point for QuebecAtlantic Journey ID 8068
 1864 Aug. 31 Quebec from TruroAtlantic Journey ID 8069
 1864 Sept. 22 Quebec for HullAtlantic Journey ID 8070
 1864 Nov. 16 Gravesend/London from QuebecAtlantic Journey ID 8071
 1864 Dec. 7 London for PorsgrundAtlantic Journey ID 8072
 1865 Mai 29 Quebec for GreenochAtlantic Journey ID 8073
 1865 July 29 leaving Clyde for QuebecAtlantic Journey ID 8074
 1865 Sept. 11 Quebec from ClydeAtlantic Journey ID 8075
 1865 Oct. 5 Quebec for LondonAtlantic Journey ID 8076
 1865 Nov. 3 London from QuebecAtlantic Journey ID 8077
 1865 Dec. 7 leaving London for Newcastle and AlexandriaAtlantic Journey ID 8078
 1865 Dec. 26 loading in Newcastle for AlexandriaAtlantic Journey ID 8079
 1866 Jan 4 off DealAtlantic Journey ID 8080
 1866 June 22 leaving Gibraltar for QuebecAtlantic Journey ID 8081
 1866 June 26 Collided off Europe Point with the Norwegian ship LudvigAtlantic Journey ID 8082
 1866 Aug. 24 Quebec from AlexandriaAtlantic Journey ID 8083
 1866 Sept. 15 leaving Quebec for SouthamptonAtlantic Journey ID 8084
 1866 Oct. 28 Southampton from QuebecAtlantic Journey ID 8085
 1866 Nov. 21 leaving Southampton for HelsingørAtlantic Journey ID 8086
 1867 Captain H. Iversen  from Porsgrunn Apr. 18 to Quebec May 29   
 1867 June 29 leaving Quebec for WaterfordAtlantic Journey ID 8087
 1867 Aug. 7 Waterford from QuebecAtlantic Journey ID 8088
 1867 Sept. 2 leaving Waterford for the Baltic Ocean Atlantic Journey ID 8089
 1867 Sept. 16 off Øresund, reported by the pilotAtlantic Journey ID 8090
 1867 Sept. 21 Sundsvall from WaterfordAtlantic Journey ID 8091
 1867 Nov. 12 off Øresund: from Sundsvall to Dartmouth with timberAtlantic Journey ID 8092
 1867 Dec. 13 leaving Dartmouth for the Baltic OceanAtlantic Journey ID 8093
 1868 Captain H. Iversen  from Porsgrunn Apr. 19 to Quebec June 11  Passenger list: Passenger list 
 1868 May 26 off Pilgrims, St. LawrenceAtlantic Journey ID 8094
 1868 July 9 Quebec for LondonAtlantic Journey ID 8095
 1868 Aug. 21 off Deal; from QuebecAtlantic Journey ID 8096
 1868 Aug. 24 London from QuebecAtlantic Journey ID 8097
 1868 Sept. 12 off Deal; from the Thames to PencicolaAtlantic Journey ID 8098
 1868 Dec. 9 leaving Pensacola for HullAtlantic Journey ID 8099
 1869 Feb. 22 Hull from Pensacola. Capt. IversenAtlantic Journey ID 8100
 1869 June 26 leaving Quebec for LondonAtlantic Journey ID 8101
 1869 Aug. 4 off Deal; from QuebecAtlantic Journey ID 8102
 1869 Aug. 5 London from QuebecAtlantic Journey ID 8103
 1869 Aug. 17 London for Luleå (Sweden)Atlantic Journey ID 8104
The information listed above is not the complete record of the ship. The information was collected from a multitude of sources, and new information will be added as it emerges

The bark Amelia was built in 1847 at Medford, Mass. USA. Her burden was 306,7 Norwegian Commercial lasts (637 gross). Her dimensions were: 136,7 feet length, 29,1 feet beam and 20,4 feet depth. The Amelia was owned by P. M. Petersen of Porsgrunn 1858 - 1872. Petersen started a shipping company in 1855. Petersen would let his ships be refitted to take emigrants while in port at Porsgrunn during the winter. The hold was equipped with a temporary between-deck (steerage), with temporary berths. The emigrant ships departed early in the spring for America. As soon as the passengers left the ship, the temporary fittings, and the between-deck would be taken away, and cargo, mainly timber would be taken on board for the return. The timber was most often taken to England. In 1872 Amelia was sold to S. Mørk in Sarpsborg, and in 1896 she was turned in to a pier, and later burned.

In 1858 The Amelia sailed from Bergen to Quebec with emigrants, mastered by Capt. Petersen. She arrived at Quebec in June after a crossing of 29 days. Because the National Archives of Canada [NAC] did not start the archiving of passenger lists before 1865, and the Norwegian emigration records did not start before 1867, there are no surviving passenger lists for the voyages prior to 1865 described on this page in any of those archives. Timeline to records.

In 1859 the Amelia departed from Porsgrund April 23rd, mastered by her owner, Capt. P. M. Petersen. She arrived at Quebec May 27. The booking agent was J. Ericksen in Skien. The announcement said that the Amelia had a copper hooded hull, and the steerage was 7½ feet high, airy, light and spaciously. According to the agent, the ship was specially built for taking passengers. The Amelia was equipped with two cabins, and could take cabin passengers if requested.

In the newspaper "Correspondenten" June 29, 1959, there was printed a letter from the passengers on the Amelia:
Arrived in Quebec May 27, after 34 days at sea, all passengers healthy and well.
Captain P. M. Petersen, aboard the Amelia from Porsgrunn!
We undersigned emigrants, who after a fast and happy journey have arrived in Quebec, can not leave you, without showing our gratitude to you, for the good and human treatment you have shown us on the crossing from Porsgrunn to Quebec. Next after Gods help, it is you we all should thank for arriving in good health.
The passengers gives the Captain the honor for keeping a clean and proper ship, and recommends the ship and Captain to others. The letter was dated Quebec May 30, and signed by:
G. Bakke from Tind, Søren H. Finsæter, Christian P. Kaasa, both from Hjerdal, Tron Chr. Uhlefos, Ole O. Bakkemoen, Ole O. Aaslandsen jun, Kittil Olsen Kasine, all from Siljord, Svend S. Braali, Carpenter Ole Svendsen, Augen O. Flateland, Gulmund H. Findreng, Stener M. Udsund, all from Hvidsøe. Niels Olsen Kleven, Jørgen P. Kleven, Aasmund R. Horgervigen, all from Nissedal. Margit Iversdatter from Moe, Knud A. Buli, Bergit G. Buli, Svennung O. Hægtvedt, Thov T. Mogen, all from Laurdal, Gunder G. Næs from Flaabygd, Torgine Nielsen from Staværn, Saave Halvorsdatter from Moland, Torsten R. Ullevigen, Tollef S. Skogen, both from S?usde, Ingeman T. Kittilsland, Ole R. Stugrud, Niels H. Stugrud, Ole H. Hagen, Stener T. Stugrud, Niels O. Mogstuen, Knud Ingebretsen, Ole R. Fikaneie, Niels T. Fjose, Gulbrand O. Mogstuen, Kittil O. Kirkjordet, Liv Tollefsdatter, Ingeborg Knudsdatter, Tonnei Nielsdatter, God P. Hellevammen, Lars G. Kyllestad, Ole K. Laugen all from Nummedal, Halvor J. Rosshuus, Anund O. Hamarsnæs, Halvor E. Hamarsnæs all from Vinje, Gullik Kittilsen from Tinn.

In 1860 the Amelia was mastered by Capt. H. Iversen from Porsgrunn to Quebec. She arrived at Quebec on June 4. Again there was sent a letter by the passengers to the newspaper to praise the Captain and the ship.

The Amelia arrived in Quebec June 4th, all passengers healthy and satisfied. The letter to the newspaper was signed by:
Greger H. Bøen, Kittil T. Klokkergaarden, Anders O. Tvedten, Halvor K. Haave, Halvor O. Sagflaati, John P. Rui, Halvor O. Sjøetvedt, Gjermund T. Dale, Niels O. Bøen, Torjer G. Moflaati, Ole O. Bastvedt, Helg. H. Bøen, Ole G. Bøen, All from Tind and Granshered. Thor J. Tvedt, Jacob A. Tvedtene, Gullik T. Midtbøe, All from Nissedal Anders K. Hellem, Ole N. Hæsrekaasa, John A. Aasildrud, Halvor H. Haaberg, All from Hitterdal. Ole J. Fladland, Thorbjørn O. Kaasa, Niri G. Nordbøe, Christian E. Aabøe, All from Hjerdal. Gjermund J. Omnæs from Bøe. Thorbjørn K. Hemmestvedt, Stener O. Nordskog, Johans H. Kirkebøer, All from Hvedesøe, Ole T. Riisøe from Vraadal. Aadne S. Tvedten from Moland. Gunder K. Bolstad, Knud G. Bustrak, both from Tørdal. Knud A. Lie, Tallef T. Qvaalen, Kittil T. Aamyren, Aslak O. Tvedteggen, All from Vinje. Guldmund S. Triset from Laurdal. Claus O. Aasheim from Siljord. Rasmus O. Stensland, Osmund O. Tingren, Anne M. Omeland, All from Hægebostad. Peder B. Roslandalen from Bamble, Knud P. Lyskjend from Slemdal. Anders H. Furuvold from Gjerpen. L. Nielsen from Kragerø. Ole Olsen Saaby, Christian Olsen, J. A. Thomsen, H. Bentsen, All from Skien. O. A. Bergh, Marie E. Olsen, Otto Olsen, C. Andersen, Peter L. Berg, All from Sarpsborg. Anders Anderson from Sweden.

In 1861 the ship was announced with departure from Porsgrunn on April 20. She arrived at Quebec on June 8 carrying 376 passengers. She was mastered by Capt. Iversen

In 1862 the Amelia departed from Porsgrunn Apr. 16 and arrived at Quebec June 20. On the 1862 passage, the passengers on Amelia were hit by disaster. There was an outbreak of typhoid fever and measles. 49 of the 280 passengers died during the crossing, and when the ship arrived in Quebec 170 of the survivors were hospitalized, 31 of them died at the hospital. After this journey the Amelia did not sail with emigrants again before in 1867 and 1868.

Newspaper announcement for the conveyance of emigrants on the Amelia in 1859
Newspaper announcement for the conveyance of emigrants on the Amelia

printed in the "Correspondenten", Dec. 24th 1859


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