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BurdenBuiltShipowner or operator Dimensions
172½ kl  Johan Wesmann, Åsgårdstrand, Norway  
 1851 Captain F. Moldenhauer  from Åsgårdstrand Apr. 14 to Quebec June 5   
 1851 July 2 Leaving Quebec for GreenockAtlantic Journey ID 7641
 1851 Aug. 4 London from QuebecAtlantic Journey ID 7642
 1851 Aug. 16 London for the BalticAtlantic Journey ID 7643
 1851 Sept. 30 off Øresund; from Bjørneborg to London with plankAtlantic Journey ID 7644
 1851 Oct. 28 London from BjørneborgAtlantic Journey ID 7645
 1851 Nov. 15 leaving London for NorwayAtlantic Journey ID 7646
 1852 March 7 Christiania from Åsgårdstrand in ballastAtlantic Journey ID 7647
 1852 Captain F. Moldenhauer  from Christiania Apr. 19 to Quebec June 12   
 1852 April 19 leaving Christiania for America with 190 PassengersAtlantic Journey ID 7648
 1852 April 30 off Broadstairs; from Christiania to Quebec with EmigrantsAtlantic Journey ID 7649
 1852 July 1 Quebec for LondonAtlantic Journey ID 7650
 1852 July 31off Deal; from Quebec to LondonAtlantic Journey ID 7651
 1852 Aug. 19 leaving London for Hernøsand, Baltic OceanAtlantic Journey ID 7652
 1852 Dec. 10 Barcelona from Helsingør, Capt. MoldenhauerAtlantic Journey ID 7653
 1853 Jan. 20 Alexandria from BarcelonaAtlantic Journey ID 7654
 1853 Feb. 2 Alexandria for FalmouthAtlantic Journey ID 7655
 1853 May 11 leaving Falmouth for LimerickAtlantic Journey ID 7656
 1853 May 19 Limerick from Alexandria leaving June 18 for QuebecAtlantic Journey ID 7657
 1853 Aug. 4 Quebec from LimerickAtlantic Journey ID 7659
 1853 Aug. 27 leaving Quebec for LondonAtlantic Journey ID 7660
 1853 Sept. 28 Gravesend/London from QuebecAtlantic Journey ID 7661
 1853 Oct. 18 leaving London from ChristianiaAtlantic Journey ID 7662
 1853 Dec 2 off Aldbro; from Norway to London Atlantic Journey ID 7663
 1853 Dec. 5 Gravesend/London from SarpsborgAtlantic Journey ID 7664
 1853 Dec. 12 leaving London for Norway, Capt. MoldenhauerAtlantic Journey ID 7665
 1854 Captain F. Moldenhauer  from Christiania Apr. 15 to Quebec June 10   
 1854 July 4 Quebec for LondonAtlantic Journey ID 7666
 1854 Aug. 14 off Deal; London from QuebecAtlantic Journey ID 7667
 1854 Aug. 16 London from Quebec, leaving Sept. 1 for NorwayAtlantic Journey ID 7668
 1855 July 4 off Øresund; from Sundsvall to Bordeaux with plankAtlantic Journey ID 7670
 1855 July 30 Bordeaux for SundsvallAtlantic Journey ID 7671
 1855 Sept. 23 off Øresund; from Bordeaux to Sundsvall in ballastAtlantic Journey ID 7672
 1855 Oct. 20 Sundsvall for LondonAtlantic Journey ID 7673
 1855 Oct. 31 off Øresund; from Sundsvall to England with plankAtlantic Journey ID 7674
 1855 Nov. 27 leaving London for NorwayAtlantic Journey ID 7675
 1856 April 25 Christiania from London in ballastAtlantic Journey ID 7676
 1856 Captain Isachsen  from Christiania to Quebec Aug. 9   
 1856 Aug. 6 leaving Quebec for London, Capt. IsaksenAtlantic Journey ID 7677
 1856 Sept. 16 off Deal; from Quebec to London, Sept. 18 GravesendAtlantic Journey ID 7678
 1856 Oct. 3 leaving London for GotheburgAtlantic Journey ID 7680
 1857 Aug. 7 Quebec for Hull, Capt. IsaksenAtlantic Journey ID 7681
 1857 Sept. 20 Hull from QuebecAtlantic Journey ID 7682
 1857 Oct. 13 Sunderland from HullAtlantic Journey ID 7683
 1858 June 18 Gothenburg for North AmericaAtlantic Journey ID 7684
 1858 June 28 off South Foreland; from Gothenburg to QuebecAtlantic Journey ID 7685
 1858 Aug. 24 Quebec from GothenburgAtlantic Journey ID 7686
 1859 Sept. 2 Pill from Christiania, Capt. Jensen Atlantic Journey ID 7687
 1860 April 12 leaving London for Bic Island, Capt. Wesmann, April 15 off Deal; from the Thames to Bic IslandAtlantic Journey ID 7688
 1860 July 19 Gravesend/London from RemouskiAtlantic Journey ID 7690
 1860 Aug. 2 leaving London for SundsvallAtlantic Journey ID 7691
 1860 Sept. 17 leaving Sundsvall for EnglandAtlantic Journey ID 7692
 1860 Oct. 25 off Aldbro; from Sundsvall to London Atlantic Journey ID 7693
 1860 Nov. 14 leaving London Atlantic Journey ID 7694
 1860 Dec. 1 leaving Newcastle for Christiania, Capt. WesmannAtlantic Journey ID 7695
 1861 Apr. 20 Christiania for Quebec with 185 passengersAtlantic Journey ID 7696
 1861 Captain S. Wesmann  from Christiania Apr. 24 to Quebec June 15  Passenger list: Passenger list 
 1861 May 3 reported off Lizard ( Cornwall, England )Atlantic Journey ID 7697
 1861 July 9 Quebec for LondonAtlantic Journey ID 7698
 1861 Aug. 15 off Deal; from Quebec, Aug. 16 Gravesend and LondonAtlantic Journey ID 7699
 1861 Aug. 30 London for Sundsvall Atlantic Journey ID 7701
 1861 Oct. 23 Øresund; from Sundsvall to Montrose with timberAtlantic Journey ID 7702
 1861 Nov. 1 Montrose from SundsvallAtlantic Journey ID 7703
 1861 Nov. 18 Montrose for Drammen Atlantic Journey ID 7704
 1861 Nov. 23. Christiania from Åsgårdstrand in ballast Atlantic Journey ID 7705
 1862 April 9 from Christiania to England with timberAtlantic Journey ID 7706
 1862 May 25 from London to Gamla KarlabyAtlantic Journey ID 7707
 1862 May 31 off Øresund; from London to Gl. Karleby in ballastAtlantic Journey ID 7708
 1862 June 19 Gamla Karleby from LondonAtlantic Journey ID 7709
 1862 July 18 off Øresund; from Karlaby to London with timberAtlantic Journey ID 7710
 1862 August 11 off Aldbro; from Gamla Karleby to LondonAtlantic Journey ID 7711
 1862 August 19 leaving London for Sundsvall, Aug. 26 of Øresund in ballastAtlantic Journey ID 7712
 1862 October 7 at Øresund: from Sundsvall to Montrose with timberAtlantic Journey ID 7714
 1862 October 27 wrecked off Moss, Norway with timber. All crew saved by the ships life-saving apparatusAtlantic Journey ID 7715
The information listed above is not the complete record of the ship. The information was collected from a multitude of sources, and new information will be added as it emerges


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Emigrant ship Arrivals
Trond Austheim's database of emigrant ship arrivals around the world, 1870-1894.

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100 Years of Emigrant Ships from Norway - indexed by year 1825-1925
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Articles about selected ships ships and special events in their history. Descriptions of some of the great maritime disasters involving emigrant ships, like the wrecking of the steamer Atlantic of the White Star Line, sinking of the ocean liner Empress of Ireland and the Thingvalla line steamer Norge disaster. Check this section if you have an interest in shipwrecks.
This section contains articles describing the transatlantic voyage, the condition of the steerage accommodations and the experience of an ocean travel on an emigrant ship. You will find in-depth studies concerning the emigration process, statistics and facts, and information about the immigration processing centers line Castle Garden and Ellis Island.
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