The S/S Norge in Thingvalla Line colors (blue star on funnel)
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Thingvalla Line steamships Amerika (on the channel) and the Norge moored at Larsen Plads in Copenhagen. Larsens Plads was where the Thingvalla Line steamships embarked passengers and is located between the Amaleienborg Palace and the channel near "Kvesthusbroen".
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Norge, Thingvalla Line steamship in Scandinavian America Line colors (black funnel with red band)
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The "Norge" was built by Alex. Stephen & Sons Ltd. Linthouse, Glasgow in 1881 (no. 252). Her tonnage was 3,310 tons gross, 2,441 under deck and 2,163 net. She was an iron construction, straight stem, one funnel and three masts which was schooner rigged. She had a single screw, 2 iron decks and partly iron awning deck, 4 tiers of beams and 6 cemented bulkheads. She had a compound engine with 2 inverted cylinders of 44 and 80 inches diameter respectively, stroke 48 inches; operating at 80 p.s.i. delivering 320 horsepower which gave her a service speed of 11 knots. There was double bottom, aft 92 feet long, under engine and boilers 62 feet, 330 tons. Midship Deep Tank 34 feet, 340 tons.
and. She had accommodation for 50 1st class passengers, 150 2nd class and 900 3rd class passengers.
The general agent for the Thingvalla Line in Christiania, Fredrik Lie, who had his ticket office in "Store Strandgade 23" announced that the cost of passage on the Norge in 1891 was Kr. 250 salon (NOK 250, 1 class), Kr 180 anden Kahytt (NOK 180, 2nd class), kost inclusive (meals included), Mellemdæk nedsatt (steerage reduced)
The Sinking of the Norge -
This article was forst printed in the Budstikken, May 2005. The Budstikken is a publication of the Valdres Samband. The article was transcribed for this site by Jo Anne Saddler, and is reprinted here with kind permission of Valdres Samband and Dan Hovland
The S/S Norge disaster - newspaper reports
The New York Times July 4 - 6
Transcribed by Jo Anne Sadler 2006
This is the story of the sinking of the Norge as reported day by day in the press. The ship went down on June 28th 1904, and by July 4th the news were all over the front pages of the mayor newspapers. Jo Anne Sadler has transcribed the reports from The New York Times spanning from July 4th to July 6th. The same stories were also printed in the Norwegian newspapers.