The brig Præciosa departed from Kragerø on about July 4th with 94 passengers and a load of iron (1194½ Skpnd.) for New York. She arrived at New York on August 21nd, 45 days after leaving Norway. The passenger list is dated August 22nd. She was mastered by Capt. Krog. The voyage is mentioned in an old letter (A04890) that is held by the Norwegian Emigration Museum at Hamar. The writer tells that they bought their passage from Consul "Bøiern" in Kragerø.
The voyage is also mentioned in "A Family History" by Selma S. Casberg, printed by Crescent Printing Co., Inc., 1416 Caledonia, LaCrosse, WI 54601: "Torger Nilsen Revoldsrud, his wife, and eight children emigrated on the Præciosa, and landed in New York on August 21, 1845, 45 days after leaving Norway. The ship carried some iron and 94 steerage passengers. The captain
of the ship was named Krug."