Sisters: Lydian-, Egyptian-, Persian- and Assyrian Monarch Support Norway Heritage: Purchase a copy
 Sisters: Lydian-, Egyptian-, Persian- and Assyrian Monarch Support Norway Heritage: Purchase a copy
 Sisters: Lydian-, Egyptian-, Persian- and Assyrian Monarch Support Norway Heritage: Purchase a copy
The Monarch Line was founded in 1870 as the Royal Exchange Shipping Co. Ltd. It first operated sailing ships on the Mediterranean and Far East tradeswas, and in 1880 they started New York - London sailings calling at Galway on the outward voyages. The company was known as the Monarch Line due to all ship names starting with "Monarch". In 1886 the company went into liquidation, and several of their ships were taken over by the Allan Line and some by the Wilson Line.
From an advert by the comapny:
Monarch Line Steamers is composed of the following first-class vessels:
Assyrian Monarch, Lydian Monarch, Saxon Monarch, Grecian Monarch, Persian Monarch, Danish Monarch, Egyptian Monarch, Norman Monarch, and Celtic Monarch.
Forming a weekly line between New York and London
These steamers are all well built of iron and steel, with a double hull and seven water-tight compartments, the bulkheads running from the keelson to the upper-deck. They are 400 feet in lenght, 45 feet beam, 33 feet depth of hold, built under the British Admiralty Survey to comply with their stringent rules for Government Transport Service.