These steamers departs from Liverpool on Tuesday afternoon and arrives at Boston mid next week after a crossing of c. 7 days.
They are still the largest ships in the Cunard fleet, and have been specially constructed and equipped for security and comfort and steadiness. One should remember that these are the biggest steamers sailing between Liverpool and Boston. All passengers who have traveled on one of them explains that they did not feel any seasickness, but when traveling on other steamers they were very sick. You can say that seasickness, for those who travels with Ivernia and Saxonia is reduced to fraction. People who suffers from seasickness should mark that.
The following is an example of one of the many flattering articles that have been written about these ships:
These steamers which is about 15 000 tons, are a pair of the most outstanding transatlantic steamers which has yet been constructed. They are equipped to accommodate 150 1st class- 200 2nd class- and 100 3rd class passengers, but if needed they can be fitted to carry 1900 3rd class passengers. The 3rd class accommodation is of en excellent standard, as the following details will show.
Most of the dormitories are placed on the main deck amidships. Each room is equipped for two, four or six persons, and have washing gear, mirror, water jug with drinking glasses and clothes hangers. Each department have a dining room with numbered places by the tables. In that way you will get your own place by the table for the journey, and that way there will be no quarreling about the seats.
The 3rd class is also provided with a smoking room for the men and a piano sitting room for the ladies. There are 2 promenade decks for the 3rd class passengers, one at the far top of the ship, which can be used in good weather, and one sheltered deck which gives protection from rainy and windy weather. The ventilation is excellent, and the air is replaced every 6th minute, and thus will always be clean and fresh. The entire ship is illuminated by electric light, and all cabins are heated during the cold seasons.
There is a Scandinavian interpreter, and male and female stewards among the crew.
These steamers are well known for the good food served aboard, and for the friendly and human treatment the passengers are shown. That is why those who have traveled with different companies prefers this company.
The less expensive ships, the Ultonia and Aurania
These ships are a little slower than the above mentioned ships, but then the price is the lowest possible compared to other lines. Those who finds the cost of traveling on the gigantic steamers to high, does therefore not have to choose another line, as these ships can compete with any other ship in the same category. The equipment and fitting is just as excellent as on the other Cunard steamers. Now some attention to the lines last gigantic steamer:
Is for the now sailing at the lowest rates. The accommodation on this ship is even better than on the well known ships Ivernia and Saxonia, and that should be recommendation enough. You should read the special folder issued about this steamer.
One should keep in mind that these great ships departs from Liverpool on Tuesdays, like the gigantic steamers. The stay in Liverpool is therefore at a minimum of time. [The Wilson Line ships usually departed from Trondheim on Friday, and arrived to Hull on Sunday evening or Monday morning. The emigrants would immediately proceed by train to Liverpool, an about 7 hours journey. The Wilson Line ships from other Norwegian ports also arrived Hull on the same time]
That this is appreciated by the emigrants is shown by the outstanding number who have chosen to travel by this line. To your information can be said that the Cunard Line every year crosses back and forth across the Atlantic about 250 times, carrying a number of passengers exceeding 100 000. The Cunard Lines steamers departs Liverpool before any of the ships from other lines, and therefor they also arrives first to America. So if you want to travel fast and comfortable to America, you should choose Cunard Line.