Heggestad/Blegen families from Hafslo, Sogn, Nor. Printed from: Norway Heritage Community Topic: Topic author: cdahl
Subject: Heggestad/Blegen families from Hafslo, Sogn, Nor. I am researching some family info for another family - Ole Torstensen stolen Thompson Heggestad (b. March 30, 1841)and his wife Dorothea Mathea Olsdatter Heggestad Blegen (1850). They are listed as emigrating from Hafslo, Sogn, Norway. I can find no information of them in my database of Luster nor can I find a farm name for either family. I would appreciate some assistance. Also, what does the word "stolen" mean? Thank you....
Reply author: lynn peterson432 find a grave ole amd dorithea . mathea heggestad dell lutheran cem fairbult minn
Reply author: jwiborg #13 Dorthe Mathea Olsdatter Blegen is from Faaberg in Oppland.
Reply author: AntonH
quote: Where does your birth data come from. This looks like your Ole but the birth date is slightly off. Ole Torstensen in the Norway, Select Baptisms, 1634-1927 Name: Ole Torstensen Gender: Male Birth Date: 2 apr 1841 Baptism Date: 9 mai 1841 (9 May 1841) Baptism Place: Hafslo,Sogn Og Fjordane,Norway Father: Torstein Johannessen Mother: Ragnild Larsdr Original record number 44, a little hard to read #44 In the 1865 Census it looks as if Ole Tostensen is living at Sjonerhougen with a Lasse Tostensen who could be his brother. 1865
Reply author: cdahl So apparently Ole and Dorothea Mathea Blegen married in the U.S. I find in the census that part of the time the family used the name Heggestad and part of the time they went by Thompson. Would Thompson be the American name for Torstensen? They lived in Montello, Marquette, Wisconsin until 1884 before coming to Faribault County, Minnesota. Dorothea's (Mattie) parents must have gone by Blegen in America. Would her mother have died earlier while living in Wisconsin as her father is listed as living with Ole and Mattie in the 1880 census, O. L. Blagen. Thank you for the explanation of "stolen". Thank you............
Reply author: AntonH
quote: A Family Tree on Ancestry.com lists the mother as having died in 1878 in Wisconsin. No source for this data is given. Ronnoug Hansdatter blegen 1811–1878 BIRTH 10 FEB 1811 • Gausdal, Oppland, Norway DEATH ABT 1878 • Montello, Marquette Co., Wisconsin
Reply author: AntonH The father of the family Tosten was married in 1823.
Reply author: AntonH The farm name Heggesad or Hæggestad seems to go back a long ways and could come from several places. Back in 1757 a Anders Johannessen Hæggestad married a Karen Lassesdatter. In this Link look at the fifth column over for marriages. look down to the 30th of June for the couple.
Reply author: jwiborg This could be Ole in census-1865 then, residing @ brother Lasse's farm.
Reply author: AntonH The A is likely an error on FAG. In this death record he is called Ole T.
Reply author: jwiborg Ole Thostensen HAGGESTAD emigrated on the ship FIDO from Bergen on April 25th, 1866. Arrival Quebec on June 9th, 1866. On the same ship is his brother Lasse with wife Brita and children Nils and Guri.
Reply author: cdahl Thank you to all in this search! I am passionate about genealogy and wished I better understood the Norwegian language and early writings! Again, many thanks! Norway Heritage Community : http://www.norwayheritage.com/snitz/ © NorwayHeritage.com |