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 Passenger List Transcription Project
 Christiane from Drammen to New York 1851
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orm overland
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Posted - 06/03/2009 :  17:33:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Transcription must be difficult and the passenger lists not always complete.
The passenger list for the bark Christiane has a Jacob Ollsen. This must be Jacob Olsen Østern.
Jacob Engebretsen and Laura (or Laurine) Olsdatter Østern and their child Martha are also included.
Among the passengers were quite a few others from Bærum.
Missing from list is Jacob Olsen Østern's wife Christine Engebretsdatter. She was certainly on the ship.
See letter from Jacob Olsen Østern 3 November 1851 in Fra Amerika til Norge I, 56.

Veteran Moderator

1299 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2009 :  19:47:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello Orm

Thanks for submitting the information about the persons on this list. Are you sure "Jacob Ollsen" (no. 112) on the passenger list is the "Jacob Olsen Østern" from the letter, and not the person entered as "Jacob Østerne?? " (no. 161)?

There is also a scan of the list linked at the top of the page of the passenger list.

Another thing I would like to inform about is the new feature to add information about individuals, by clicking their names.

Børge Solem
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orm overland
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22 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2009 :  19:57:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
No, I am not certain about anything. But if Jacob Østerne is Jacob Olsen Østern, we then have the problem of a missing Jacob Engebretsen Østern. So in that case not only one person, Christine Engebretsdatt Østern, is missing, but two: also her brother Jacob Engebretsen Østern. But his wife and daughter are there.
There is a Christine Larsdatter on the list, but to assume that this is wrong for Christine Engebretsdatter seems farfetched. It seems that she for some reason has not been listed.
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1299 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2009 :  20:12:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ok, I missed the fact that there were two Jacobs.

In many cases the persons who wrote these lists were not very concerned with getting the names correct. The main reason for making them was to get the correct numbers, not names

Børge Solem
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174 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2009 :  22:24:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Christine Engebretsdatter Østern was 29 years when she left Asker/Bærum together with her husband Jacob Olsen Østern, 36 in 1851 #41, 42.

Trond Austheim
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