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 Hunting Passenger Lists
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Posted - 03/02/2002 :  04:14:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have in this past few months found some of my family in the records of Norway.I know when and where my great grand parents left Norway and when and where they came in to the US.The one I am having a lot of problems finding any records for his trip here is my Great Uncle that came over just prior to the rest of the family.I have the information off of one of the Norway sites but as of yet with all the info it has told me I can not yet find his entry in to the US.It is as follows:
21511 5 1911 63 28 1 11.12.1911 12.12.1911 Johan Georg Gustavs. Aas. (Salbergsven) ug gårdsarb. m 12.05.89 Elverum Washington 50 Alb. Raffel via Bergen 343 b. fortj. utv. till. av Hamar Krigsk. utv. att. utf. her 11.12.11 - 16.12i I know the rest of the family came over on the Oscar II in 1912 and got here I believe on the 25 of July that year.Have any suggestions for as where I should look.

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1298 Posts

Posted - 03/02/2002 :  09:14:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Raffel was the agent of the Canadian Pacific Line in 1910, and several years previous to that. I am missing the record for 1911, but should be very surprised if he was not still the general agent for that line. This indicates a voyage vie England. CP routes:

To Quebec, Montreal and St.Johns and by Canadian Pacific Railway to the final destination
Liverpool - Quebec - Montreal (summer)
Liverpool - St John, NB (winter)

Børge Solem
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New on board

3 Posts

Posted - 04/02/2002 :  02:50:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I appreciate the information.I will try looking there.That late in 1911 maybe he did not leave till 1912.By the way where can a person get a good picture of the Oscar II that is the one my grandmother came over on.Thank you,Sherri

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Articles for Newbies:

Hunting Passenger Lists:

An article describing how, and where, to look for passenger information about Norwegian emigrants
    1:   Emigration Records - Sources - Timeline
    2:   Canadian Records (1865-1935)
    3:   Canadian Immigration Records Database
    4:   US arrivals - Customs Passenger Lists
    5:   Port of New York Passenger Records
    6:   Norwegian Emigration Records
    7:   British outbound passenger lists

The Transatlantic Crossing:

An article about how the majority of emigrants would travel. It also gives some insight to the amazing development in how ships were constructed and the transportation arranged
    1:   Early Norwegian Emigrants
    2:   Steerage - Between Decks
    3:   By sail - daily life
    4:   Children of the ocean
    5:   Sailing ship provisions
    6:   Health and sickness
    7:   From sail to steam
    8:   By steamship across the ocean
    9:   The giant express steamers
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