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 Passenger List Transcription Project
 Helena 1850 passenger list
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Posted - 14/04/2007 :  23:15:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I folund my great uncle (Christoffer Amundsen) and his family, as well as my great grandfather's future wife Anne Mathea Thorsdatter and her family; but I did not locate my grandfather Amund Amundsen, who, per records (naturalization), arrived New York in August 1850. I have found on the transcribed passngr list of the 1849 Superb an Amund Amundsen Braekke ( farm in Stokke not too far from his birthplace in Lardal and the age is correct). But I find it hard to believe he wouldn't have accompanied his brother and fiance. Questions: did they have stowaways!!?? Is the scan of the passenger list available and is the list complete? Is the transcript of the ship Thomas done or scan available? Thx for any ideas/help...Butch Amundson

e m amundson

Jo Anne Sadler
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1100 Posts

Posted - 15/05/2007 :  18:35:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Family members frequently came at different times. One person & many times the Father went ahead, got settled and then sent for the others. These were not easy times, people had to save up money and make arrangements for voyages, which by the way, at that time, were not run on a regular basis.

I recommend you read some of the articles on this site about early voyages and conditions. In 1850, the Captain only supplied water and fuel for cooking. The passengers had to supply their own food and it was alot for a two month voyage. The Helena voyage was over two months, June 10 to August 23. The was a small brig with only 107 passengers, there would not have been any stowaways (IMHO).

In my own personal research, I have found alot of differences from family histories/naturalization record dates so take them with a grain of salt.

You can rent the film at a local Family HIstory Center or get a subscription to to view the list.

The church record microfilms would also be available for rental and would include the moving out records so you could determine when he actually left the parish.
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Posted - 17/05/2007 :  12:25:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for your help and suggestions, Butch Amundson

e m amundson
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Posted - 17/05/2007 :  12:29:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for your help and suggestions, Butch Amundson

e m amundson
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    2:   Canadian Records (1865-1935)
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    5:   Port of New York Passenger Records
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    7:   British outbound passenger lists

The Transatlantic Crossing:

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