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 The ships
 LORENA -1843
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James E Heg
Member of honor

135 Posts

Posted - 15/06/2002 :  17:56:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Børge - I find this ship was involved in the immigration of some people connected to my family. I understand that Næseth makes a passing refernce to LORENA. I understand that the ship carried some 207 immigrants, nationality not specified. Maybe <theshipslist> can help on this one. The names I have are: Saave Gunderson Espestøl, Aasne Olsdtr and Hage Saavesdtr. They were from Vinje,Telemark. Jim

Erik Bye is a friend of mine.

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1299 Posts

Posted - 15/06/2002 :  18:27:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I have this list, it is full of Norwegians, no other nationalities but it sailed from Havre. The problem with this list is that it lists passenger by passenger until # 154. After that listing it lists only the head of household, with only numbers and open spaces for the other members of the group. I can confirm that passenger # 202 is entered as "Sovoe Gundersen Espetol". There was a fold on the list there, so it is hard to say if he was accompanied by 3 or 4 other people in the group. I will put this list and the Johanna list as my # 1 priority for transcription, and will include scans.

Børge Solem
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1299 Posts

Posted - 18/06/2002 :  21:59:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Got the Lorena list uploaded now, and scans included:

Lorena passenger list transcript

Lorena passenger list scan

Børge Solem
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Articles for Newbies:

Hunting Passenger Lists:

An article describing how, and where, to look for passenger information about Norwegian emigrants
    1:   Emigration Records - Sources - Timeline
    2:   Canadian Records (1865-1935)
    3:   Canadian Immigration Records Database
    4:   US arrivals - Customs Passenger Lists
    5:   Port of New York Passenger Records
    6:   Norwegian Emigration Records
    7:   British outbound passenger lists

The Transatlantic Crossing:

An article about how the majority of emigrants would travel. It also gives some insight to the amazing development in how ships were constructed and the transportation arranged
    1:   Early Norwegian Emigrants
    2:   Steerage - Between Decks
    3:   By sail - daily life
    4:   Children of the ocean
    5:   Sailing ship provisions
    6:   Health and sickness
    7:   From sail to steam
    8:   By steamship across the ocean
    9:   The giant express steamers
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