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Norway Heritage Veteran
7820 Posts |
Posted - 26/02/2017 : 20:21:10
Also on Norway Heritage passenger lists there are quite a few people with the first name Anders / Andreas (regardless of last name) who left in 1852. Here is one #11 age 18:
Probably #3 on the utflyttedes on this page: SAK, Flekkefjord sokneprestkontor, F/Fa/Fac/L0005: Ministerialbok nr. A 5, 1849-1875, s. 424 Brukslenke for sidevisning:
Edited by - jkmarler on 26/02/2017 20:22:33 |
Norway Heritage Veteran
9345 Posts |
Posted - 26/02/2017 : 23:07:53
Thanks Jackie, The transcription shows how difficult it is to read the info from that far back.
Syvert Junlnonw in the New York, Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 Name: Syvert Junlnonw Arrival Date: 29 Jul 1852 Birth Date: abt 1830 Age: 22 Gender: Female Ethnicity/ Nationality: Norwegian Place of Origin: Norway Port of Departure: Bergen, Norway Destination: United States of America Port of Arrival: New York, New York Ship Name: Lephin
Near as I can tell he ended up in Wisconsin and then in Iowa.
Partial of the Iowa Census. 1885
Name: Syver Julson Age: 55 Birth Year: abt 1830 Birth Place: Norway Residence Date: 1885 Residence Place: Jordan, Monona, Iowa, USA Gender: Male Marital Status: Married |
Edited by - AntonH on 26/02/2017 23:12:15 |
Norway Heritage Veteran
9345 Posts |
Posted - 27/02/2017 : 00:25:12
Probably the Anders you found leaving in 1852
Name: Andres Tionway Arrival Date: 19 Jul 1852 Birth Date: abt 1834 Age: 18 Gender: Male Ethnicity/ Nationality: Norwegian Place of Origin: Norway Port of Departure: Flekkefjord, Norway Destination: United States of America Port of Arrival: New York, New York Ship Name: Emigrant
I found him in a search of
All New York, Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 results for And*, birth year 1835 plus/minus 5, Ethnicity/ Nationality Norwegian. There are only 14 passengers meeting that criteria . One of them is a female, lowering the total to 13. |
Edited by - AntonH on 27/02/2017 00:30:40 |
Norway Heritage Veteran
9345 Posts |
Posted - 27/02/2017 : 00:36:21
In the record for Andrew Jeweles in the Selected U.S. Naturalization Records - Original Documents, 1790-1974 he states that he has lived in New York since March of 1852.
Here is what I find in for
All New York, Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 results for And*, birth year 1835 plus/minus 5, Ethnicity/ Nationality Norwegian. There are only 14 passengers meeting that criteria . One of them is a female, lowering the total to 13.
Anders Andersen 30 Jun 1852 abt 1840 Christiania, Norway Norwegian, traveling with mother Karen Gulbrandsdatter and four younger siblings
Andrews Branker 13 Sep 1852 abt 1832 Christiania, Norway Norwegian Probably Andreas Bronken found in Oregon
Anders Christensen 17 Jun 1852 abt 1838 Bergen, Norway Norwegian Number 92 and next to Anders Otternes age 13 here
Aauvers Hanssen 27 Jul 1852 abt 1839 Krageroe, Norway Norwegian, See 28, traveling with family {b]
Anders L Otterness 17 Jun 1852 abt 1830 Bergen, Norway Norwegian found in Minnesota
Andres Tionway 19 Jul 1852 abt 1834 Flekkefjord, Norway Norwegian
Anders G Rossiner 30 Jun 1852 abt 1830 Christiania, Norway Norwegian
Anne Andersdatter 30 Jun 1852 abt 1836 Christiania, Norway Norwegian Identified as Anne Andersdatter Egge by subscriber
Johann Anders Erdahl 17 Jun 1852 abt 1832 Bergen, Norway Norwegian Found next to his brother? Not a likely candidate #31[/b]
Anders A Erdahl 17 Jun 1852 abt 1835 Bergen, Norway Norwegian Found in Minnesota in two census records
Anders Oly Gryte 16 Jul 1852 abt 1830 Bergen, Norway Norwegian Anders Olsen Gryte
Andres Nilson 11 Oct 1852 abt 1834 Christiania, Norway Norwegian
Anders Gulbrandsdatter 30 Jun 1852 abt 1836 Christiania, Norway Norwegian probably Anders Gulbrandsen, traveling with a large family group
Andreas Johannesen 10 Jun 1852 abt 1830 Stavanger, Norway Norwegian |
Edited by - AntonH on 27/02/2017 17:41:41 |
Starting member

9 Posts |
Posted - 28/02/2017 : 02:02:02
Thanks for the additional info. I don't think my great-grandfather came as a passenger on an immigrant ship, because of the family story that he was a sail maker and jumped ship in New York on his own (rather than going on to the Midwest like most Scandinavian immigrants). A distant cousin of mine has (or had) the wooden thimble which my great-grandfather supposedly used when repairing sails (although, unfortunately, he has misplaced it). That s why I am hoping that there are records from merchant ships, which might record that he jumped ship. |
-- Kevin |
Norway Heritage Veteran
9345 Posts |
Posted - 28/02/2017 : 03:36:26
You are probably right, unfortunately does not have a crew list for New York. |
Norway Heritage Veteran
7820 Posts |
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9 Posts |
Posted - 15/02/2019 : 23:02:21
I have not posted here in several years, but am still searching for my great-grandfather's roots. Thank you once again to all of the people who posted above, and I am now posting again to ask a specific question: Can anyone recommend a good genetic genealogist in Norway whom I might be able to hire to do further research for me?
Since the time of the searches above, I have done DNA testing and located many Norwegian matches, and with some of them I share a good bit of DNA. Among my Norwegian matches is one man with whom I share a 40 cM segment, and I share the same long segment with his father, too! That could very likely mean that we are third cousins, because I have a number of (Irish) second cousins who've been tested and the longest segments which I share with most of them are shorter than that. However, we have not been able to find the connection. I also have a dozen or so Norwegian matches with whom I share longest segments of 25-30 cM, and some of them are also matches of the first man I mentioned.
I have my DNA results posted at the FTDNA and MyHeritage sites, and I'm a member at MyHeritage specifically to get access to more Scandinavians and the detailed family trees which they often post. I have printed out about 75 of those family trees for my matches and tried to triangulate them, to see where lines crossed. I've found some intersections, but nothing yet to indicate where my line fits in, and I'm not sure that I am doing a good job of it anyway. That's an area where I thought a genetic genealogist might be able to help, particularly if he/she could gain access to databases and even local records in Norway.
My Norwegian matches seem to come mainly from Hedmark, Rogaland, or the Trondelag, but my great-grandfather's paternal line (my direct paternal line) appears to come from Sweden, probably the Dalarna region. That is what my Y-DNA seems to show, and my autosomal matches show both Norwegian and Swedish ancestry, plus a small amount of Finnish ancestry, which could be explained by the presence of Finnish immigrants in Dalarna, especially near Orsa and Rättvik (I have several DNA matches whose heritage is all Finnish, so it appears to be more than "background noise" in my case). My YDNA is R-BY30632 (part of R1a1a in the older system), and I have three exact matches at that terminal SNP who live in central Sweden. Unfortunately, none of them know their family history (two were born out of wedlock and adopted).
In discussions with some of my matches and in research which I have done, I learned that many people from Dalarna emigrated over the years to find work in Norway, especially in Hedmark, Rogaland, or the Trondelag, so my guess is that a man in my direct paternal line did that, perhaps in the late 1700's, and married a Norwegian woman there. Anyway, any information about genealogists in Norway would be much appreciated. |
-- Kevin |
Norway Heritage Veteran
7820 Posts |
Posted - 16/02/2019 : 10:44:40
This is not an answer to your question, just rambling on:
From Hedmark in 1801 census born 1790-1801: Antonette Avlesdatter (female) 1793* Deres børn Elverum: Rogstad 1801-02-01 1801 census for 0427P Elverum Antonette Johanne Oppen (female) 1796* Hendes døttre Grue: Navnerud 1801-02-01 1801 census for 0423P Grue
From Rogaland same census and birth years: Antonette Tønnesdatter (female) 1793* Deres børn Lund: Flechefiord 13 1801-02-01 1801 census for 1112P Lund Antonette Hove (female) 1797* Deres døttre Ugivt Stavanger: Skandsebierget 1801-02-01 1801 census for 1103P Stavanger Antonette Augustine (female) 1799* Hendes datter Ugift Stavanger: Vævergaden 1801-02-01 1801 census for 1103P Stavanger Antonetta Larsdatter (female) 1790* Deres tvilling børn Soggendahl: Hommeraas 1801-02-01 1801 census for 1111P Sokndal Antonette Atlagsdatter (female) 1798* Deres børn Lund: Lohnne 1801-02-01 1801 census for 1112P Lund Antonette Nielsdatter (female) 1795* Deres børn Lund: Sunde 1801-02-01 1801 census for 1112P Lund Antonetthe Olsdatter (female) 1795* Deres børn Lund: Ouestad 1801-02-01 1801 census for 1112P Lund Anthonette Andreasdatter (female) 1796* Deres børn Lund: Moy 1801-02-01 1801 census for 1112P Lund Anthonette Carlsdatter (female) 1795* Deres børn Lund: Houchland 1801-02-01 1801 census for 1112P Lund
From Trondelag same, same: Antonetta Olsdatter (female) 1791* Foster barn Hitteren: Dolm Præstegaard 1801-02-01 1801 census for 1617P Hitra Anthonetta Christina Bredahl (female) 1796* Deres børn Størdalen: Sørkiilmoen 1801-02-01 1801 census for 1714P Stjørdal Antonetta Monssdatter (female) 1796* Deres børn Inderøe: Tronstad 1801-02-01 1801 census for 1729P Inderøy Anthonettha Olsdatter* (female) 1798* Datter Tronhiem: Printssens Gade 1801-02-01 1801 census for 1601 Trondheim Maren Antonætha Hendriksdatter* (female) 1800* Deres datter Tronhiem: Baklandet 1801-02-01 1801 census for 1601 Trondheim Antonætha (female) 1798* Hendes dr Tronhiem: Baklandet 1801-02-01 1801 census for 1601 Trondheim |
Advanced member
864 Posts |
Posted - 16/02/2019 : 14:19:47
Since you tested with ftdna, you may have heard about Norgesprosjektet, but I include a link just in case. There is also a facebook discussion site for the project where you might get some good tips on triangulation etc.
When you read the Juul family books, did you see anything about a Bergen branch? I noticed on Digitalarkivet that there were at least a couple of sail makers in Bergen named Juul in the 1800s. I didn't find any with a son named Anders, though. |
Edited by - ToreL on 16/02/2019 14:27:05 |
Starting member

9 Posts |
Posted - 16/02/2019 : 19:28:06
Thanks jkmarler! I will try to check out those census records. Perhaps I can figure out whether any of those Antonette's fits into any of the family trees which I have found for my DNA matches.
Thanks, also, ToreL! I am already a member of that Norway group at FTDNA, and have posted a similar inquiry there. They also have an all-Scandinavian group where I have done the same. I will also definitely check the Juul genealogy again to see about any branches in Bergen. It is probably time for me to re-read those genealogies, in case I missed something when I went though them years ago, or in case any new information I have helps me to spot a connection. |
-- Kevin |
Norway Heritage Veteran
7820 Posts |
Posted - 16/02/2019 : 23:57:45
These are Antonettes born 1801-1816 Hedmark found in
Antonette Eriksdatter Norway Baptisms, 1634-1927birth:2 July 1816 christening: 7 July 1816 RINGSAKER, HEDMARK, NORWAY residence: 1816 Ringsaker, Hedmark, Norway father:Erik Toresen mother: Eli Olsdr Antonette Josefsen Norway Baptisms, 1634-1927 christening:7 June 1813 EIDSKOGEN, HEDMARK, NORWAY father: Joseph Falsted mother: Jensine Amundsdr Antonette Hansen Norway Baptisms, 1634-1927 birth:26 August 1815 christening:17 September 1815 SOR ODAL, HEDMARK, NORWAY father: Hans Embretsen mother: Tore Pettersdr
Starting member

9 Posts |
Posted - 19/02/2019 : 02:56:07
Thanks for the additional info, jkmarler. |
-- Kevin |
Norway Heritage Veteran
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