I've been searching for more details regarding the Bark Beta. I'm particularly interested in the voyage from Drammen to Hawaii. I've read excerpts from Nils Emil Aars's diary from the journey (what little is in the English version of Aloha From Forgotten Norwegians in Hawaii) but can't really find much detail regarding sleeping/living accommodations or areas.... eating lounges. I believe there were two or three of these-- The Captian and higher ups at separate from the rest of the people. I'm just hoping to find a bit more about the layout... and whether people would be more inclined to be out on deck, like many of the immigrant photos I've seen, or down below. any sort of insight regarding Barks in general or the Bark Beta would be greatly appreciated!
At the bottom of this Forum-page there are links to several articles about conditions in general on the sailing ships, barks and other, see ´The Transatlantic Crossing´