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Posted - 14/06/2021 :  15:56:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I would like to know how the early Eide's of Halsoy Island are related to the following family that run the Joker Eidvik grocery store. When I find this information out I can finally find our how they are related to me.

Here is the family:

Father: Lars Olav Eide (born Feb. 25th, 1934) Deceased <br>

Please Help

Here is the website of the store:!1s0x463c77208063f24b%3A0x4a411ebd1e0887bc!3m1!7e115!!5sjoker%20halsn%C3%B8y%20-%20Google%20Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipPio81hI-_edZ4VMRRXpgVBzwx2UR_yQSm_bWOR&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiL4d-SopfxAhVDHc0KHTR8BPkQoiowCnoECDYQAw

The website contains pictures of not just the store, but the surrounding area. Eventually you will see the church, which some my relatives may be buried.

Edited by - NateRickardtheBandman on 15/06/2021 02:11:11

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Posted - 14/06/2021 :  19:56:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Out of privacy concerns, most genealogists are reluctant to discuss the family relations of living people on a public site.

If you think you may be related to (the deceased) Lars Olav Eide at Halsnøy, the single line about this person in your post above would be more than sufficient information to start out with. I suggest you delete the info about his descendants.

In order to make the connection with yourself, one would need a list of your known Norwegian ancestors. I was unable to find this at the website listed in your profile. There seemed to be broken link.
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Posted - 14/06/2021 :  22:51:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You mean Halsnøy. You can find a history of the Eide farm(s) and genealogy of the families that lived there in the book "Kvinnherad 5 - Allmennsoga Gards- og ættesoga - Eid og Fjelberg" starting on page 108.

I have one family link to that farm myself back in the 1700s or 1800s but have no information about anything there as late as the 1930s. Start giving us info about your ancestors who lived there before they emigrated and perhaps we can find a link to the farm for you.

Posting info about living persons is not recommended.
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Posted - 15/06/2021 :  02:13:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the tip.. As you can see I have deleted the living relatives off the site. I will research more and post soon.
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Posted - 15/06/2021 :  08:01:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Lars Olav Eide b. 1934 with several ancestors are covered in the book that Hopkins mentions. It is available online from Norwegian IP-addresses. I can compile a little tree for him when I get the time.

The problem is I can find no names with apparent Norwegian origin in the report "A Genealogy Report For NATHAN ANDREW RICKARD" that you link to from your profile.

(I do notice some occurrences of the name Meyer, which also figures among Lars Olav Eide's ancestors, but as you are probably aware this is a common name in many countries. In Norway it is mainly a German import. Superficial research indicates that Lars Olav may have been a descendant of this Hanseatic merchant in Bergen, born in Bremen. But again, Meyer is a name like Smith or Taylor, without a unique outspring.)

Edited by - ToreL on 15/06/2021 11:01:46
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Posted - 15/06/2021 :  15:43:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Nate - As you try to organize information for a search in Norway that we CAN help with, I can recommend the advice at the following website.

If your Norway connections were in Fjelberg, Kvinnherad area of Norway looks like Tore and I both have possible books to help get you started.
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Hunting Passenger Lists:

An article describing how, and where, to look for passenger information about Norwegian emigrants
    1:   Emigration Records - Sources - Timeline
    2:   Canadian Records (1865-1935)
    4:   US arrivals - Customs Passenger Lists
    5:   Port of New York Passenger Records
    6:   Norwegian Emigration Records
    7:   British outbound passenger lists

The Transatlantic Crossing:

An article about how the majority of emigrants would travel. It also gives some insight to the amazing development in how ships were constructed and the transportation arranged
    1:   Early Norwegian Emigrants
    2:   Steerage - Between Decks
    3:   By sail - daily life
    4:   Children of the ocean
    5:   Sailing ship provisions
    6:   Health and sickness
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