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 Am I related to Roald Amundsen
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Posted - 23/01/2024 :  01:40:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My mother told me that we were related to Roald Amundsen but I am not sure how? Can you help me confirm, please? My Mother's maiden name was Doris Solem and she grew up in North Dakota and born in Arnegard, North Dakota 04/17/1916. My mother said we were related through her mother Anna Larson who was born in Iowa. Anna Larson died in North Dakota when my Mother was only 16 years old so Anna Larson would have died around 1932 or so.
I don't have any details but I believe Anna Larson was related to someone named Eriksen who then was related to Roald Amundsen. I am sorry I don't have more details, but would love to know if I am in fact related to this famous Norwegian explorer.

Larry McCulla

Norway Heritage Veteran

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Posted - 23/01/2024 :  08:05:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If you search at this site you will find many instances of people reporting a connection based on an Amundsen name in their tree. Here is a family tree for Doris which goes way, way back:
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Here is a family tree for Roald Amundsen:

Really don't appear to be any overlapping of names or geography between the two trees.

Edited by - jkmarler on 23/01/2024 08:10:20
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Norway Heritage Veteran

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Posted - 23/01/2024 :  17:53:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It is possible that your mother and/or another family member or two became aware of the Amund Amundsen referenced in the Family Tree posted by Jackie and assumed that he is related to Roald Amundsen the exporer is some way. You might pursue that trail and see where it leads.

However based on Norwegian naming practices and birth years and birth locations it is difficult to see that Roald Amundsen the explorer and Amund Amundsen in the family tree on Family Search can be related..

Edited by - AntonH on 23/01/2024 19:53:37
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Norway Heritage Veteran

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Posted - 23/01/2024 :  20:01:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
A Family Tree on has this family line for your mothers family

Doris Ilene Solem
BIRTH 17 APR 1916 • Arnegard Mck, North Dakota

Whose mother is

Anna (Larson) Solem
BIRTH 12 AUGUST 1881 • Allamakee County, Iowa, United States of America

Married to Erick Larsen
BIRTH 26 JAN 1843 • Jammerdal, Grue, Hedmark, Norway
DEATH 11 MAY 1903 • Hanover Township, Allamakee County, Iowa, USA

Mother of Anna (Larson) Solem was

Karen Amundsen
BIRTH 1 JAN 1854 • Vinger, Hedmark, Norway
DEATH 13 MAY 1928 • Allamakee County, Iowa, USA

Parents of Karen Amudsdatter was

Amund Amundsen Tangen
BIRTH 10 MAR 1817 • Tangen, Hedmark, Norway
DEATH 29 NOVEMBER 1907 • Allamakee County, Iowa, USA


Anne Marie Johnsdatter
BIRTH 11 FEBRUARY 1812 • Stor Elvdal, Hedmark, Norway
DEATH 1862

Edited by - AntonH on 23/01/2024 20:13:39
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Norway Heritage Veteran

9393 Posts

Posted - 23/01/2024 :  20:14:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Record of the birth of Karen Amudsdatter

Searching on the only child I find for Amund Amundsen and Anne Johansdatter is this Karen,

Edited by - AntonH on 23/01/2024 20:22:21
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