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 Looking for Mathilde Eugenie Mathiasdtr Strand
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Posted - 15/11/2024 :  20:14:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
With reference to the long research regarding Michael Mansbag Mathiesen I’m looking for his sister
I am a family from Norway

Michal Mansbag Mathiesen.was elder brother of my great grand father, Erland Mathiesen.(b1857) Mathilde Eugenie Mathiesdtr (datter=daughter)
The Sirname “Strand” - father Matthias Andersen took Strand when he moved from another part of Norway (Strand on western Coast near Førde) Mathilde, Michael and Erland’s mother is Anna Larsdatter born 1814 in Torsken on the west coast of Senja. The family lived in Tranøya, on the south east side of Senja. Senja is located south of Tromsø in the north of Norway. (Very nice)

Matthias Andersen dies in 1865 when Erland was 8 years old. In the registration for 1965 census, Anna and Erland lives in Myklenes under Tranøy Church farm and Mikael/Mathilde Eugenie is working and living at two other farms in the area (Gjovik and Storjord) Anna widdow living from handcraft.
In 1866 Anna merry Ole Severin Iversen (who also lives at Storjord farm, same as Mathilde as a worker)
Ole is much younger than Anna (Anna born 1814, Ole born 1839)
In January 1868, Michael Mansbag emigrate to America.
In may 1869, Mathilde Eugenie emigrates as well. Mathilde travels together with siblings from another farm , Vasvik, in the area: Ole Sjursen and Bertha Sjursdatter from Tranø.
In the registration they had «Austin» as destination.

The ship was under Allen line, Damascus, Leaving 05-06-1869 from Trondheim, via Liverpool-Glasgow to New York

Anna and Ole Iversen (mother and new husband) emigrates 1883 and found as Anna Everson and Ole Everson in the concensus 1885 in Beaver Iowa together with Michael and Pernilles family.
Anna dies in U.S. in 1888

I am wondering where Mathilde settled , it is hard to find anything about her. She probably changed name and perhaps something happened.

Name: Mathilde Eugenie Mathiasdatter
Born :18.April 1846 in Tranøy, Norway

From the passenger list her name was listes as Mathilde M Grans but could not find passenger registration for the ship arriving US (Damascus, arriving end of may 1869)

If you have any idea of how to find more information I am happy to know #128517;

Best regards
Anne Kristin

Norway Heritage Veteran

9333 Posts

Posted - 16/11/2024 :  04:03:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It is nice to start off with some records

1875 FT

Mathilde M. Grand

Edited by - AntonH on 16/11/2024 04:07:42
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Norway Heritage Veteran

9333 Posts

Posted - 16/11/2024 :  04:58:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Not an easy search but you probably already know that. Here ia the only candidates from MOMS for 1879 +/- 10

Mathilda Mathiason
in the Web: Minnesota, U.S., Marriages from the Minnesota Official Marriage System, 1850-2022
Name Mathilda Mathiason
Marriage Date 17 Dec 1883
Marriage Place Murray, Minnesota, USA
Andrew Nelson
Certificate Number A-200

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Norway Heritage Veteran

7816 Posts

Posted - 18/11/2024 :  01:00:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
There appear to be one vessel at one time named Damascus on this site:
But the vessel was sold numerous times and at most times the name of the vessel was changed from Damascus. For instance in 1883 the vessel should have been called G. Lanza
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Hunting Passenger Lists:

An article describing how, and where, to look for passenger information about Norwegian emigrants
    1:   Emigration Records - Sources - Timeline
    2:   Canadian Records (1865-1935)
    3:   Canadian Immigration Records Database
    4:   US arrivals - Customs Passenger Lists
    5:   Port of New York Passenger Records
    6:   Norwegian Emigration Records
    7:   British outbound passenger lists

The Transatlantic Crossing:

An article about how the majority of emigrants would travel. It also gives some insight to the amazing development in how ships were constructed and the transportation arranged
    1:   Early Norwegian Emigrants
    2:   Steerage - Between Decks
    3:   By sail - daily life
    4:   Children of the ocean
    5:   Sailing ship provisions
    6:   Health and sickness
    7:   From sail to steam
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