500 - Internal server error. There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed. I have tried all the suggestions online for correcting this but nothing works so far.
If you are searching the passenger list portion of this site, yes there is a problem with the search engine. The problem is known to the webmaster but solutions to fix it are few.
Yes It is while searching for passenger lists. Thanks for reply.
quote:Originally posted by jkmarler
If you are searching the passenger list portion of this site, yes there is a problem with the search engine. The problem is known to the webmaster but solutions to fix it are few.
If you are searching the passenger list portion of this site, yes there is a problem with the search engine. The problem is known to the webmaster but solutions to fix it are few.
Is there a way to view the passenger lists withough searching? Thanks!
Yes you can browse through the lists posted in the year section of the left hand column under Index. Pick a year and a list of ship names and departure and arrival dates populate and those that have the piece of paper graphic have a list which can be looked at.
Under the section with the search box that can be used for a ship name and inputting a name will populate a list of the years that ship voyaged and those with passenger lists also have the paper graphic.