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 Elsa and Hans Thorsen
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Norway Heritage Veteran

9382 Posts

Posted - 22/03/2025 :  15:57:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
However a search for the birth of Anne Marie Knudsen turns up that she was actually born on Nov 1, 1846 in Tromøy a suburb of Arendal Aust-Agder. The Ancestry record for her marriage is wrong in the exact date.

Nr 66.

The 1910 Census has her birth date as Nov 2, 1846

Edited by - AntonH on 22/03/2025 16:31:48
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Norway Heritage Veteran

9382 Posts

Posted - 22/03/2025 :  20:04:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Anne Marie Thorsen married and with family in Endanger, Telemark in 1891 Census.

1875 Census

Edited by - AntonH on 22/03/2025 20:06:57
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Norway Heritage Veteran

9382 Posts

Posted - 22/03/2025 :  20:29:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Probably Marie in the 1865 Census with her family in Fjære parish. The children were born in Tromøy an Island off of Arendal. The mother was born in Evje parish a parish nearby but more inland from Arendal. The father Knud Eriksen n however was born in Drangedals a parish in the county of Telemark.

Here are some links to information on the places mentioned above.

For some reason my link to Tromø or its other spellings Tromøy does not work. But you can google that island off of Arendal if you wish.

Edited by - AntonH on 22/03/2025 21:14:56
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Norway Heritage Veteran

9382 Posts

Posted - 22/03/2025 :  21:21:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
A likely candidate for Knud Eriksen is

in the Norway, Church Records, 1812-1938
Name Knud
Gender Mannlig (Male)
Record Type dåp (Baptism)
Birth Date 16. feb 1814 (16 Feb 1814)
Baptism Date 6 Mar
Baptism Place Drangedal, Telemark, Norge (Norway)
Baptism Municipality Drangedal
Erich Jensen
Anne Mickelsd:

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United Kingdom
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Posted - 23/03/2025 :  10:03:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Again, thank you very much for all this information. I did notice in the 1891 censu a Othilda Thorsen (servant) born 1852 Porsgrund. Just so many similarities. Going back to Anne Marie Knudsen - why was her father's name Knud Eriksen? It seems very complicated.

Jean McDowell
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Norway Heritage Veteran

9382 Posts

Posted - 23/03/2025 :  17:33:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
For their last name the child takes the first name of the father and adds a son or sen for a male or datter for a female, She would usually be called Knutsdatter but in this case ended up being called Anne Marie Knudsen.

Edited by - AntonH on 23/03/2025 17:37:50
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Norway Heritage Veteran

9382 Posts

Posted - 23/03/2025 :  17:43:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Only candidate is

Othilde Marie Toresen
in the Norway, Select Baptisms, 1634-1927
Name Othilde Marie Toresen
Gender Female
Birth Date 11. nov 1852 (11 Nov 1852)
Baptism Date 1. jan 1853 (1 Jan 1853)
Baptism Place , Porsgrunn, Telemark, Norway
Thor Andersen
Maren Anne Olsdr
FHL Film Number 127005


Edited by - AntonH on 23/03/2025 17:46:06
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Posted - 24/03/2025 :  10:30:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Oh my word!!! I would never have got as far as I have without your help and guidance...thank you SO much. It is starting to make sence. The family I am doing this tree for (friends) they have all got the farm name (Hazon) in their name, so this has come down through the Norweigian influence...I thought it odd that this was so. I'm a bit sad that I cannot elaborate on Hans (brother) detains but you can't win them all...Thank you again Anton you are so kind to give of your time. Take care Jean

Jean McDowell
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Posted - 25/03/2025 :  14:37:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have just printed out the records of the deaths of Else's parents and her birth. I have been trying to translate them and I am hoping I have this wrong but it looks like Else's mother committed suicide am I right. The writing on these records is not great so I am struggling. Hope you can shine a light for me Anton

Jean McDowell
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Posted - 25/03/2025 :  21:28:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Cranston

I have just printed out the records of the deaths of Else's parents and her birth. I have been trying to translate them and I am hoping I have this wrong but it looks like Else's mother committed suicide am I right. The writing on these records is not great so I am struggling. Hope you can shine a light for me Anton

Record #1240 says she died at Ulevål (død 7/10 29 på Ullevål). This probably refers to Ullevål sykehus; Ullevål hospital.

What have you found that points towards a self-inflicted demise?

Edited by - ToreL on 25/03/2025 21:33:24
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Posted - 25/03/2025 :  23:09:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
An entry in a newspaper on October 25, 1929 (link for Norwegian IP addresses) reads

Hjertelig takk
for all kjærlig deltakelse ved
enkefru Anna Thorsen's syk-
dom, død og begravelse

Henns efterladte.

A heartfelt thank you
for all loving support at
widowed Mrs Anna Thorsen's ill-
ness , death and funeral

Her survivors

Edited by - ToreL on 26/03/2025 08:56:38
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Posted - 25/03/2025 :  23:24:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Newspaper notice on October 8, 1929. Signed by survivors Else, Hansemann, Gudrun Bøe and Ingeborg Werner, for whom the deceased was a beloved mom, sister and sister-in-law. Hansemann is a nickname for a very young person actually named Hans.

Edited by - ToreL on 26/03/2025 00:01:08
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