Sex status?? If it's a question og married or not it could be G = gift (=married). Or it could be sex G = gutt (=boy) [though I've never seen this form before].
Somand (SØMAND) = sailor.
De Forenede (=United) Frist(ater) (=states/free states) [direct translation].
To find records of his previous voyages as a crew member is probably impossible - there are no official archives in NOrway for that available until WW2. If you are VERY lucky you find out he usually worked for only one company and they have a record. But such luck rarely occurs - if at all. And please remember that sømand could be anything connected to the sea - from steam ocean liners to small fishing boats.
Thank you so much for your early reply and help. Much appreciated.
I found Oluf Andreas Sivertson Axels Dahl in IGI records Birth 13 November 1859. Christening 8th Jan 1860 in Korskirken, Den Norske Kirke. We also knew his birthday as it is recorded in an old diary of his family. Father Sivert Axels Dahl and Mother Berthe Marie Ellingsen.
Also found the family in Digitalarkivet 1865 census living at Korskirken Sogn Bergen. Record 2345 2426. The grandparents were also resident. Farm Kjopstad Gardeiere. All in Norwegian so I have had to try and translate.
Lastly, I found him in the passenger list of 26th Feb 1885 from Kristiansand to Hull. I believe the ship was the SS Hero. He then married in April 1885 in London.
Also when he lived in London he named his house Larvij.
Does De Forenede Frist mean that he was resident in another country?
Huusfader = house father Skipstømmermand = ships carpenter Konen = the (his) wife Søn = son Smedesvend = learning to be a (black)smith Datter = daughter formedelst sin høie Alder etc = Due to old age not having an occupation Mellembud - sorry, I don't know. Probably some kind of goods or messages deliverer.