Tørres Tørreson (Thomas Jones) b. May 1848 brother Bård (Barney Jones) b. prob after 1852, Hettervig farm, Tysvær
Both emigrated to Kane County (Blackberry), Illinois USA
Thomas Jones married Serena Strom (Strøm, Straum) B Sept . 1854 from Skjoldestrauman
Barney Jones married Bertha (Birtha, Birta) Strom, Serena sister.
Tørres Johnson Smedsvik in Skjold b. 1808 in Sundfør. He married Valborg Larsdtr. Frøvik in Skjold in 1837. She was born in 1812. Thomas Jones could be Tørres Tørreson.
One easy way to check for the existence and/or availability of historical records and published history/genealogy for the area of Tysvær would be to check the online LDS Family History Library catalog at familysearch.org
In the catalog you can do a PLACE search - type in Tysvaer and follow the links to their list of topics for that area that they have on file.
The bygdebøker for Tysvær are available from the Tysvær Kommune. http://www.tysver.kommune.no/ Book 2 has Hettervig and your Tørres and his family but his parents are both from Skjold as you know. They were only on Hettervik less than 10 years. The Tysvær book does have a nice little history with description - in norwegian.
The books are also available for interlibrary loans in certain areas. Parish films are readily available as well from your local LDS.