I have a passenger list for the 1866 sailing of this ship. It was obtained over the internet. May I add this list to your base? I am certain that it is authentic as my great grandparents and their three daughters are identified.
Hello Ingvald. Thanks for wanting to submitt to the database. Our policy is to only add transcriptions of original material. If your source was a scan of the original source we can add it. Our policy is also not to add material which is not original work, so if someone transcribed a list and pulished it on the internet, it would not be right for us to include it in our database as long as it is not submitted by the original transcriber.
Hello: Today, I searched my saved emails and found the source of the 1866 Adler passenger list. It was found by Sue whose email address was swig@ns.sympatico.ca(Gery & Sue). The email is dated 7/14/98. Sue found the names at http://www.hist.uib.no/statsarkiv/. I will try to contact the aforementioned addresses as to their recollection of the finding and the current location of the original material.
The passenger list from the Bark Adler that departed Bergen in 1866 can be found at the following link: https://digitalarkivet.arkivverket.no/en-gb/gen/sok/12/100097 Type in the ship Name: Adler; Year 1866 enter Search and you will see 282 names displayed.