At the bottom of this page, there is a mention of an advertisement in Morgenbladet about the ship's voyage. Does anyone know where I might be able to get a scan or copy of that advertisement?
I didn't get very far Googling for Morgenbladet archives since I don't understand Norwegian.
Here are the 4 pages of that day's Morgenbladet: One Two Three Four
Could someone possibly point out where on those pages the voyage of the Amerika is mentioned? My poor eyes can't find anything and again, I'll point out my lack of Norwegian comprehension.
It is on page 3 and is a recommendation by the first 6 persons at the bottom of the passengers list to use Amerika for their voyage. The 2 last persons on the passengers lists verify the recommendation.
Hi, A short version from page 3, 4. column, a bit hard to translate 1850 (very polite pronunciation) Danish/Norwegian languide.
Til de norske Utvandrede "To Norwegian emigrants" Its a recommendation for the Trading Company Christian Stephansen in Arendal and the shipmaster Nicolai Stephansen on Brig America for other emigrants. The journey took 57 days from dep. port Arendal to New Orleans on the "express" sailing ship Brig America.
Texas i Nordamerika i december 1850 (The names of the persons listed down page in the ship list) On behalf of other emigrants (from ship America) we have been spoken with it´s a pleasure to witness and personaly recommend the mentioned Shipping Company to other emigrants Larisfa Cherolee county, Texas, Jan. 1851. Sign: H. Chr. Halvorsen Chr. S. Reiersen
You can find two scans of newspaper announcements concerning the Amerika in 1850 in the Norway heritage image gallery. To find them quickly you can enter the search term "1850".
That's beautiful! Thank you for the responses. That's the ship my family came here on. They are #'s 38-46 on the passenger list. It's fascinating that they might have seen those very advertisements over 150 years ago and decided to come here, making me and my life possible!
EDIT: I've moved the passengers' background information to here at the admin's suggestion.