Sigri Torjusdatter (married to Thor Aanonsen) was born April 5. 1792, parents Torjus Knudsen Birchedal and Johanne Terkelsdatter, right hand 2 from top: 6 Siri fĝdt (born) 5 April Torjus Knudsen Birchedal og qui (wife) Johanne Terkelsdatter
The family on Molland in 1801, down page, Sigri/Siri had two siblings.
Severine Aanensdatter who emigrated together with Gunder Olsen Bakken and his family in 1874 was a close relative, she was born to Aanen Thorsen Grinnevold and Gurine Nielsdatter #13
Her parents and 5 siblings in 1865 on Grinnevold Severine age 15 in 1865 worked as a servant on farm Beiseland.
Hi, ibid is shortening for Ibidem and means the same place as the former. The two Godparents in the record, Ole Kristian Olsen and Terje Olsen were both from ibd /Bakken