ho hum thanks again - by eliminating the one, I found the child Harald for the other Hanna and the birth date given for her on Harald's birth record matches the one from her birth record
Nils Andersson and Hanna Sørensdatters first child Harald was born out of wedlock (that's why the birth dates are given). They married on Easter day in 1871, see #11 Kildeinformasjon: Akershus fylke, Asker, Ministerialbok nr. I 10 (1825-1878), Ekteviede 1871, side 130. Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=7734&idx_id=7734&uid=ny&idx_side=-134. Hannas father is listed as Lars Thomassen which obviously is wrong should have been Søren Thomesen.
Nils Anderssons birth place was Eda parish in Värmland, Sweden.