Farm no.FarmParishMuncipalityCounty 74AlstadRollagRollagBuskeruds amt 24AlstadHeggeØstre SlidreKristians amt 39AlstadBodinBodinNordlands amt 52AlstadBorgeBorgeNordlands amt 29AlstadAasenAasenNordre Trondhjems amt 78AlstadFrostenFrostenNordre Trondhjems amt 54AlstadSkatvalSkatvalNordre Trondhjems amt 9AlstadAlstadhaugSkognNordre Trondhjems amt 14AlstadNorddalenNorddalenRomsdals amt 64AlstadHevneHevneSøndre Trondhjems amt
The word is Skorstensfeyer (chimney sweeper) The two words says Ubekjendt Sygdom (unknown sickness) Map where you find Alstad in Hemne community link. (zoom and pan to your liking)
Dear Peder and Einar: Thank you so much for all this information. That listing for Ole Haagens is clearly the son on the 1801 census.
Can you be listed as a chimney sweep and also serve in the military? Here is my Gr-grand (Haagen's daughter Anne Margrete) at her 1808 Trondheim baptism. That word (Skorstensfeyer) seems to be the same as in the 1829 Haagen death record I sent earlier.....the same man?
Here is Anne's 1822 confirmation.....the first time ALSTAD is listed (as in the 1829 Haagen death recor above) and also is that a military title (like Major???) in front ofher father Haagen's name? So is the military man and the chimney sweep again, the same man? Or is that title word something else....not Major. (#19-females)
When ALSTAD is listed with Haagen (in Sor Trondelag records) without clarification (like Alstad i Land) wouldn't it be a local Alstad, only in Sor Trondelag? If it were another Fylke, wouldn't they state that....I appreciate all those Alstad listings....again, the only one in SorT is Hevne......and I tried to find Jens and Ole luck.