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Norway Heritage Veteran

7844 Posts

Posted - 04/11/2019 :  15:54:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here a death of a 76 75 year old Lars Jorgen Olsen is announced in the newspaper Akers-Posten on 17 Dec 1910:

Corrected as noted below.

Edited by - jkmarler on 04/11/2019 17:45:00
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Norway Heritage Veteran

9393 Posts

Posted - 04/11/2019 :  17:08:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The wife Gunda Mathilde Larsen emigrated to America in 1924. Destination is Fergus Falls Minnesota.


with children Inga (must be Inga Augusta Helene Larsen) and Nils (or Nels) .

Gunda Larsen
in the New York, Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957
Name: Gunda Larsen
Arrival Date: 25 Aug 1924
Birth Date: abt 1880
Birth Location: Nrw
Birth Location Other: Kristiania, Norway
Age: 44
Gender: Male
Ethnicity/ Nationality: Scandinavian
Port of Departure: Kristiania,nrw
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Ship Name: Stavangerfjord

Lived in Minneapolis in 1937 and is listed as a widow of Nels Larsen.

Gunda M Larsen
in the U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995
Name: Gunda M Larsen
Gender: Female
Residence Year: 1937
Street address: 2604 14th av S
Residence Place: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Spouse: Nels Larsen
Publication Title: Minneapolis, Minnesota, City Directory, 1937

1930 US Census

1940 US Census

Edited by - AntonH on 04/11/2019 17:38:21
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880 Posts

Posted - 04/11/2019 :  17:11:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by jkmarler

Here a death of a 76 year old Lars Jorgen Olsen is announced in the newspaper Akers-Posten on 17 Dec 1910:

The announcement actually says 75 years old, but the 5 looks a little too much like a 6 for the OCR. Here is the corresponding entry in the church book:

The deceased was living at Bækkelaget/Bekkelaget, located 3-4 kms South East of central Oslo. In 1910 the family lived in Vognmandsgate, located quite centrally in Oslo, and in the 1910 census the possible widow lived at Arbeidergaten, also towards central Oslo:

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Norway Heritage Veteran

7844 Posts

Posted - 04/11/2019 :  17:50:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Image of the passenger list for Gunda and two children:

page two shows daughter Anna Olsen is already in US living 428 W Birch Avenue in Fergus Falls:

Probably Gunda's and Nils' daughter Anne leaving 1922:

Anne N Olson b 1899 came to US in 1922 living in Minneapolis in 1930:

Edited by - jkmarler on 04/11/2019 18:45:23
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Norway Heritage Veteran

9393 Posts

Posted - 04/11/2019 :  21:54:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Likely the wife Gunda with her family in the 1891 Census. Big family

Gunda Gulbransen
in the 1891 Norway Census
Name: Gunda Gulbransen
Gender: Kvinne (Female)
Marital status: Ugift (Single)
Relation to Head: Datter (Daughter)
Birth Date: 1879
Birth Place: Christiania
Residence Place: Kristiania, Kristiania, Jakob, Oslo, Norge (Norway)
Ordinary Place of Living: Karl den 12 tes gade 15
Counting District Number: 147
Houselist Number: 9
Person Number: 62
Household Members:
Name Relation to Head
Karl Gulbransen Familiens overhode (Head)
Mina Gulbransen Hustru (Wife)
Anna Gulbransen Datter (Daughter)
Gunda Gulbransen Datter (Daughter)
Otto Gulbransen Søn (Son)
Peder Gulbransen Søn (Son)
Frederik Gulbransen Søn (Son)
Marie Gulbransen Datter (Daughter)

Baptism of Karl (Carl) in 1854, Father is Gulbrand Thorsen and mother is Anne Marie Christiansdatter.


Carl married Mina Augusta Henriette Hansen on June 11, 1876 in Grønland parish, Oslo.


Edited by - AntonH on 04/11/2019 22:11:44
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Norway Heritage Veteran

9393 Posts

Posted - 05/11/2019 :  02:22:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Looking at the Tree from Family Search (link posted by Tore), it seems that most of it is quite correct. However I did come across this record form for the marriage of Lars Jørgen Olsen and Anne Helene Andreasdatter. It does have the same marriage date as the Tree but has a different father than the Tree. The Tree gives the father as Anders Gulbrandsen. The record gives the father as Andreas Nielsen.

Anne Helene Andreasdatter
in the Norway, Select Marriages, 1660-1926
Name: Anne Helene Andreasdatter
[Anne Helene Nielsen]
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Birth Date: 1837
Marriage Date: 12 jan 1858
Marriage Place: Aker, Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Father: Andreas Nielsen
Spouse: Lars Jorgen Olsen
FHL Film Number: 1259721
Reference ID: item 2 p356

I think that this is the original record.


The original record does show the father as Andreas Nielsen. It is of course possible that the marriage record is wrong.

This is likely the Anne Helene that the Tree owner has found and used. She is number 36 and her twin sister Birthe Kierstine is number 35. Born in Spydeberg.

#35 & 36

Posts below by Jackie show that the marriage record is correct and that at least for the parents of Anne Helene the Tree from Family Search is incorrect.

Edited by - AntonH on 06/11/2019 17:20:57
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Norway Heritage Veteran

7844 Posts

Posted - 05/11/2019 :  11:10:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by jwiborg


Also look at 1-3, 4-5, 12-13,15-17 for additional relatives.

Edited by - jkmarler on 06/11/2019 09:58:01
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Norway Heritage Veteran

7844 Posts

Posted - 05/11/2019 :  17:29:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Tore's post for Helene Olsdatter in 1910 has a birth date of 15 April 1835 which doesn't match the Spydeberg twins of 19 Jan 1835. Apparently the connection was made on the father's name of Anders Gulbransen?
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Posted - 05/11/2019 :  17:44:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by jkmarler

Tore's post for Helene Olsdatter in 1910 has a birth date of 15 April 1835 which doesn't match the Spydeberg twins of 19 Jan 1835. Apparently the connection was made on the father's name of Anders Gulbransen?

I suspect that the Helene Olsen living in Arbeidergaten in the 1910 census was not the widow of the Lars Jørgen Olsen who died in December of that year, and who had been living at Bækkelaget, as Arbeidergaten doesn't run through Bekkelaget.
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Norway Heritage Veteran

9393 Posts

Posted - 05/11/2019 :  23:58:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This is probably the baptism record for Sigrid. Birth year matches the Segredd found in 1891 Census posted by Tore but not the 1867 for Sigurd in the Tree from Family Search.

Sigrid Helene Olsen
in the Norway, Select Baptisms, 1634-1927
Name: Sigrid Helene Olsen
Gender: Female
Baptism Date: 11 des 1881 (11 Dec 1881)
Baptism Place: Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Father: Lars Jorgen Olsen
Mother: Anne Helene Langaare
FHL Film Number: 1282516
Reference ID: v3 p72 #100

And maybe Ludvig

Ludvig Halvard Lars Jorgensen
in the Norway, Select Baptisms, 1634-1927
Name: Ludvig Halvard Lars Jorgensen
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 2 mai 1866 (2 May 1866)
Baptism Date: 17 jun 1866
Baptism Place: Gronland Menighet, Oslo, Akershus, Norway
Father: Lars Jorgen Olsen
Mother: Anne Helene Olsen
FHL Film Number: 255745
Reference ID: 2:13KNRW9

And likely the family in the 1875 Census. Same address as in the 1900 Census. Vognmandsgade 13


Lars and Helene and three children in 1885 Census at same address.


Edited by - AntonH on 06/11/2019 02:31:52
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Starting member

14 Posts

Posted - 06/11/2019 :  00:15:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by jkmarler

Originally posted by jeanniemcgary

Originally posted by jkmarler

Nils' dodfallsprotokol #1493:
SAO, Oslo skifterett, G/Ga/Gac/L0010: Dødsfallsprotokoll, 1919-1921, p. 239
Quick link:

It would be best for Norwegian first language folks to translate but I think it says he died at Ullevaal (which is a hospital, I believe) and that he was fraskilt (that is divorced).

Here is his death notice:

It says he died in an accident.

We dont have any relatives left that speak Norweigan, Thanks for this information, this site is amazing.

I didn't expect you to read the Norwegian. I'm hoping some of the Norwegian language folks here on NorwayHeritage will take it up and translate. Ulykke means accident

It didn't say where his accident occured or what type of accident it was. Most often on ship, you fall from a height into the water and drown, in effect an accident.

None of these records call him Nils Jorgen either, but his date of death is 2 Dec 1920 which matches the familysearch database Tore posted a link to.

Both of the records describe him as "bryggearbeider" which Google translates as "stevedore."

Where did you get the story that he was a captain or ship owner?

A cousin of mine that I just met had that information that his father, Nils Jorgen Larsen's son, had told him before he had passed

Jeannie McGary
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Norway Heritage Veteran

9393 Posts

Posted - 06/11/2019 :  02:39:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Niels Jørgen in 1859 in Grønland, Lars is listed as Matros


Anne Lovise in 1861 in Grønland Lars is listed as Matros.


In 1864 baptism record for Ole, Lars again listed as Matros


Ludvig Halvard in 1866 also in Grønland and Lars as Matros.


Magda Helene in 1869, New church Oslo domkirke same occupation Matros.


Magnus Ragnar 1875, Oslo Domkirke, occupation is Tjener, gives marriage year as 1858.


Sigrid Helene, born in 1881, address is Vognmandsgade 13, Lars is listed again as Tjener and mother's name is listed as Anne Helene f Langaare.


For Sigrid Helene there is an interesting comment on the far right. Looks to me as if Sigrid Helene was perhaps baptized at home by the mid-wife and the mothers maternal sisters?

Maybe "hjemme døpt af jordesmoder og moders sosterene"

Edited by - AntonH on 06/11/2019 03:44:15
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Norway Heritage Veteran

7844 Posts

Posted - 06/11/2019 :  06:25:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
For the OP matros is a word that means "sailor."

Niels Jorgen's godparents / witnesses:
Ole Larsen, Johanne Gulbrandsen, Even Andersen, the child's mother, Josephine Andreasdtr, Maren Amalie Andreasdtr

Anne Lovise's godparents / witnesses:
Albertine Nilsen, Maren Amalie Nielsen, Berte Marie Olsen, Johan Gulbrandsen, Thorsten Larsen, Ole Olsen

Ole's godparents / witnesses:
Andrine Nielsen, Albertine Nielsen, Beathe Olsen, Niels Olsen, Bernhard Hansen

Ludvig Halvard's godparents / witnesses:
the child's parents, jomfrue Berte Marie Olsen, Thorsten Larsen

Magda Helene's godparents / witnesses:
Bogtyrkker Johan Gulbrandsen, the father, wife Maren Amalie Nielsen, girl Berte Marie Olsen

Magnus Ragnar's godparents/ witnesses:
Ole Olsen, the child's mother, Berte Marie Olsen

Sigrid Helene's godparents / witnesses:
Sailor Nils Larson, clerk? Alfred Pedersen, girl Berte Marie Jornsen, Annette Jansen, Anna Olsen

Home baptized by the midwife Madame Christiansen in Ovevias, of the mother, sosteren Anne Olsen and Berta Jornsen

In the 1865 census, Maren Amalie Nielsen is the wife of the book printer / publisher Johan Gulbrandsen, born about 1838 in Kristiania:

Abstract of Maren Amalie's marriage record, father is named as Andreas Nilsen:

Maren Amalie as Amalie in 1875 census:

Maren Amalie in 1885 Kristiania census:

Maren Amalie in 1891 Kristiania census:

Possibly Maren Amalie as Amalie in 1900:

Possibly Maren Amalie as Amalie in 1910 (birthdate varies by 6 days):

#294 Christiane Augusta d/o Johan and Maren Amalie:
SAO, Grønland prestekontor Kirkebøker, F/Fa/L0002: Parish register (official) no. 2, 1862-1868, p. 69
Quick link:
faddernes: ____ Ole Gulbrandsen, Albertine Nielsen

In the 1865 census Albertine Nielsen is the 38 year old unmarried daughter of Abigael Nielsen in Oslo:

Abstract of Albertine Nielsen's marriage, father named as Andreas Nielsen:

Albertine Gulbrandsen in 1875 census:

Here is an Albertine Nielsen who is the mother of a child being baptized at Gronland for whom a Lars Olsen and a Helene Olsen are godparents:

Albertine Gulbrandsen in 1885 census:

Albertine in 1900 census:

#138 Emilie Alberta d/o Emil Gulbrandsen and Albertine Nielsen
SAO, Grønland prestekontor Kirkebøker, F/Fa/L0002: Parish register (official) no. 2, 1862-1868, p. 175
Quick link:
Lars Jorgen Olsen is one of the godparents.

#4 Johan Emil s /o Emil Gulbrandsen and Albertine Nielsen:
SAO, Grønland prestekontor Kirkebøker, F/Fa/L0002: Parish register (official) no. 2, 1862-1868, p. 246
Quick link:
wife Anne Helene Olsen is one of the godparents

Josephine Nilsen's marriage to Thorsten Larsen abstract reveals her father as Andreas Nilsen:

Josephine in 1875 census:

Josephine in 1885 census (living at same address as sister Albertine and Albertine's family)

Josephine in 1891 census:

Edited by - jkmarler on 06/11/2019 10:42:52
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Norway Heritage Veteran

7844 Posts

Posted - 06/11/2019 :  09:49:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Anne Helene was recorded as Anne Marie at her baptism but corrected to Anne Helene at her confirmation. So the attribution to the person from Spydeberg is incorrect!

Anne Marie #44 father Andreas Nielsen and Berte Marie Hansdatter
SAO, Gamlebyen prestekontor Kirkebøker, F/Fa/L0003: Parish register (official) no. 3, 1829-1849, p. 54
Quick link:

Confirmed as Anne Helene d/o Andreas Nielsen and Berte Marie Hansdatter #12
SAO, Gamlebyen prestekontor Kirkebøker, F/Fa/L0004: Parish register (official) no. 4, 1850-1857, p. 160
Quick link:

Maren Amalie #66
SAO, Gamlebyen prestekontor Kirkebøker, F/Fa/L0003: Parish register (official) no. 3, 1829-1849, p. 67
Quick link:

Josephine # 53
SAO, Gamlebyen prestekontor Kirkebøker, F/Fa/L0003: Parish register (official) no. 3, 1829-1849, p. 85
Quick link:

Albertine # 65
SAO, Gamlebyen prestekontor Kirkebøker, F/Fa/L0003: Parish register (official) no. 3, 1829-1849, p. 94
Quick link:

Christiane Augusta # 65
SAO, Gamlebyen prestekontor Kirkebøker, F/Fa/L0003: Parish register (official) no. 3, 1829-1849, p. 141
Quick link:
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Norway Heritage Veteran

7844 Posts

Posted - 06/11/2019 :  10:06:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by jkmarler

Originally posted by jwiborg


Also look at 1-3, 4-5, 12-13,15-17 for additional relatives.

The sisters Anne Helene, Josephine, Albertine are living at the same address with their husbands and children and their parents and Anne Helene's in-laws!
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