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Norway Heritage Veteran

7819 Posts

Posted - 08/05/2022 :  03:13:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Can someone enlighten me on the word in front of Christi Engebretsdatter's name #22 in 1849?

Nes kirkebøker, SAKO/A-236/F/Fa/L0009: Parish register (official) no. 9, 1834-1863, p. 544
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Edited by - jkmarler on 08/05/2022 03:14:38

Advanced member

863 Posts

Posted - 08/05/2022 :  16:52:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hard to discern all the letters, but "AMF" has transcribed it to "Selveierkone", which seems plausible:

(A "selveier" being someone who owns his own farm and "kone" meaning wife.)

Edited by - ToreL on 08/05/2022 21:40:06
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Norway Heritage Veteran

7819 Posts

Posted - 08/05/2022 :  22:42:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Many thanks. I thought that that might be possible but good to know for certain.
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Articles for Newbies:

Hunting Passenger Lists:

An article describing how, and where, to look for passenger information about Norwegian emigrants
    1:   Emigration Records - Sources - Timeline
    2:   Canadian Records (1865-1935)
    3:   Canadian Immigration Records Database
    4:   US arrivals - Customs Passenger Lists
    5:   Port of New York Passenger Records
    6:   Norwegian Emigration Records
    7:   British outbound passenger lists

The Transatlantic Crossing:

An article about how the majority of emigrants would travel. It also gives some insight to the amazing development in how ships were constructed and the transportation arranged
    1:   Early Norwegian Emigrants
    2:   Steerage - Between Decks
    3:   By sail - daily life
    4:   Children of the ocean
    5:   Sailing ship provisions
    6:   Health and sickness
    7:   From sail to steam
    8:   By steamship across the ocean
    9:   The giant express steamers
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