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 Engebret Evensen's Family
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Posted - 23/10/2022 :  01:39:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Let's trace Engebret Evensen, and I will post all the information that we or better you all, collected on him. Can we get the death dates of the children and Gunda? I would like to see if I can trace some descendants of them, to find a possible DNA match.

My family tree:

Born 9 JUL 1852 on Hagastuen under Marigaard; died 27 FEB 1909 on Hagastuen under Marigaard.

#1 - Engebret Evensen Hagastuen

His Spouse is Gunda Haralsdatter born 12 MAR 1863 on Veienseie.

#24 - Marriage Engebret Evensen and Gunda Haralsdatter

Can we find a death date?

These are the children that we found:

Marte born 18 FEB 1885:

#11 - Marthe Birth/Baptism

1891 Norway Census - Marte Engebretsdr.

Can we find a death date or her family?

Even born 7 JUN 1888

#27 Even Birth/Baptism

1891 - Even Engebretsen

Harald born 16 APR 1891

#27 - Harald Birth/Baptism

Gerda Emilie born 26 MAY 1894

#25 - Gerda Birth/Baptism

Olga Margrete born 6 FEB 1897

#14 - Olga Birth/Baptism

Gudbrand born on 9 OCT 1899

#50 - Gudbrand Birth/Baptism

Half-sibling? Kristian born 23 MAY 1906

Can't pull up the censuses, but here are the information

1900 Norway Census:
Norderhov, Buskerud, Norway

Engebret Eivinsen, 48
Gunda Haraldsdatter, 37
Eivin Engebretsen, 12
Harald Engebretsen, 9
Gerda Engebretsdatter, 6
Olga Engebretsdatter, 3
Gudbrand Engebretsen, 1

1910 Norway Census:
Norderhov, Buskerud, Norway

Gunda Haraldsdatter, 47
Eivind Engebretsen, 22
Harald Engebretsen, 19
Olga Engebretsen, 13
Gudbrand Engebretsen, 11
Kristian Engebretsen, 4

Edited by - dylankylesimon on 23/10/2022 01:46:00

Norway Heritage Veteran

9345 Posts

Posted - 23/10/2022 :  02:28:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here is the baptism record for Kristian. Looks like a full brother to me.

Here is his baptism record.

Nr. 97
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Posted - 23/10/2022 :  05:52:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by dylankylesimon

[quote]Originally posted by AntonH

Here is the baptism record for Kristian. Looks like a full brother to me.

Here is his baptism record.

Nr. 97

Hey Anton! I love that find of the 1920 census, in particular, because the scanned version lists everything that I need to further track them down. I will try to do some searching through Ancestry and Family Search. Somebody must have had a descendant.

Do you think this is Marte Engebretsdatter? Same birthday:

007 Marte Evensen

Edited by - dylankylesimon on 23/10/2022 06:00:35
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Norway Heritage Veteran

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Posted - 23/10/2022 :  19:35:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Prob son Gudbrand marrying:

Possibly 3 of the brothers on a tax list in 1938 Even, Kristian, Gulb.:

Gunda Jordestuen mentioned in 1924:

Thanks for 82nd birthday greetings from Gunda Evensen Jordestuen in 1945:

Gunda's death notice d.20 April 1949:

Doesn't necessarily follow that he's related but here is a Vidar Engebretsen in relation to Jordestuen in 2000:

Doesn't necessarily follow that Kolbjorn Engebretsen (Jordestuen) is related but here is his banns reading in 1959:

If the Gudbrand Engebretsen mentioned earlier is in the family for certain he died in 1982. Here is a thank you from his family, one of the survivors is Kolbjorn:

Here is the actual death notice for Gudbrand:

Kristian Engebretsen celebrated 90 years in 1996:

Edited by - jkmarler on 23/10/2022 20:57:05
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Posted - 23/10/2022 :  21:04:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sister Gerda in 1910:
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Norway Heritage Veteran

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Posted - 23/10/2022 :  22:13:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Do you think this is Marte Engebretsdatter? Same birthday:

007 Marte Evensen

Very likelly, I see that she may have a datter?
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Norway Heritage Veteran

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Posted - 23/10/2022 :  22:20:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Probably the birth record of the daughter.

Name: Gunnvor
Gender: Kvinnelig
Baptism Age: 0
Record Type: dåp (Baptism)
Birth Date: 8 mai 1910 (8 May 1910)
Baptism Date: 11 Sept 1910
Baptism Place: Buskerud, Norge (Norway)
Baptism Municipality: Norderhov
Haakon Kristiansen
Marte Engebregtsdtr. Jordestuen

Nr. 24

Edited by - AntonH on 23/10/2022 22:22:00
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Posted - 23/10/2022 :  22:23:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Spot on! So there are definitely great-grandchildren to be traced.

Vår kjære mor, svigermor, bestemor og oldemor
Gunda Evensen, Jordestuen
scvnet stille inn i dag, 86 år gml.
Veme, 20. april 1949.
Barn, svigerbarn, barnebar og barnebarnsbarn.

Our dear mother, mother-in-law, grandmother and great-grandmother
Gunda Evensen, Jordestuen
fell asleep quietly today, 86 years old. Veme, 20 April 1949.
Children, children-in-law, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

I also send Anne Sofie Hval, daughter to Thorleif Solberg, the author of Vaagaards and Marigaards History. I didn't have the time to read this Norwegian Book that I have in front of me, but it might tell more about Engebret as well.

Edited by - dylankylesimon on 23/10/2022 22:40:14
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Norway Heritage Veteran

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Posted - 23/10/2022 :  23:32:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by AntonH

Probably the birth record of the daughter.

Name: Gunnvor
Gender: Kvinnelig
Baptism Age: 0
Record Type: dåp (Baptism)
Birth Date: 8 mai 1910 (8 May 1910)
Baptism Date: 11 Sept 1910
Baptism Place: Buskerud, Norge (Norway)
Baptism Municipality: Norderhov
Haakon Kristiansen
Marte Engebregtsdtr. Jordestuen

Nr. 24

Prob the father Haadon in 1910:
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Posted - 23/10/2022 :  23:52:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
To your entry on Vida Engebretsen:
Fritak fra boplikten I
Fysisk hovedstyre i Ringerike har gitt Vida Engebretsen fritak fra boplikten på eiendommen Jordestuen på Veme. Fritaket gjelder fram til utgangen av 2004. Eiendommen Jordestuen er på totalt 33 dekar, hvor av 10 dekar er dyrka jord. Bebyggelsen består av en tømmerstue på 44 kvadratmeter, en mindre låve og et vognskjul. Samtlige hus er gamle, og blir ikke betegnet som brukbare etter dagens krav
Exemption from the residence obligation I
The physical executive board of Ringerike has granted Vida Engebretsen exemption from the obligation to live on the property Jordestuen in Veme. The exemption applies until the end of 2004. The property Jordestuen covers a total of 33 acres, of which 10 acres are cultivated land. The building consists of a log cabin of 44 square metres, a smaller barn and a carriage shed. All the houses are old, and are not described as usable according to today's requirements

I also found a Vida Engebretsen on Facebook from Veme, Buskerud, and just wrote him in Norwegian, wish me luck! He might be the grandson to Gudbrand, who knows.

Two children from my understanding right? Einar and Kolbjørn, right? One could maybe be his father?

Certainly our Gudbrand, Age is only a bit off, he should have been only 82

Oh wow Jackie, Kristian's 90th Birthday is spot on, as well! Good job!

Added Gunvor Kristiansen Anton, thanks!

Edited by - dylankylesimon on 24/10/2022 02:18:01
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Norway Heritage Veteran

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Posted - 24/10/2022 :  00:23:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Lykke til
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Posted - 24/10/2022 :  02:02:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Olava's death notice 30. Juni 1990 Ringerikes Blad
Kolbjorn Marriage to Ellen, mentioned in Death Notice of Gudbrand
Kolbjorn Birth 26 Oct 1934, Death 28 May 2011, Veme
Aunt Ellen Birth 18 Oct 1936 - Death 1 May 2013, Verne

The transfer also includes Gnr 94, bnr 5 Soknedalsveien 56 (Gnr 62, bnr 139) has been transferred from Ellen Engebretsen to Jorunn Engebretsen Hagen, Toril Engebretsen and Vidar Engebretsen

Those are the ones that I added on Facebook, probably son and wife

Einar Engebretsen and Agna - A boy 13. September 1959
Engagement Einar Engebretsen and Agna Skjerven Veme
Wedding Agna Malli Skjerven and Eianr Engebretsen, Veme 11 Oct 1958
75 Birthday Einar Engebretsen - Appears to be still alive to this day

Good work today, we traced the descendants, and I think we got mostly everyone from Gudbrand Engebretsen and did a pretty good job.

Should move on to the next one

Edited by - dylankylesimon on 24/10/2022 03:17:58
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Posted - 24/10/2022 :  14:39:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Vidar confirmed his grandparents were Gudbrand and Olava, so I think I can start tracing the others.

Did we find anything more on?

  • Marte Engebretsdatter (*18 Feb 1885 Norderhov)
    • Husband: Haakon Kristiansen
      • 1910 Norway Census
    • Daughter: Gunvor Kristiansen (*08 May 1910 in Norderhov)
      • 1910 Census with Marte
  • Eivin Engebretsen (*7 Jun 1888 Norderhov)
  • Harald Engebretsen (*16 Apr 1891 Norderhov)
  • Gerda Emilie Engebretsdatter (*26 May 1894 Norderhov)
  • Olga Engebretsdatter (*6 Feb 1897 Norderhov)
  • Kristian Engebretsen (* 23 May 1906)
    • 90th Birthday 23 May 1996 in Veme
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Norway Heritage Veteran

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Posted - 24/10/2022 :  17:53:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Haakon Kristiansen may or may not be her husband as both are single in the 1910 census.

Here is Haakon in 1920 census:

Edited by - jkmarler on 25/10/2022 01:24:27
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Norway Heritage Veteran

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Posted - 25/10/2022 :  00:57:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Possible marriage of Harald Engebretsen and Ruth Johanne Kjemperud:
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Posted - 25/10/2022 :  03:51:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hey Jackie,

Just want to update you after I spoke to Vidar today. Gudbrand and Olava were his grandparents. Everyone who came before Einar and Kolbjorn are dead. He knows that Hagestuen has been used in his family. He did not know about Peter Evensen emigrating to the US. I don't think he knows any siblings of Engebret, but there is interest. He also knows that Engebret has lived in Vagaard and Marigaard but doesn't know the family that far back. He said that he had a sister who would try to help me. Before 1914, Jordestuen was a homestead under the farm Veme Østre. Eivin took over the farm, then Kristian until he died in 1996. He said that if he didn't make a mistake, Gerda would have a son named Gunnar Roa, with a wife named Louise Roa. I think they are all dead, but their three children are still alive. He also said that Jordestuen is mentioned in the book on Norwegian Farms, but I don't know which one.
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