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 Ole Evensen Tandbergs-Marigård Brother to Engebret
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Posted - 23/10/2022 :  23:36:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I think we can also find a descendant of Ole Evensen Tandbergs-Marigård

I think in addition to what we already know, listed here:

#51 - Ole Evensen Tandbergs-Marigård
Birth: 16 Sep 1846
Father: Even Olsen
Mother: Marthe Helgesdatter

#26 - Ole Marigard Evensen
Birthplace: Norderhov
Death: 30 Aug 1924
Burial: 9 Sep 1924
Burial Place: Modum, Buskerud

This is also a good find in Solberg, T. Vågårds of Marigårds histories (p. 108):

Hagastua, under Mariård
Her var Marthe Helgesdatter husmor og enke. Hun var født 1814 i Norderhov. Hun brukte plassen. Hennes sønn Ole Evensen var født 1846 i Haug, og var jernbanearbeider på Randsfjorbanen. Han var gift med Marie Eriksdatter som var født 1854 i Haug. Losjerende var Edevart Kristiansen, født 1855 i Haug. Han var jernbanearbeider. Elling Waagaard oppgis som eier. Buskapen var ei ku, og utseden ¾ tønne blandkorn og 1 tønne poteter.

Hagastua, under Marigaard
Here, Marthe Helgesdatter was a housewife and widow. She was born in 1814 in Norderhov. She used the space. Her son Ole Evensen was born in 1846 in Haug, and was a railway worker on the Randsfjorbanen. He was married to Marie Eriksdatter who was born in 1854 in Haug. T
he lodger was Edevart Kristiansen, born 1855 in Haug. He was a railway worker. Elling Waagaard is stated as the owner. The livestock was a cow, and the seed was ¾ barrel of mixed grain and 1 barrel of potatoes.

1891 Norway Census
Residence Place: Jevnaker, Oppland, Norway
Ole Evensen
Anne Marie Eriksdatter

1910 Norway Census
Residence Place: Modum, Buskerud, Norway

Name: Ole Evensen
Birth Place: Norderhov

Wife: Anne Marie Evensen
Birth: 21 Jul 1854 in Norderhov, Buskerud, Norway

Daughter: Maren Erikka Evensen
Birth: 18 Jul 1893 in Jevnaker, Oppland, Norway

1900 Norway Census
Ole Evensen
Marie Evensen
Erika Evensen
Modum, Buskerud, Norway

#9 - Marriage Oskar Marelius Erisen and Maren Erika Evensen
Oskar Birth: 10 Jul 1891 in Modum, Buskerud, Norway
Marriage Date: 16 Apr 1922
Marriage Place: Modum, Buskerud, Norway

Two different Maren Erikka's, born one is born 15 Feb 1878

Can we find a death date for Anne Marie, and both Maren Erikkas, I think they referred to Gunda Evensen, Jordestuen as the sister-in-law?

Edited by - dylankylesimon on 23/10/2022 23:37:44

Norway Heritage Veteran

7819 Posts

Posted - 24/10/2022 :  00:14:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Banns read for Oscar Marelius Eriksen and Maren Erikka Evensen in Modum in 1922:

Family in 1920 census:

Oscar in 1920 census:

Edited by - jkmarler on 24/10/2022 00:21:35
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Posted - 24/10/2022 :  01:20:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by jkmarler

Banns read for Oscar Marelius Eriksen and Maren Erikka Evensen in Modum in 1922:

Family in 1920 census:

Oscar in 1920 census:

What is going on with her birthday? One says 15 Feb 1878, the other 18 Jul 1893, and yours 18 Jul 1883?

Edited by - dylankylesimon on 24/10/2022 01:20:34
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Norway Heritage Veteran

7819 Posts

Posted - 24/10/2022 :  03:21:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
As you said, two different Maren Erika. When was she actually born 1893 or what?

Here is the original hand written schedule says 1883:
SAKO, Folketelling 1920 for 0623 Modum herred, 1920, s. 18430
Brukslenke for sidevisning:

To be sure, a look in the Jevnaker births is in order.

Edited by - jkmarler on 24/10/2022 03:24:52
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Posted - 24/10/2022 :  06:30:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by jkmarler

As you said, two different Maren Erika. When was she actually born 1893 or what?

Here is the original hand written schedule says 1883:
SAKO, Folketelling 1920 for 0623 Modum herred, 1920, s. 18430
Brukslenke for sidevisning:

To be sure, a look in the Jevnaker births is in order.

Maren Erikka 1878-02-15 1878-04-02

Maren Erikka Evensen 1893-07-18

Maren Erikka Evensen 1883-07-18 Jevnaker

Considering that we only have one Church Record, I'd say she was likely born in 1878, but whoever wrote those birth dates...
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Norway Heritage Veteran

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Posted - 24/10/2022 :  08:31:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Of the 3 citations you mentioned, only the one below is an actual record of birth.

Norderhov kirkebøker, SAKO/A-237/G/Gb/L0001: Klokkerbok nr. II 1, 1876-1899, s. 20
Brukslenke for sidevisning:

Here is the family in 1891 census, no Maren Erika:

Here is the family in 1900 [Maren] Erika b 1893 Jevnaker

Jevnaker prestekontor, SAH/PREST-116/H/Ha/Haa/L0009: Parish register (official) no. 9, 1891-1901, p. 18
Quick link:

The daughter from 1878 must have died and there is not a birth in 1883 Jevnaker, so they named the newest daughter after the other?

And unless Anne Marie's parents had another granddaughter named Maren Erika, she is at their place census time in 1900:

Edited by - jkmarler on 24/10/2022 09:46:02
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Posted - 24/10/2022 :  14:42:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I get what you are saying, but we have not found a church book entry for 1893 Maren Erika, only for 1878 right?
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Norway Heritage Veteran

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Posted - 24/10/2022 :  17:51:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yes #40 at Jevnaker link in prior post.
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Posted - 25/10/2022 :  05:48:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by jkmarler

Yes #40 at Jevnaker link in prior post.

Okay I see it now, a commercial cut it out, so I didn't see it
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Posted - 05/11/2022 :  06:20:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I made some new discoveries. I don't know how we missed them, but here they are

Entries for Helga Mathilde:
1. Good Quality -
#18 Helga Mathilde born 20 Jan 1883
Father: Ole Evensen Vaagaard
Mother: Anne Maria Evensd.?
2. Bad Quality -
#3 Helga Mathilde born 20 Jan 1883
Father: Ole Evensen Vaagaard
Mother Anna Marie Eriksdatter

Entries for Anna Elise:
1. Bad Quality -
#15 Anna Elise born 16 Jan 1880
Father: Ole Evensen Marigaard
Mother: Anne Marie Eriksdr.
2. Good Quality -
#19 Anna Elise born 16 Jan 1880
Father: Ole Evensen Marigaard
Mother: Anne Marie Eriksd.

Not exactly sure what happened to them, but I assume there were maybe 5 or more? I always see only one at a time. I also assume that they may have changed their surname and were married to some of the remaining farms on Vaagaard or Marigaard. I will speak to the Author again, if she may recognize their name or birth date. Maybe y'all can work your magic

Also grabbed some dates from a My Heritage Tree, don't know if they lead to anything but these are the information:

Maren Erikka Evensen
Born: 18 Jul 1893 Jevnaker, Oppland, Norway
Death: 25 Aug 1968

Oskar M Eriksen
10 Jul 1891 Modum, Buskerud, Norway
26 Jul 1971

Two Sons:
1. Erik Erichsen
Born: 1923 in Vikersund, Modum, Buskerud
Death: 1943 in sjøen

2. Arne Olav Erichsen
Born: 22 May 1926 in Vikersund, Modum, Buskerud
Death: 19 Sep 1990 in Vikersund, Modum, Buskerud

Wife: Marie Thorvaldsdatter Eriksen (born Stavn)
Born: 23 Dec 1923 Hallingdal, Buskerud, Norway
Death: 5 Aug 1979

Pretty sketchy tree for whatever reason, and the person is one of those who has like 50,000 people in it or so, but worth a shot to look for these.

Edited by - dylankylesimon on 05/11/2022 07:33:54
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Norway Heritage Veteran

7819 Posts

Posted - 05/11/2022 :  12:39:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ole Evensen's death notice I interpret this way:
Marie Evensen = the widow Anne Marie Eriksen
Erika f Evensen Eriksen= the daughter Maren Erika born Evensen
Oscar Eriksen = son-in-law the husband of Maren Erika
Else Marie = probable granddaughter so Else Marie [Eriksen] daughter of Maren Erika and Oscar
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Posted - 05/11/2022 :  16:14:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by jkmarler

Ole Evensen's death notice I interpret this way:
Marie Evensen = the widow Anne Marie Eriksen
Erika f Evensen Eriksen= the daughter Maren Erika born Evensen
Oscar Eriksen = son-in-law the husband of Maren Erika
Else Marie = probable granddaughter so Else Marie [Eriksen] daughter of Maren Erika and Oscar

Great find!
#79 Else Marie Born 06 May 1923

Edited by - dylankylesimon on 05/11/2022 16:17:30
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