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 Wibeto and Sonstebo & Romseland farm
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Posted - 16/03/2024 :  20:34:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
WOW! You all are tremendous! This is a wealth of information and I think you got it. The Wibetos and Sonstebos both lived in Wallace, Codington County SD. My birth mother's name was Alice Sonstebo Waite and she just died in January 2022. Her father was Charley Sonstebo. I don't recall her telling me the birth father's first name but she had heard he moved to Minneapolis.

I think I will try contacting the people at Romseland farm near sjkold and then head for Telemark as a possible location for the Sonstebos and Wibetos. This is so amazing!

Sara C. Gentry
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Posted - 24/03/2024 :  17:34:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Another question about Romseland Farm and the Wibetos and Sonstebos:

Are there people in the Skjold/Haugesand area and Telemark that can take you on a "genealogical" tour of the areas?

Sara C. Gentry
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Posted - 22/09/2024 :  18:05:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
We are back from a fabulous trip to Norway that was certainly enhanced by the information you gave us. Romsaland Farm was beautiful and the current owners, the Hundsnes family (unrelated to us), were most hospitable in showing us around and serving us delicious Norwegian waffles! This was the farm of my great-grandfather, Nils Romsaland who changed his name to Nels Thompson when he came to the U.S.

With regard to my birth family, your information was instrumental in helping determine who my birth father was and where my birth mother's family came from; she was the daughter of Charley Sonstebo who was the son of John Kjetilsson Sonstebo. We went to a handicraft store in Rjukan, Tinn Municipality, Telemark County and asked the owner if he knew of anybody named Sonstebo near there. He did and called them on the telephone to see if we could come visit. We did and everything checked out! We met our "cousin" Lena who is current owner of the North Sonstebo farm with her father living in a separate house on the farm. The South farm, from which my ancestors came, was sold outside the family but Lena said Kjetilsson was the part of their family on the South farm. It was wonderful to meet her and see the farm! She did not ask and I did not share the family relationship. It was a good visit especially since it was totally unplanned.

I personally feel more "grounded" and it's rewarding to see my place in all this history. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your good work.

Sara C. Gentry
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Posted - 22/09/2024 :  20:09:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
So nice to hear. Thanks for the update.
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Hunting Passenger Lists:

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    2:   Canadian Records (1865-1935)
    4:   US arrivals - Customs Passenger Lists
    5:   Port of New York Passenger Records
    6:   Norwegian Emigration Records
    7:   British outbound passenger lists

The Transatlantic Crossing:

An article about how the majority of emigrants would travel. It also gives some insight to the amazing development in how ships were constructed and the transportation arranged
    1:   Early Norwegian Emigrants
    2:   Steerage - Between Decks
    3:   By sail - daily life
    4:   Children of the ocean
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