Hurra! Slekt og Data har fått kr 300 000 fra Sparebankstiftelsen DNB til å fornye nettjenesten Norway Heritage! #127757; – Vi ønsker å sikre bevaring og formidling av denne unike kulturarven om reiser og utvandring ved å overta nettstedet og få all informasjon over i ny, moderne digital drakt, sier generalsekretær Lina Bjelland Myrvoll. #128241; Norway Heritage skal også være ungdomsrettet, slik at ungdom kan lete etter sin familiehistorie i Historiekonkurransen - Min familie i historien.
Pa engelsk: Hooray! Slekt og Data has received NOK 300,000 from Sparebankstiftelsen DNB to renew the Norway Heritage online service! #127757; - We want to ensure the preservation and dissemination of this unique cultural heritage of travel and emigration by taking over the website and getting all the information into a new, modern digital form, says general secretary Lina Bjelland Myrvoll. #128241; Norway Heritage will also be youth-oriented, so that young people can search for their family history in the History competition - My family in history.
An influx of money and technology could be good for this site. I have in the past used the Slekt og Data website and their forum occasionally. However it turned into a subscription site which was not something I wanted. Hope they do not have plans for treating Norway Heritage the same way.