Data on domicile: Census year: 1875 Municipality: Fåberg Municipality number: 0524 Name of domicile: Midtre Høgsveen Number of persons in this domicile: 6 Name Family status Marital status Occupation Birth year Place of birth Ethnicity Amund Iversen hf g Husmand m. Jord 1844 Svadsum S Gausdals Pr. Anne Torsdatter hans Kone g 1847 Sødorp S. Nordre Froen Anna Amundsdatter d ug 1868 Svadsum Gausdals Pr Torvald Amundsen s ug 1871 Svadsum Gausdals Pr Iver Amundsen s ug 1873 Svadsum Gausdals Pr Anton Amundsen s ug 1875 Fåberg
The place they lived on was a cotter place under Mælum. The place is not anymore, just some stones after the cellar of the house.
I have searched parishes in and around Oslo for Randine Amundsdatter who married Wold.
My question is, what is the best way to find someone who lives in Norway now and is a grandchild of this person. This was my grandfather's sister. I would very much like to correspond with a family member. I have some photos that they sent to my grandfather years ago.
Do people advertize in the newspapers when they are trying to find someone? What is your suggestion?
Hadeland and Land is an area for a "sorenskriver" - district recorder - you will see Land as no. 0536 (lower left) if you click on Oppland county on this map I am not aware of any possibility to find obituaries in Norway - maybe someone else are.
I found on the website: the grave of an Anna Ingeborg Wold. There is a slight difference in the date that we have in the census and parish records, but I want to determine if this Anna Ingeborg Wold is the daughter of Ranine Amundsdatter Wold.
Would you have an address, phone number or e-mail address for the Nordstrand Parish?