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 TypeShip  SortBuilt  SortTonnage  Sort   DimensionsLine  Sort
 S/SMargaret1839700 gross   Cunard Line
 S/SCity of Bristol18542,655 gross   349.4ft x 37.6ftInman Line
 S/SEtna18542,215 gross   305ft x 37.6ftInman Line
 S/SCity of Bristol18542,655 gross   349.4ft x 37.6ftAmerican Line
 S/SEtna18552,215 gross   305ft x 37.6ftCunard Line
 S/SBelgian18552,026 gross   280ft x 38.5ftDominion Line
 S/SMissouri18552,259 gross   280ft x 38.5ftDominion Line
 S/SHammonia (1)18552,026 gross   280ft x 38.5ftHamburg America Line
 S/SBorussia18552,131 gross   280ft x 38.5ftHamburg America Line
 S/SBorussia18552,131 gross   280ft x 38.5ftDominion Line
 S/SBelgian18552,259 gross   280ft x 38.5ftAllan Line
 S/SBavaria18562,405 gross   282.1ft x 39.4ftHamburg America Line
 S/SBavaria18562,405 gross   Dominion Line
 S/STeutonia18562,693 gross   282.1ft x 39.4ftDominion Line
 S/STeutonia18562,693 gross   282.1ft x 39.4ftHamburg America Line
 S/SSaxonia18572,684 gross   311.7ft x 42.6ftHamburg America Line
 S/SAustria18572,684 gross   311.7ft x 42.6ftHamburg America Line
 S/SBremen (1)18582,674 gross   334ft x 42ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SNew York18582,674 gross   320ft x 39ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SHansa (1)18612,992 gross   328.2ft x 42ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SAmerica18622,752 gross   318ft x 40ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SGermania (1)18632,123 gross   298.6ft x 39.4ftHamburg America Line
 S/SHermann18652,873 gross   332ft x 40ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SPalmyra18652,044 gross   290.8ft x 38ftCunard Line
 S/SDeutschland18662,800 gross   325ft x 40ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SHammonia (2)18663,035 gross   339.9ft x 40ftHamburg America Line
 S/SUnion18662,800 gross   325ft x 40ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SWeser (2)18672,870 gross   325ft x 40ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SBerlin18672,333 gross   285ft x 39ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SCimbria18673,037 gross   339.9ft x 40ftHamburg America Line
 S/SDonau18682,896 gross   332ft x 40ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SBaltimore18682,321 gross   285ft x 39ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SRhein (1)18682,901 gross   332ft x 40ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SMain (1)18683,087 gross   332ft x 40ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SOhio18682,398 gross   290.2ft x 39ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SHolsatia (1)18683,134 gross   339.9ft x 40ftHamburg America Line
 S/SWestphalia (1)18683,158 gross   340ft x 40ft x 33ftHamburg America Line
 S/SLeipzig18692,388 gross   290.2ft x 39ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SFrankfurt18692,582 gross   300ft x 39ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SHannover (1)18692,571 gross   300ft x 39ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SSilesia18693,142 gross   339.9ft x 40ftHamburg America Line
 S/SKonig Wilhelm I18702,550 gross   312ft x 39.1ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SGermania (2)18702,876 gross   330ft x 39ftHamburg America Line
 S/SGraf Bismarck18702,406 gross   316.5ft x 39.1ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SKöln (1)18702,555 gross   300ft x 39ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SKronprinz Friedrich Wilhelm18702,387 gross   312.3ft x 39.1ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SThuringia (1)18703,133 gross   350.3ft x 40ftHamburg America Line
 S/SVandalia18712,810 gross   330ft x 39ftHamburg America Line
 S/SFranconia18723,098 gross   350ft x 39ft x 23ftHamburg America Line
 S/SFrisia18723,500 gross   360ft x 43ftHamburg America Line
 S/SMosel18723,125 gross   349ft x 40.3ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SStrassburg18723,025 gross   350ft x 39ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SOlinde Rodrigues18723,098 gross   350ft x 39ftC.G.T - Compagnie Générale Transatlantique (French Line)
 S/SCity of Chester18734,566 gross   444.6ft x 44.2ft x 34.7Inman Line
 S/SRhenania (1)18732,989 gross   350ft x 39ftHamburg America Line
 S/SSaint Simon18732,989 gross   350ft x 39ftC.G.T - Compagnie Générale Transatlantique (French Line)
 S/SNeckar (1)18733,120 gross   350ft x 40ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SMinister Roon1873    350ft x 39.4ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SPommerania18733,382 gross   360.3ft x 40ftHamburg America Line
 S/SFeldmarschall Moltke18733,060 gross   350ft x 39.4ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SOder18733,265 gross   350ft x 40.3ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SSuevia18743,609 gross   360.3ft x 41ftHamburg America Line
 S/SBerlin18745,526 gross   488.6ft x 57.2ftAmerican Line
 S/SBerlin18745,525 gross   488.6ft x 44.2ftRed Star Line
 S/SGeneral Werder18743,020 gross   347.1ft x 39.2ftNorddeutscher Lloyd
 S/SCity of Berlin18745,491 gross   488.6ft x 44.2ftInman Line
 S/SChester18934,791 gross   444.6ft x 44.2ftAmerican Line
 S/SEmperor of India191411,430 gross   520ft x 61.2ftCunard Line

Emigrant Ship databases

Agents & Shipping lines
Shipping lines, Norwegian agents, authorizations, routes and fleets.

Emigrant ship Arrivals
Trond Austheim's database of emigrant ship arrivals around the world, 1870-1894.

Norwegian departures
100 Years of Emigrant Ships from Norway - indexed by year 1825-1925
Passenger lists
Norwegian Emigrants 1825-1875 Pre 1875 Norwegian emigrants, passenger lists
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A selection of articles dedicated to help you in your genealogy search for your Norwegian ancestors. Transcripts and pictures of historic documents in connection with the ships and emigration. Also including articles about Pioneers & Norwegian Settlements Around the World
Articles about selected ships ships and special events in their history. Descriptions of some of the great maritime disasters involving emigrant ships, like the wrecking of the steamer Atlantic of the White Star Line, sinking of the ocean liner Empress of Ireland and the Thingvalla line steamer Norge disaster. Check this section if you have an interest in shipwrecks.
This section contains articles describing the transatlantic voyage, the condition of the steerage accommodations and the experience of an ocean travel on an emigrant ship. You will find in-depth studies concerning the emigration process, statistics and facts, and information about the immigration processing centers line Castle Garden and Ellis Island.
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