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  TypeShip  SortDeparture   Sort
Arrival   Sort
  S/SAlbionChristiania - Christiansand  
Separate route 
  BarkAnna Delius, Capt. IversenChristiania Apr. 22 
Quebec June 7 115  
  S/SArendalChristiania - Christiansand  
Separate route 
Bergen  2150  
  ShipArgo, Capt. GranBergen May 14 
Passenger list 
Quebec June 26 147  
  ShipAtalanta, Capt. ReinertsenStavanger Apr. 25 
Passenger list 
Quebec June 23 170  
  S/SBergenChristiania - other  
Separate route 
Bergen  209  
  S/SBrageChristiania May 6 
Gothenburg - Copenhagen  260  
  S/SBravoChristiania - Christiansand  
Separate route 
Bergen  2149  
  BarkColonist, Capt. BaarsrudDrammen Apr. 30 
Passenger list 
Quebec June 17 387  
  BarkConcordia, Capt. ChristiansenChristiania Apr. 15 
Quebec May 22 396  
  S/SDenmark, Capt. ForbesChristiansand May 1 
New York May 17 2271  
  BarkEdda, Capt. AndersenChristiania Apr. 20 
Quebec June 1 505  
  BarkFlora, Capt. MaulinDrammen May 3 
Passenger list 
Quebec June 23 613  
  S/SFoldinChristiania - other  
Separate route 
Christiansand  616  
  S/SFranklin, Capt. DreyerChristiansand  
Separate route 
New York  2273  
  BarkFranklin, Capt. WisnæsTrondheim May 10 
Quebec July 2 625  
  ShipFrigate Bird, Capt. Van der LippeBergen Apr. 23 
Passenger list 
Quebec June 4 243  
  S/SGanger RolfChristiania - Arendal - Christiansand  
Separate route 
Hamburg  673  
  BarkHebe, Capt. MarchussenStavanger June 10 
Passenger list 
Quebec July 22 740  
  S/SHero (2)Christiania - Christiansand  
Separate route 
  S/SHumbolt, Capt. BarandoChristiansand  
Separate route 
New York  2274  
  BarkKong Sverre, Capt. HansenBergen Apr. 30 
Passenger list 
Quebec June 8 1099  
  ShipLaurdal, Capt. PetersenPorsgrunn Apr. 15 
Quebec June 6 1148  
Separate route 
Christiansand  1151  
  S/SMotalaChristiania - other  
Separate route 
Bergen  1260  
  BarkNathanael, Capt. JacobsenChristiania June 9 
Quebec July 29 1263  
  ShipNordens Dronning, Capt. HelliesenStavanger May 13 
Passenger list 
Quebec July 14 1287  
  S/SNorwayTrondheim - Christiansund - Aalesund - Bergen  
Separate route 
Newcastle  1365  
  BarkNymfen, Capt. BjørnstadChristiania Apr. 28 
Quebec June 24 1400  
  S/SOderChristiania - Christiansand  
Separate route 
  S/SOderChristiania - Christiansand  
Separate route 
London  2151  
  BarkPera, Capt. KlyverBergen May 23 
Passenger list 
Quebec July 8 1516  
  ShipPontecorvo, Capt. DahlChristiania May 15 
Quebec July 2 1524  
  BarkRhea, Capt. JensenTvedestrand Apr. 30 
Passenger list 
Quebec June 29 1575  
  BarkRjukan, Capt. HansenSkien Apr. 17 
Passenger list 
Quebec May 31 1585  
  ShipSara, Capt. LundBergen Apr. 22 
Passenger list 
Quebec June 11 1641  
  S/SScotia (1)Christiania - Christiansand  
Separate route 
Granton Dock  1659  
  BarkSkien, Capt. MelancthonSkien Apr. 14 
Passenger list 
Quebec June 8 1707  
  S/SSt. OlafChristiania - Arendal - Christiansand  
Separate route 
Hamburg  1808  
  S/SSt. OlavBergen  
Separate route 
New York  1816  
  S/STasso (1)Christiania - Christiansand  
Separate route 
  S/STasso (1)Trondheim - Christiansund - Bergen  
Separate route 
  ShipUndine, Capt. ThorsenStavanger Apr. 27 
Passenger list 
Quebec June 8 1961  

Additional journeys or not confirmed journeys:
  ShipOscar I, Capt. NaumanDublin  
Quebec June 22 2272  

  Ennis ( Allan Brothers & Co. )TrondhjemAllan Line
  A. Sharpe - KybringKristianiaAllan Line
  Hans L. DahlTrondhjemAnchor Line
  David Aleksander Bruun Murray (Henderson Brothers, Glasgow)KristianiaAnchor Line
  Christian Gunnestad & Co - Gunnestad og RaffelKristianiaBaltic Lloyd
  M. R. RaffelKristianiaBaltic Lloyd
  Christian Gunnestad & Co - Gunnestad og RaffelKristianiaCunard Line
  BaumanTrondhjemCunard Line
  Blickfeldt & CoKristianiaGuion Line
  Det Norske Udvandringsselskab, L KnophKristianiaGuion Line
  M. SmedbyTrondhjemGuion Line
  Det Norske Udvandringsselskab, L KnophKristianiaHamburg America Line
  M. R. RaffelKristianiaHamburg America Line
  William InmanChristianiaInman Line
  A. ConnollyKristianiaInman Line
  O. SvensonKristianiaNational Line
  Pettersen & KrantzChristiansandNational Line
  Chr. CorneliussenBergenNational Line
  J. A. Wallin (Det amerikanske emigrant Co.)TrondhjemNational Line
  C. F. Omang (Hedmarken - Østerdalen)HamarNational Line
  Nicolai StangeStavangerNational Line
  Olaus Nilsen TandbergKristianiaSail
  P. Ltz. AassDrammenSail
  Thorvald H. MoeTrondhjemSail
  Det Norske Udvandringsselskab, L KnophKristianiaThe Norwegian American Steamship Company
  Christian Gunnestad & Co - Gunnestad og RaffelKristianiaThe Norwegian American Steamship Company
  Frederik LieKristianiaWhite Star Line
  H. Heitmann - H. Heitmann & SønKristianiaWilson Line
  Winge & Co.KristianiaWinge & Co

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If you appreciate all the work that has been put down to make this material available to you, please consider supporting the project by making a donation. For more information please see: Call for Support. Thanks, Børge Solem
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Shipping lines, Norwegian agents, authorizations, routes and fleets.

Emigrant ship Arrivals
Trond Austheim's database of emigrant ship arrivals around the world, 1870-1894.

Norwegian departures
100 Years of Emigrant Ships from Norway - indexed by year 1825-1925
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Norwegian Emigrants 1825-1875 Pre 1875 Norwegian emigrants, passenger lists
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A selection of articles dedicated to help you in your genealogy search for your Norwegian ancestors. Transcripts and pictures of historic documents in connection with the ships and emigration. Also including articles about Pioneers & Norwegian Settlements Around the World
Articles about selected ships ships and special events in their history. Descriptions of some of the great maritime disasters involving emigrant ships, like the wrecking of the steamer Atlantic of the White Star Line, sinking of the ocean liner Empress of Ireland and the Thingvalla line steamer Norge disaster. Check this section if you have an interest in shipwrecks.
This section contains articles describing the transatlantic voyage, the condition of the steerage accommodations and the experience of an ocean travel on an emigrant ship. You will find in-depth studies concerning the emigration process, statistics and facts, and information about the immigration processing centers line Castle Garden and Ellis Island.
10 last postings:
 Elsa and Hans Thorsen (54)
 Andrew Olsen | Ole Olson - ... (8)
 Thore Thorsen, searching fo... (44)
 Otto Torinusen Skramstad (10)
 Edvard Andersen (22)
 Searching for family inform... (17)
 Searching for Hendrick Thom... (16)
 Vossaboki Lars Kindem (18)
 200th anniversary celebrati... (3)
 Disappeared - Severin Bunae... (27)